I saw so many posts about culturing PA for the first time and 2 week hospital stays for babies and toddlers that I wanted to start a new topic just on tips and suggestions. We had our first hospital stay in April when our son was 19 months old. It was very scary for us, as well as him. Here are some things we did to "survive"...<br><br>-Bring a Pack N Play. Our son had a picc and when he was on the IV, we put him in the Pack N Play so he couldn't move around too much. He would play with toys or watch movies in there. When the IV was done, we took him out.<br><br>-We rolled the crib out of the room and used the Pack N Play for sleeping, too. Our son was deathly afraid of the crib and it took up too much room.<br><br>-Be prepared to stay 24/7. That includes sleeping in the room. Our hospital had a loveseat that pulled out into a bed, but it was terrible to lay on! We brought our camping air mattress and put that on top...so much better!<br><br>-Don't be afraid to adjust the thermostat. We were sweating, before we decided to just turn it down ourselves.<br><br>-Bring diapers, wipes, and some sort of changing pad. The hospital supplies diapers and wipes, but the wipes were really harsh and caused a rash and the nurses constantly forgot to bring more diapers. There was no changing area (I suppose they wanted me to use the crib, but I rolled it out, oops! But that's gross anyway!). <br><br>-My biggest regret was that our son crawled all over the dirty floor and constantly put his hands in his mouth. The cleaning crew does come in everyday to clean the floor, but then everyone walks all over it with their dirty shoes! If you could find those slip-over booty things that they have at open houses, that would be money well spent.<br><br>-Tell/post your child's schedule and make sure everyone follows it. They had our 19-month-old's meds coming in at 9:00 PM! Have they heard of a bedtime? It will take a few days to get everything straightened out. Also demand that your child be allowed uninterrupted nap time. This was a huge problem for us. People just kept coming in! It was bad enough being stuck in a hospital room for 2 weeks, but now we had to deal with an over-tired, cranky, sick baby! <br><br>Please add any advice, suggestions, regrets, etc.<br><br>Thanks!<br>