I believe that 98% of males are infertile...(anybody correct me if I'm wrong on the number). BUT if that's the actual percentage that means that 2% are able to have children.


New member
99.5% of males with CF are infertile, meaning they can not have children naturally. They lack the vas deferens which is the tube that carriers sperm from the testicles (where it is developed in the epididymis) to ejaculation. There are surgical means of extracting the sperm and using it in an in-vetro procedure and those who have been through this procedure have been quite successful in having a pregnancy and having children-so there is hope. It is not cheap though, a sperm extraction can run from $2000-5000 and IVF (and you want to use ICSI incombination with IVF-ICSI is Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection you can google it for more info) can run from $7500-15000 but as time progresses more and more insurance companies are starting to cover some portions of infertility procedures and there are currently 13 states that either mandate, or are mandated to offer infertility insurance coverage.

And Tigger-WHY would it be your business why he wants to know, If you can't answer his question please don't post your comments-it comes off as being rude.

Good luck David (is that you name?) and if you have any questions feel free to email me at

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
Why can't Tigger ask this question ? Perhaps he had never heard of this as it was his friend who had CF. Why are you monitoring people's posts- this is an open forum, not one specific person's forum. Honestly, talk about being rude.


Actually I'm with Julie on this that question was a little rude we should feel free to ask any questions we want on here. We don't need to know the reasons he asked the question. If the question was phrased a little more politely like "I'm going through these very same problems for such and such reasons, may I ask what are yours" Instead of flat out, why do you want to know. I'm sure that makes the person who asked the question, David, that he has to have a reason to ask a question, and I know some of us on the forums don't have a specific reason to ask questions just basic curiosity. I also don't think Julie a Ms. Know It All just a very well informed woman and taking shots at her and calling her names is childish in the extreme. If you're going to do that at least leave a name rather than posting anonymous. And thanks Julie for correcting me, I'm not very well informed on this subject as I am not male or going through these various reproductive problems.


Oh and another thing, at least she makes the effort to post intelligently on many topics here on the forums. I'm sure many of us would be lost without the insightful information she has provided. Now if you want to call her a ms. know it all go ahead but please think before going and insulting her and her valuable information.
Keep it comin' Julie! I love the wealth of info that you bring, as well as Emily and Coll. I, for one, appreciate all of the time and effort that you guys put forth to try and answer people's questions.


New member
I think name calling is kind of juvenile and uncalled for-- particularly name calling anonymously. As for Tigger, let's bear in mind they (he or she?) are only 14 years old.

Thanks for the compliment Lindsey


New member
I will second the post from LyndseyRose, Julie and others make an effort to help us with their researched responses, and often their personal experiences are a good guide to our problems.
Eileen.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I also appreciate all of the info I get from their posts, as well as their perspectives on many subjects that my son is too little to talk about right now.


New member
I am with ImmortalGoddezz and Julie...just the way it was stated came off kinda rude. I know we cant read voice tones or anything. I also think that Julie makes herself informed on things...especially fertility since she is going through this right now. I have alot of respect for her. I know I have learned alot from Julie and ImmortalGoddezz.


New member
As for the original question...thats a debatable question I dont think they know a exact percentages are never perfect but they can be close. Anyway I have read on various sites that male infertility is anywhere from 96% - 99%. But there are artificial ways of having your own children. Males still make sperm, it just cant get out....yeah just ditto what they said above. Although some cf males still have a vas deferens...either its not there, not fully devoloped or its clogged.


New member
I just feel that if Julie is going to state specifics then she should have thoroughly researched and know the correct answer. Nowhere in the literature that I have read does it state that specifically 99.5% of males are infertile. I have read anywhere from 95% to 98% (See Merck Medical Manual 2005) are infertile - and that of those males that are infertile approximately 99% of those that are infertile it is related to CBAVD.

I understand that alot of you receive useful information from Julie and others on this site. However, there are some people that are very naive and will take someone's word as gospel without doing their own research. For this reason it is very unethical for a medical person (Julie has stated several times that she is a nurse) to give specific stats without stating where the information came from. I know it may sound far fetched to some of you - but, there have been cases where people have committed suicide from misinformation on medical websites- because they lost hope.

If the information is from personal experience only it should be stated as such. If we are stating specifics - please give the literature/research to back it up.


New member
Poster at 1:29, the reason why I (notice the I empasis) feel that Tigger shouldn't ask a question like that is more of the way it was phrased than anything. If I were David, I would feel like I can't come back and ask questions such as that because people are going to question my intentions and knowledge. I guess if tigger phrased the question slightly different, there would have been a different response from me. If Tigger is trying to understand why somebody would post that question (like how is having kids, being a male and having CF relevant) there is a better way to post that, but I read it like he was attacking David's question. If Tigger wants to understand the reasons, I would be more than happy to explain them.

The the subsequent posters, name calling on this site or anywhere in life is not appropriate and will get you nowhere. If you have a personal problem with me, please take me to chat or post something directly to me-and have the guts to sign your name at the very least. I do not need to justify myself to you but just to clear the air: I do not believe I know everything. I share as much of my knowledge with others as I possibly can, I know a lot about the male infertility factor/IVF/reproductive issues ONLY because my husband and I are personally experiencing all of these things right now. I am compiling a website for males with CF to share my knowledge (and you'll see a lot of it is acutally links to other sites with the information, I am not referencing myself as the source) and our personal experience. In our journey to have a child I have found there is almost NO information out there about this topic. Therefore, I want those who come after us in this process to have as much information as possible and not have to spend 3 years (as I have) searching for all this information. There have been numerous times on this site that I have posted questions about CF medications, treatments, lifestyle questions and other things that I had NO clue about. Many people on this site have had to stop and answer my questions, provide me with guidance and directions, there is a good deal of things I don't have a clue about. Really, I only know about as much as I don't know-if that makes sense.

Thanks to all those who took the time to make known that they appreciate the postings. Please know that I also appreciate you all very much your support and postings.

And Purple, you are right about the percentages. It varies every year and from location, I just put 99.5% because that is what is in a book I have at home but the range you put is probably much more accurate. And yes I completely left out the fact that , some males do have a vas deferens but it is clogged or partially developed. They have not been able to find an effective way to clean out the clogg yet and reconstructive surgery to build on the partially developed vas deferens has proved to be unsuccessful. I can only hope that in the years to come as science evolves that so will the resolution of this issue. Thanks for mentioning that purple.

Thanks again to all of you who left posts of appreciation, I appreciate all of you as well!

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


Actually I don't think it matters if it's 99.5 or 96% that's still a relatively low % of males actually being fertile and I believe that it depends on what "manual" or journal, or even what doctor you talk to... what % you hear depends on what source you go to. I believe that Julie has thoroughly researched this. (I'm sorry Julie I'm speaking for you tell me to back off if I'm over stepping my bounds) but from what it sounds like she is heavily invested in this herself and probably is more knowledgeable in this subject than most impersonal manuals will ever get. I am more inclined to listen to her than to slog my way through some slumberous tome. Besides this is a case by case basis. Not every male is infertile, though most are. If somebody really wants to know they should have enough sense to go have a sperm count done to see if they are even fertile. If the person is smart enough to ask for information I believe they would be smart enough to explore all of their options before making rash decisions, besides before somebody could even take exception to "I can't have children" Julie stated several options that n would allow him to have children. So I don't think we should be criticizing Julie here but that's just my own humble opinion.


haha whoops, sorry Julie I guess I wasn't as fast on the enter key as you were. Just ignore my post (above) :p


New member
haha, I guess I was faster just this once. You aren't overstepping anything, I have personal information to provide from a firsthand experience on this one topic, but that's the only thing different from what anybody else posts. I believe anybody who has information about this topic should post it because not enough informaiton is out there. Thanks for getting my back,
