DS does his duoneb (albuterol/atrovent) while vesting, when that neb finishes, I hook up the pulmozyme.
Because isn't restful -- won't fall asleep or sleep thru his vest, I still do CPT in the morning. If he's doing tobi, then he just sleeps thru that neb while I get ready for the day. That way he can get extra sleep time in. If he falls asleep before his third and last vest/neb treatment of the day, I'll also do cpt on him.
Oh, we DON'T vest during the tobi. Wish we could to save some time.
When DS was younger, I would prepare all his oral meds the night before in different oral syringes. Kept them in a baggy in the fridge. That way I wasn't having to go thru several bottles of meds each time -- adeks, keflex, actigall, zithromax, etc. Now that he's mostly on pills, I set up all the meds for a week in a pillbox.
Also when he was a baby and we still had to break open the enzyme capsules, I measured out an amount for one feeding/meal in a section of a M-S pill box, so I could just dump them onto the spoon of bananas instead of messing around with teeny tiny enzyme capsules during late night, early morning, anytime feedings.