

New member
Hello all,
I am Randy, Melissa's husband. I have a question. I know CF can make you tired. This I am well aware of. My concern though is excessive tiredness. Melissa could sleep 20 hours in a 24 hour day if I let her. Could it be possible that she is low on her salt levels? When Melissa is awake and we do some rather labor intensive fun stuff, or even on a hot humid day she can sweet up a storm. With this she is loosing excessive amounts of salt. Can this tiredness be a sign of salt depletion in her system? Overall she is very good on her health with no signs of infection. It just has me somewhat concerned. Thoughts or Ideas are welcome. Thank You.


New member
Hello all,
I am Randy, Melissa's husband. I have a question. I know CF can make you tired. This I am well aware of. My concern though is excessive tiredness. Melissa could sleep 20 hours in a 24 hour day if I let her. Could it be possible that she is low on her salt levels? When Melissa is awake and we do some rather labor intensive fun stuff, or even on a hot humid day she can sweet up a storm. With this she is loosing excessive amounts of salt. Can this tiredness be a sign of salt depletion in her system? Overall she is very good on her health with no signs of infection. It just has me somewhat concerned. Thoughts or Ideas are welcome. Thank You.


New member
Hello all,
<br /> I am Randy, Melissa's husband. I have a question. I know CF can make you tired. This I am well aware of. My concern though is excessive tiredness. Melissa could sleep 20 hours in a 24 hour day if I let her. Could it be possible that she is low on her salt levels? When Melissa is awake and we do some rather labor intensive fun stuff, or even on a hot humid day she can sweet up a storm. With this she is loosing excessive amounts of salt. Can this tiredness be a sign of salt depletion in her system? Overall she is very good on her health with no signs of infection. It just has me somewhat concerned. Thoughts or Ideas are welcome. Thank You.


New member
Randy ,
It could be that she is loosing Electrolytes .

When I was plumbing I use to sweat like a faucet
running. It would make me so sleepy and tired, I also
got really bad muscles cramps.

Try adding Gator Aide or other Electrolyte replacing
sports drink along with 6 to 8 glasses of H2O a day.

I drink G2 , it has less sugar.


New member
Randy ,
It could be that she is loosing Electrolytes .

When I was plumbing I use to sweat like a faucet
running. It would make me so sleepy and tired, I also
got really bad muscles cramps.

Try adding Gator Aide or other Electrolyte replacing
sports drink along with 6 to 8 glasses of H2O a day.

I drink G2 , it has less sugar.


New member
Randy ,
<br /> It could be that she is loosing Electrolytes .
<br />
<br /> When I was plumbing I use to sweat like a faucet
<br /> running. It would make me so sleepy and tired, I also
<br /> got really bad muscles cramps.
<br />
<br /> Try adding Gator Aide or other Electrolyte replacing
<br /> sports drink along with 6 to 8 glasses of H2O a day.
<br />
<br /> I drink G2 , it has less sugar.


New member
Thanks for that info. Melissa drinks 2 G2's a day one in the morning and one at night. I ran a little home study today. I made popcorn for Melissa and added a ton of salt to it. When we got done playing today she was getting tired. I gave her the popcorn with all that salt on it and within about an hour she was no longer tired. I am thinking that her salt level is down rather dangerously low. I took her blood pressure and it to was rather low, I mean almost critical low. Now she is feeling like Melissa and has energy and her blood pressure is back to normal. Once again Brad thanks for the info.


New member
Thanks for that info. Melissa drinks 2 G2's a day one in the morning and one at night. I ran a little home study today. I made popcorn for Melissa and added a ton of salt to it. When we got done playing today she was getting tired. I gave her the popcorn with all that salt on it and within about an hour she was no longer tired. I am thinking that her salt level is down rather dangerously low. I took her blood pressure and it to was rather low, I mean almost critical low. Now she is feeling like Melissa and has energy and her blood pressure is back to normal. Once again Brad thanks for the info.


New member
<br />Thanks for that info. Melissa drinks 2 G2's a day one in the morning and one at night. I ran a little home study today. I made popcorn for Melissa and added a ton of salt to it. When we got done playing today she was getting tired. I gave her the popcorn with all that salt on it and within about an hour she was no longer tired. I am thinking that her salt level is down rather dangerously low. I took her blood pressure and it to was rather low, I mean almost critical low. Now she is feeling like Melissa and has energy and her blood pressure is back to normal. Once again Brad thanks for the info.


New member
Hi Randy. When was Melissa's last clinic visit? When did they last check her vitamin levels? Low iron can cause extreme fatigue as well.

I'm glad the extra salt seems to be helping, but it's worth checking out the vit levels too.



New member
Hi Randy. When was Melissa's last clinic visit? When did they last check her vitamin levels? Low iron can cause extreme fatigue as well.

I'm glad the extra salt seems to be helping, but it's worth checking out the vit levels too.



New member
Hi Randy. When was Melissa's last clinic visit? When did they last check her vitamin levels? Low iron can cause extreme fatigue as well.
<br />
<br />I'm glad the extra salt seems to be helping, but it's worth checking out the vit levels too.
<br />
<br />Stacey


New member
Hi Randy
I live in a warm climate but not hot. Even so my clinic has done some world leading research in salt and cf... I'm not sure where you would find it I will have a look for you. My clinic reccomends between 4000 and 6000mg of sodium per day. Until I came to this clinic I had no idea just how much salt we really need. I would travel to very hot places and drink tons of water but have no idea just how much salt I really should be having! Since adjusting my salt levels I have felt so much better and had far less junk to cough up. Salt imbalance can definitely causing tiredness have a go with the salt, it can't hurt! Just keep in mind commercial sports drinks only have between 200 and 600 mgs so try the proper electrolyte drinks from the chemist or make your own.

Good luck<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Randy
I live in a warm climate but not hot. Even so my clinic has done some world leading research in salt and cf... I'm not sure where you would find it I will have a look for you. My clinic reccomends between 4000 and 6000mg of sodium per day. Until I came to this clinic I had no idea just how much salt we really need. I would travel to very hot places and drink tons of water but have no idea just how much salt I really should be having! Since adjusting my salt levels I have felt so much better and had far less junk to cough up. Salt imbalance can definitely causing tiredness have a go with the salt, it can't hurt! Just keep in mind commercial sports drinks only have between 200 and 600 mgs so try the proper electrolyte drinks from the chemist or make your own.

Good luck<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Randy
<br />I live in a warm climate but not hot. Even so my clinic has done some world leading research in salt and cf... I'm not sure where you would find it I will have a look for you. My clinic reccomends between 4000 and 6000mg of sodium per day. Until I came to this clinic I had no idea just how much salt we really need. I would travel to very hot places and drink tons of water but have no idea just how much salt I really should be having! Since adjusting my salt levels I have felt so much better and had far less junk to cough up. Salt imbalance can definitely causing tiredness have a go with the salt, it can't hurt! Just keep in mind commercial sports drinks only have between 200 and 600 mgs so try the proper electrolyte drinks from the chemist or make your own.
<br />
<br />Good luck<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Depending on how severe the lung damage is, she may need Oxygen. If you deprive your body of O2 and the saturation is low, it can make you very tired all the time.


New member
Depending on how severe the lung damage is, she may need Oxygen. If you deprive your body of O2 and the saturation is low, it can make you very tired all the time.


New member
Depending on how severe the lung damage is, she may need Oxygen. If you deprive your body of O2 and the saturation is low, it can make you very tired all the time.


New member
Well, let me tell you, I am tired all the time! I have my blood drawn yearly and I have never had a problem with low salt. Tiredness with CF often happens because your body is fighting off infection all the time and it just tires you out faster. I get extremely tired in the summer months when it's hot out...but it's probably because I'm a lot busier than normal too. It's not unusual for me to have to take a nap when I get so tired. And I usually completely crash at night as well.


New member
Well, let me tell you, I am tired all the time! I have my blood drawn yearly and I have never had a problem with low salt. Tiredness with CF often happens because your body is fighting off infection all the time and it just tires you out faster. I get extremely tired in the summer months when it's hot out...but it's probably because I'm a lot busier than normal too. It's not unusual for me to have to take a nap when I get so tired. And I usually completely crash at night as well.