Hello all,
I am Randy, Melissa's husband. I have a question. I know CF can make you tired. This I am well aware of. My concern though is excessive tiredness. Melissa could sleep 20 hours in a 24 hour day if I let her. Could it be possible that she is low on her salt levels? When Melissa is awake and we do some rather labor intensive fun stuff, or even on a hot humid day she can sweet up a storm. With this she is loosing excessive amounts of salt. Can this tiredness be a sign of salt depletion in her system? Overall she is very good on her health with no signs of infection. It just has me somewhat concerned. Thoughts or Ideas are welcome. Thank You.
I am Randy, Melissa's husband. I have a question. I know CF can make you tired. This I am well aware of. My concern though is excessive tiredness. Melissa could sleep 20 hours in a 24 hour day if I let her. Could it be possible that she is low on her salt levels? When Melissa is awake and we do some rather labor intensive fun stuff, or even on a hot humid day she can sweet up a storm. With this she is loosing excessive amounts of salt. Can this tiredness be a sign of salt depletion in her system? Overall she is very good on her health with no signs of infection. It just has me somewhat concerned. Thoughts or Ideas are welcome. Thank You.