Time Management


New member
I have this issue too. I have CF, a two-year old daughter (as well as 2 stepsons that come often), then I do housework, lots of cooking, my husband, friends...and lastly I am in college fulltime... The one thing I have learned to let go is housework.


New member
I have this issue too. I have CF, a two-year old daughter (as well as 2 stepsons that come often), then I do housework, lots of cooking, my husband, friends...and lastly I am in college fulltime... The one thing I have learned to let go is housework.


New member
I have this issue too. I have CF, a two-year old daughter (as well as 2 stepsons that come often), then I do housework, lots of cooking, my husband, friends...and lastly I am in college fulltime... The one thing I have learned to let go is housework.


New member
I have this issue too. I have CF, a two-year old daughter (as well as 2 stepsons that come often), then I do housework, lots of cooking, my husband, friends...and lastly I am in college fulltime... The one thing I have learned to let go is housework.


New member
I have this issue too. I have CF, a two-year old daughter (as well as 2 stepsons that come often), then I do housework, lots of cooking, my husband, friends...and lastly I am in college fulltime... The one thing I have learned to let go is housework.