Thyroid problems anyone?


New member
I had a checkup Wednesday and I was pretty sure my PFTs were gonna be in the crapper because I've been feeling pretty awful. Well, much to my suprise, they were only down about 3% from the beginning of August when I had just come off a month of IVs. Anyways, I told my doctor how I'm ALWAYS exhausted. I mean I could sleep 18 hrs a day if people would let me and I'd probably still be worn out. She asked me if I got cold easily and I hadn't really thought about it, but the past few months I have been getting colder than I used to. She decided to test my thyroid, but I haven't heard anything back yet. Does anyone else have thyroid problems on top of their CF?


New member
I had a checkup Wednesday and I was pretty sure my PFTs were gonna be in the crapper because I've been feeling pretty awful. Well, much to my suprise, they were only down about 3% from the beginning of August when I had just come off a month of IVs. Anyways, I told my doctor how I'm ALWAYS exhausted. I mean I could sleep 18 hrs a day if people would let me and I'd probably still be worn out. She asked me if I got cold easily and I hadn't really thought about it, but the past few months I have been getting colder than I used to. She decided to test my thyroid, but I haven't heard anything back yet. Does anyone else have thyroid problems on top of their CF?


New member
I had a checkup Wednesday and I was pretty sure my PFTs were gonna be in the crapper because I've been feeling pretty awful. Well, much to my suprise, they were only down about 3% from the beginning of August when I had just come off a month of IVs. Anyways, I told my doctor how I'm ALWAYS exhausted. I mean I could sleep 18 hrs a day if people would let me and I'd probably still be worn out. She asked me if I got cold easily and I hadn't really thought about it, but the past few months I have been getting colder than I used to. She decided to test my thyroid, but I haven't heard anything back yet. Does anyone else have thyroid problems on top of their CF?


I do! Last Oct I found out that i had Thyroid cancer. They removed it right away and now i take synthroid every day to regulate not having a thyroid. My ENT is who found a lump and decide to do an ultrasound and it had spread to some lymph nodes they also removed those. I had a baby in June last year and thought i was so tired because of her and being a new mom. Luckily i have a great ENT and wanted to look further into the lump. Good luck! I hope they figure out what is going on.


I do! Last Oct I found out that i had Thyroid cancer. They removed it right away and now i take synthroid every day to regulate not having a thyroid. My ENT is who found a lump and decide to do an ultrasound and it had spread to some lymph nodes they also removed those. I had a baby in June last year and thought i was so tired because of her and being a new mom. Luckily i have a great ENT and wanted to look further into the lump. Good luck! I hope they figure out what is going on.


I do! Last Oct I found out that i had Thyroid cancer. They removed it right away and now i take synthroid every day to regulate not having a thyroid. My ENT is who found a lump and decide to do an ultrasound and it had spread to some lymph nodes they also removed those. I had a baby in June last year and thought i was so tired because of her and being a new mom. Luckily i have a great ENT and wanted to look further into the lump. Good luck! I hope they figure out what is going on.


New member
Yes, I have Hashimoto thyroid disease as well, an autoimmune disease of the thyroid. My body basically attacked the thyroid, I have been on replacement hormones since about 6 months after my son was born (23 yrs old, I am now nearly 39). It too felt extreme fatigue and slept most of my day away, I attributed it to being a new mom again as I had my then 16 month old daughter to care for at the time as well. The only thing was is that I gained weight very easily (30 lbs in one month, no lie), my skin thickened and my hair changed. My thyroid tests were off the charts, no functionality what so ever, my thyroid was dead. I am currently on 175mcg Synthroid daily and what a difference. I still require frequent draws to make sure my levels aren't too high or low.
Definitely get it checked out, if it turns out to be thyroid, the treatment is pretty straightforward and you will feel so much better. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers,
Hugs, Jenn


New member
Yes, I have Hashimoto thyroid disease as well, an autoimmune disease of the thyroid. My body basically attacked the thyroid, I have been on replacement hormones since about 6 months after my son was born (23 yrs old, I am now nearly 39). It too felt extreme fatigue and slept most of my day away, I attributed it to being a new mom again as I had my then 16 month old daughter to care for at the time as well. The only thing was is that I gained weight very easily (30 lbs in one month, no lie), my skin thickened and my hair changed. My thyroid tests were off the charts, no functionality what so ever, my thyroid was dead. I am currently on 175mcg Synthroid daily and what a difference. I still require frequent draws to make sure my levels aren't too high or low.
Definitely get it checked out, if it turns out to be thyroid, the treatment is pretty straightforward and you will feel so much better. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers,
Hugs, Jenn


New member
Yes, I have Hashimoto thyroid disease as well, an autoimmune disease of the thyroid. My body basically attacked the thyroid, I have been on replacement hormones since about 6 months after my son was born (23 yrs old, I am now nearly 39). It too felt extreme fatigue and slept most of my day away, I attributed it to being a new mom again as I had my then 16 month old daughter to care for at the time as well. The only thing was is that I gained weight very easily (30 lbs in one month, no lie), my skin thickened and my hair changed. My thyroid tests were off the charts, no functionality what so ever, my thyroid was dead. I am currently on 175mcg Synthroid daily and what a difference. I still require frequent draws to make sure my levels aren't too high or low.
<br />Definitely get it checked out, if it turns out to be thyroid, the treatment is pretty straightforward and you will feel so much better. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers,
<br />Hugs, Jenn


New member
Thanks for the replies. I will be relieved if it is my thyroid so at least I'll know what the deal is. Other than the extreme fatigue and being cold all the time, the only other thing I guess would be that my hair is really thin. I constantly have to poor drano in my tub & shower because my hair falls out so easily and clogs up the drains.


New member
Thanks for the replies. I will be relieved if it is my thyroid so at least I'll know what the deal is. Other than the extreme fatigue and being cold all the time, the only other thing I guess would be that my hair is really thin. I constantly have to poor drano in my tub & shower because my hair falls out so easily and clogs up the drains.


New member
Thanks for the replies. I will be relieved if it is my thyroid so at least I'll know what the deal is. Other than the extreme fatigue and being cold all the time, the only other thing I guess would be that my hair is really thin. I constantly have to poor drano in my tub & shower because my hair falls out so easily and clogs up the drains.


New member
I also have Hashimoto thyroid disease. My thyroid was a bit enlarge when they found out about it. So far my numbers are within the normal range but they are checking it every 6 months just to make sure things stay in control.


New member
I also have Hashimoto thyroid disease. My thyroid was a bit enlarge when they found out about it. So far my numbers are within the normal range but they are checking it every 6 months just to make sure things stay in control.


New member
I also have Hashimoto thyroid disease. My thyroid was a bit enlarge when they found out about it. So far my numbers are within the normal range but they are checking it every 6 months just to make sure things stay in control.


New member
It's so funny that you posted this, because I am in a very similar situation. I have felt really tired lately and also feel like i could sleep forever, which I sometimes seem to. I make the excuse that because I work nights, I just need more sleep to switch back and forth when I have a few days off, but my husband has even mentioned how much I have been sleeping. I just had an appointment at my CF clinic, and my FEV1 was also up 2%! I forgot to mention my lack of energy to my doctor because of some stomach issues I have been having, but in my next appt, I will definitely mention checking my TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone). Please let us know what you find out. Thanks.

Marisa RN, 22 w/CF


New member
It's so funny that you posted this, because I am in a very similar situation. I have felt really tired lately and also feel like i could sleep forever, which I sometimes seem to. I make the excuse that because I work nights, I just need more sleep to switch back and forth when I have a few days off, but my husband has even mentioned how much I have been sleeping. I just had an appointment at my CF clinic, and my FEV1 was also up 2%! I forgot to mention my lack of energy to my doctor because of some stomach issues I have been having, but in my next appt, I will definitely mention checking my TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone). Please let us know what you find out. Thanks.

Marisa RN, 22 w/CF