Tired of trying to get it through to some people


New member
Ok Anika......some people are just stupid ok <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> like really stupid. I'm just throwing this out here, maybe she really does know CF and was being a jerk to you. Ok my advice to you is (1 just walk away)or(2 turn around and say,"Its CF you A-hole and if don't now what it is, then look it up!!) LOL thats my advice lol

Christina 18W/cf


New member
Hi BrittaniJo

If you have liver disease it will show up in your blood test, annual review, liver function tests are one of the things they test for.


New member
Hi BrittaniJo

If you have liver disease it will show up in your blood test, annual review, liver function tests are one of the things they test for.


New member
Hi BrittaniJo

If you have liver disease it will show up in your blood test, annual review, liver function tests are one of the things they test for.


New member
I hate this as well.

I tend to get the comments on my weight more than anything. Either it is ... you are so thin you must NEVER eat. To which I reply I could probably eat you under the table. Then I get the you don't look like you ever eat. I say I have CF and it makes it hard to gain weight ... the reply I get ... Oh I wish I had THAT problem. I just look at them and smile .. thinking to myself really? Do You Really?

As for the comment on asthma being like CF - in regards to lungs it CAN be similar - not due to mucus but due to inflammation and such. I always told people that I had CF and that it was like asthma but worse and more involved. Also people can die from Asthma - not trying to piss anyone off I would just hate to see you say that - people die from CF not Asthma thing and have someone rip you a new one about Asthma.

Overall people are ignorant and always want to sound like they know more than they really do. That is why I tend to ignore people that are always trying to make others look stupid or feel inferior - you know the people - when you say something and they start talking down to you like you have no freaking clue what you are talking about and they KNOW ALL because of whatever qualification they have - a friend of a friend of a friends bro had CF so they know it all lol.

Take Care and come up with a few token replies to say to idiot people when the act snotty in regards to CF. I used to always pull out the must be nice to not have to worry about things like ____ eating enough/being able to breathe/living to 30 lol.

Also with the treatments - It is fun until you HAVE to do them EVERYDAY 2 and 3 times a day without fail or you can't breathe. VERY FUN! *bangs head into wall*

Take Care,


New member
I hate this as well.

I tend to get the comments on my weight more than anything. Either it is ... you are so thin you must NEVER eat. To which I reply I could probably eat you under the table. Then I get the you don't look like you ever eat. I say I have CF and it makes it hard to gain weight ... the reply I get ... Oh I wish I had THAT problem. I just look at them and smile .. thinking to myself really? Do You Really?

As for the comment on asthma being like CF - in regards to lungs it CAN be similar - not due to mucus but due to inflammation and such. I always told people that I had CF and that it was like asthma but worse and more involved. Also people can die from Asthma - not trying to piss anyone off I would just hate to see you say that - people die from CF not Asthma thing and have someone rip you a new one about Asthma.

Overall people are ignorant and always want to sound like they know more than they really do. That is why I tend to ignore people that are always trying to make others look stupid or feel inferior - you know the people - when you say something and they start talking down to you like you have no freaking clue what you are talking about and they KNOW ALL because of whatever qualification they have - a friend of a friend of a friends bro had CF so they know it all lol.

Take Care and come up with a few token replies to say to idiot people when the act snotty in regards to CF. I used to always pull out the must be nice to not have to worry about things like ____ eating enough/being able to breathe/living to 30 lol.

Also with the treatments - It is fun until you HAVE to do them EVERYDAY 2 and 3 times a day without fail or you can't breathe. VERY FUN! *bangs head into wall*

Take Care,


New member
I hate this as well.

I tend to get the comments on my weight more than anything. Either it is ... you are so thin you must NEVER eat. To which I reply I could probably eat you under the table. Then I get the you don't look like you ever eat. I say I have CF and it makes it hard to gain weight ... the reply I get ... Oh I wish I had THAT problem. I just look at them and smile .. thinking to myself really? Do You Really?

As for the comment on asthma being like CF - in regards to lungs it CAN be similar - not due to mucus but due to inflammation and such. I always told people that I had CF and that it was like asthma but worse and more involved. Also people can die from Asthma - not trying to piss anyone off I would just hate to see you say that - people die from CF not Asthma thing and have someone rip you a new one about Asthma.

Overall people are ignorant and always want to sound like they know more than they really do. That is why I tend to ignore people that are always trying to make others look stupid or feel inferior - you know the people - when you say something and they start talking down to you like you have no freaking clue what you are talking about and they KNOW ALL because of whatever qualification they have - a friend of a friend of a friends bro had CF so they know it all lol.

Take Care and come up with a few token replies to say to idiot people when the act snotty in regards to CF. I used to always pull out the must be nice to not have to worry about things like ____ eating enough/being able to breathe/living to 30 lol.

Also with the treatments - It is fun until you HAVE to do them EVERYDAY 2 and 3 times a day without fail or you can't breathe. VERY FUN! *bangs head into wall*

Take Care,


New member
If these are friends, I would get new ones. If you are out in a crowd and people make fun, walk away. If you can handle the questions, just answer them seriously with the truth. They might feel bad they pointed this out to you. Just say, everyone has problems.


New member
If these are friends, I would get new ones. If you are out in a crowd and people make fun, walk away. If you can handle the questions, just answer them seriously with the truth. They might feel bad they pointed this out to you. Just say, everyone has problems.


New member
If these are friends, I would get new ones. If you are out in a crowd and people make fun, walk away. If you can handle the questions, just answer them seriously with the truth. They might feel bad they pointed this out to you. Just say, everyone has problems.


New member
Thanks to everyone that replied <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
It's really intresting to see how different people with c.f. cope with things like this sort of thing.
Yea unfortuantly the person that made the comment about me is a friend or so she says but like you say i think i need to find some friends that aren't like that.
If c.f. can be cured by not having a carpet then ive got a job to do!! lol
yea so many people would love to have c.f when you mention about eating loads of food and find it hard to put the weight on but the truth is can they handle it?! i put it to you that they can't and they just say it so you feel less like a freek!! :S
I don't really have any symptoms for having liver disease i just take my tablets to help manage it. But it gets tested by blood tests you may also have an ultra sound at some point.

thanks again for all the replies its been a great help to me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Thanks to everyone that replied <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
It's really intresting to see how different people with c.f. cope with things like this sort of thing.
Yea unfortuantly the person that made the comment about me is a friend or so she says but like you say i think i need to find some friends that aren't like that.
If c.f. can be cured by not having a carpet then ive got a job to do!! lol
yea so many people would love to have c.f when you mention about eating loads of food and find it hard to put the weight on but the truth is can they handle it?! i put it to you that they can't and they just say it so you feel less like a freek!! :S
I don't really have any symptoms for having liver disease i just take my tablets to help manage it. But it gets tested by blood tests you may also have an ultra sound at some point.

thanks again for all the replies its been a great help to me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Thanks to everyone that replied <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
It's really intresting to see how different people with c.f. cope with things like this sort of thing.
Yea unfortuantly the person that made the comment about me is a friend or so she says but like you say i think i need to find some friends that aren't like that.
If c.f. can be cured by not having a carpet then ive got a job to do!! lol
yea so many people would love to have c.f when you mention about eating loads of food and find it hard to put the weight on but the truth is can they handle it?! i put it to you that they can't and they just say it so you feel less like a freek!! :S
I don't really have any symptoms for having liver disease i just take my tablets to help manage it. But it gets tested by blood tests you may also have an ultra sound at some point.

thanks again for all the replies its been a great help to me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I eat like 6000-7000 calories a day and people are like how do you eat so much and stay so skinny. I also hate the people who are like I wish I was tiny like you are and I just look at them and say well I would pay to weigh a normal weight like you to which I usually receive a very puzzled look. HA Even when I explain to people why I'm so skinny they still don't get it... go figure.


New member
I eat like 6000-7000 calories a day and people are like how do you eat so much and stay so skinny. I also hate the people who are like I wish I was tiny like you are and I just look at them and say well I would pay to weigh a normal weight like you to which I usually receive a very puzzled look. HA Even when I explain to people why I'm so skinny they still don't get it... go figure.


New member
I eat like 6000-7000 calories a day and people are like how do you eat so much and stay so skinny. I also hate the people who are like I wish I was tiny like you are and I just look at them and say well I would pay to weigh a normal weight like you to which I usually receive a very puzzled look. HA Even when I explain to people why I'm so skinny they still don't get it... go figure.


New member
I have a reasonably healthy weight gain, im not totally underweight im just short! And im in my second year of high school, its weird for me as in my small (country) primary school everyone knew i had cf and what it was, no questions asked. I got a rude awakening at the beginning of last year! As i look pretty normal, not many people can "tell" i have CF. So when im away sick, have clinic or go into hospital there is a million questions waiting for me, i hate this as i never know what to tell them, i first tried saying the full truth, i have CF i was in hospital taking drugs and having needles, tests etc.. i dont think many of those people think highly of me anymore! now i keep the facts basic and people dont back off as much. When im sick i have a lot of coughing fits and in a quiet calss this doesn't go down well,some people sigh, give me funny looks or even say be quiet!! i dont know what to tell them sometimes. I also get called wagger, druggy and some people even ask if they can have some drugs when they see me taking my cotazyme, i just laugh and say if you knew what they did you wouldn't be asking that. Some days i can take it and laugh it off, but other days its not so easy. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I have a reasonably healthy weight gain, im not totally underweight im just short! And im in my second year of high school, its weird for me as in my small (country) primary school everyone knew i had cf and what it was, no questions asked. I got a rude awakening at the beginning of last year! As i look pretty normal, not many people can "tell" i have CF. So when im away sick, have clinic or go into hospital there is a million questions waiting for me, i hate this as i never know what to tell them, i first tried saying the full truth, i have CF i was in hospital taking drugs and having needles, tests etc.. i dont think many of those people think highly of me anymore! now i keep the facts basic and people dont back off as much. When im sick i have a lot of coughing fits and in a quiet calss this doesn't go down well,some people sigh, give me funny looks or even say be quiet!! i dont know what to tell them sometimes. I also get called wagger, druggy and some people even ask if they can have some drugs when they see me taking my cotazyme, i just laugh and say if you knew what they did you wouldn't be asking that. Some days i can take it and laugh it off, but other days its not so easy. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I have a reasonably healthy weight gain, im not totally underweight im just short! And im in my second year of high school, its weird for me as in my small (country) primary school everyone knew i had cf and what it was, no questions asked. I got a rude awakening at the beginning of last year! As i look pretty normal, not many people can "tell" i have CF. So when im away sick, have clinic or go into hospital there is a million questions waiting for me, i hate this as i never know what to tell them, i first tried saying the full truth, i have CF i was in hospital taking drugs and having needles, tests etc.. i dont think many of those people think highly of me anymore! now i keep the facts basic and people dont back off as much. When im sick i have a lot of coughing fits and in a quiet calss this doesn't go down well,some people sigh, give me funny looks or even say be quiet!! i dont know what to tell them sometimes. I also get called wagger, druggy and some people even ask if they can have some drugs when they see me taking my cotazyme, i just laugh and say if you knew what they did you wouldn't be asking that. Some days i can take it and laugh it off, but other days its not so easy. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">