This is how my appointment went today!


New member
Well Im back from the docs and everything is going good, but Im a little disappointed because I dropeed 1% on my pfts, so that only means Ill be working extra hard these next 2 months to make sure that they go higher. My husband was telling me that Im going down hill now, because of me dropping, but I said no, Its going back up next time ( I should add that my husband was only joking when he said that, he means the best for me). My weight is 130pds, I told the Doc that I was fat and over weight and he said that I wasnt over weight until I reach 145 pds, he said thats good back up fat, not exactly those words but close. I asked the nurse to print me a copy of my history of the pfts so I thought Id share them with you guys, to prove Im not lying, just kidding I know you guys believe me. My sat the thing they put on my finger was 97 and usually its 98 and once in a blue moon its 100 so that was down also, thought I would mention that as well.

<img src="">

I got my flu shot today yippee

Debbie I forgot to mention to Dr. Carey that I met you on these boards but it slept my mind until I got home. I was so excited that someone from Tulsa was on this site, I cant believe I forgot.


New member
Well Im back from the docs and everything is going good, but Im a little disappointed because I dropeed 1% on my pfts, so that only means Ill be working extra hard these next 2 months to make sure that they go higher. My husband was telling me that Im going down hill now, because of me dropping, but I said no, Its going back up next time ( I should add that my husband was only joking when he said that, he means the best for me). My weight is 130pds, I told the Doc that I was fat and over weight and he said that I wasnt over weight until I reach 145 pds, he said thats good back up fat, not exactly those words but close. I asked the nurse to print me a copy of my history of the pfts so I thought Id share them with you guys, to prove Im not lying, just kidding I know you guys believe me. My sat the thing they put on my finger was 97 and usually its 98 and once in a blue moon its 100 so that was down also, thought I would mention that as well.

<img src="">

I got my flu shot today yippee

Debbie I forgot to mention to Dr. Carey that I met you on these boards but it slept my mind until I got home. I was so excited that someone from Tulsa was on this site, I cant believe I forgot.


New member
Well Im back from the docs and everything is going good, but Im a little disappointed because I dropeed 1% on my pfts, so that only means Ill be working extra hard these next 2 months to make sure that they go higher. My husband was telling me that Im going down hill now, because of me dropping, but I said no, Its going back up next time ( I should add that my husband was only joking when he said that, he means the best for me). My weight is 130pds, I told the Doc that I was fat and over weight and he said that I wasnt over weight until I reach 145 pds, he said thats good back up fat, not exactly those words but close. I asked the nurse to print me a copy of my history of the pfts so I thought Id share them with you guys, to prove Im not lying, just kidding I know you guys believe me. My sat the thing they put on my finger was 97 and usually its 98 and once in a blue moon its 100 so that was down also, thought I would mention that as well.

<img src="">

I got my flu shot today yippee

Debbie I forgot to mention to Dr. Carey that I met you on these boards but it slept my mind until I got home. I was so excited that someone from Tulsa was on this site, I cant believe I forgot.


New member
AWESOME improvement in FEV1's over the past 18 months or so. That's truely incredible!!!!!!!!!

Don't beat yourself up about losing a % on your FEV1's. There's always a margin of error that goes along with PFT machines.

So the reality is that there is no statistical significance between 88 and 89%.

But wow, those numbers are incedibly impressive. Very very inspiring!!!!


New member
AWESOME improvement in FEV1's over the past 18 months or so. That's truely incredible!!!!!!!!!

Don't beat yourself up about losing a % on your FEV1's. There's always a margin of error that goes along with PFT machines.

So the reality is that there is no statistical significance between 88 and 89%.

But wow, those numbers are incedibly impressive. Very very inspiring!!!!


New member
AWESOME improvement in FEV1's over the past 18 months or so. That's truely incredible!!!!!!!!!

Don't beat yourself up about losing a % on your FEV1's. There's always a margin of error that goes along with PFT machines.

So the reality is that there is no statistical significance between 88 and 89%.

But wow, those numbers are incedibly impressive. Very very inspiring!!!!


New member
I agree, don't beat yourself up over 1%. Like Amy said, it could be a different machine, "that time" of month, PFT was done at a different time of day, etc. etc. etc.
I would love to have those numbers for my PFT!


New member
I agree, don't beat yourself up over 1%. Like Amy said, it could be a different machine, "that time" of month, PFT was done at a different time of day, etc. etc. etc.
I would love to have those numbers for my PFT!


New member
I agree, don't beat yourself up over 1%. Like Amy said, it could be a different machine, "that time" of month, PFT was done at a different time of day, etc. etc. etc.
I would love to have those numbers for my PFT!


New member
Hey there~ What's your secret? What did you do to get them up from
62% to 89%. Please, tell me...I REALLY need something to bring them
up. What 's your routine like??<br>
I just found out mine are way lower than I was led to believe and I
didn't think it was possible to bring them up from 50's to 80's.
 I would really appreciate any info you can give me.


New member
Hey there~ What's your secret? What did you do to get them up from
62% to 89%. Please, tell me...I REALLY need something to bring them
up. What 's your routine like??<br>
I just found out mine are way lower than I was led to believe and I
didn't think it was possible to bring them up from 50's to 80's.
 I would really appreciate any info you can give me.


New member
Hey there~ What's your secret? What did you do to get them up from
62% to 89%. Please, tell me...I REALLY need something to bring them
up. What 's your routine like??<br>
I just found out mine are way lower than I was led to believe and I
didn't think it was possible to bring them up from 50's to 80's.
 I would really appreciate any info you can give me.


congrats jennifer...all of that without the miracle of oregeno oil. You hard work is an example for all of us. Keep up the hard work and tell your husband to be optimistic


congrats jennifer...all of that without the miracle of oregeno oil. You hard work is an example for all of us. Keep up the hard work and tell your husband to be optimistic


congrats jennifer...all of that without the miracle of oregeno oil. You hard work is an example for all of us. Keep up the hard work and tell your husband to be optimistic


New member
Chantel, I guess you can say that my secret is Hypertonic Saline 7% cause after I started taking this stuff my pfts have gone up, they always got higher eveytime I went to the doc, well except this time. I dont do much exercise, I also take pulmozyme and tobi and then my inhalers advair and combivent and the vest.

Luke, Your right, what was I thinking wanting to take oregano oil, I guess I was just too disperate. I will diffanatley tell my husband to be more optimistic.


New member
Chantel, I guess you can say that my secret is Hypertonic Saline 7% cause after I started taking this stuff my pfts have gone up, they always got higher eveytime I went to the doc, well except this time. I dont do much exercise, I also take pulmozyme and tobi and then my inhalers advair and combivent and the vest.

Luke, Your right, what was I thinking wanting to take oregano oil, I guess I was just too disperate. I will diffanatley tell my husband to be more optimistic.