To adults and teens with CF


New member
Thank you to everyone for your responses. i think we had already made up our minds and I just needed a little validation from so CF'ers. I too believe that God has given us the knowledge to do these procedures and that if I am not ment to have anymore children then the IVF/PGD wouldn't work anyway. My husband is having the hardest time with "playing God" but I have come to terms with it and I do not feel as though we would be playing God. I just really hope that my daughter doesn't resent us in the future, but I guess that is where having an open and honest relationship with her will come into play. Again thank you to everyone for your responses.


New member
Thank you to everyone for your responses. i think we had already made up our minds and I just needed a little validation from so CF'ers. I too believe that God has given us the knowledge to do these procedures and that if I am not ment to have anymore children then the IVF/PGD wouldn't work anyway. My husband is having the hardest time with "playing God" but I have come to terms with it and I do not feel as though we would be playing God. I just really hope that my daughter doesn't resent us in the future, but I guess that is where having an open and honest relationship with her will come into play. Again thank you to everyone for your responses.


New member
Thank you to everyone for your responses. i think we had already made up our minds and I just needed a little validation from so CF'ers. I too believe that God has given us the knowledge to do these procedures and that if I am not ment to have anymore children then the IVF/PGD wouldn't work anyway. My husband is having the hardest time with "playing God" but I have come to terms with it and I do not feel as though we would be playing God. I just really hope that my daughter doesn't resent us in the future, but I guess that is where having an open and honest relationship with her will come into play. Again thank you to everyone for your responses.


New member
Thank you to everyone for your responses. i think we had already made up our minds and I just needed a little validation from so CF'ers. I too believe that God has given us the knowledge to do these procedures and that if I am not ment to have anymore children then the IVF/PGD wouldn't work anyway. My husband is having the hardest time with "playing God" but I have come to terms with it and I do not feel as though we would be playing God. I just really hope that my daughter doesn't resent us in the future, but I guess that is where having an open and honest relationship with her will come into play. Again thank you to everyone for your responses.


New member
Thank you to everyone for your responses. i think we had already made up our minds and I just needed a little validation from so CF'ers. I too believe that God has given us the knowledge to do these procedures and that if I am not ment to have anymore children then the IVF/PGD wouldn't work anyway. My husband is having the hardest time with "playing God" but I have come to terms with it and I do not feel as though we would be playing God. I just really hope that my daughter doesn't resent us in the future, but I guess that is where having an open and honest relationship with her will come into play. Again thank you to everyone for your responses.


New member
Here is another option, even though it sounds like you may have decided. There are so many children out there that need to be adopted. I adopted my 4-year-old son when he was 2 days old and he is such a blessing to my family.


New member
Here is another option, even though it sounds like you may have decided. There are so many children out there that need to be adopted. I adopted my 4-year-old son when he was 2 days old and he is such a blessing to my family.


New member
Here is another option, even though it sounds like you may have decided. There are so many children out there that need to be adopted. I adopted my 4-year-old son when he was 2 days old and he is such a blessing to my family.


New member
Here is another option, even though it sounds like you may have decided. There are so many children out there that need to be adopted. I adopted my 4-year-old son when he was 2 days old and he is such a blessing to my family.


New member
Here is another option, even though it sounds like you may have decided. There are so many children out there that need to be adopted. I adopted my 4-year-old son when he was 2 days old and he is such a blessing to my family.


New member
If you decide to go the route of IVF/PGD I don't feel that your daughter would resent you. I have one older brother without CF and my parents didn't now they were carriers until they had me. I totally respect my mom's decision to not have anymore children, had she had the option or been able to afford IVF/PGD I would respect that too because at least she's taking measures to protect the next child instead of just leaving it to chance. 1 in 4 is too big of a risk in my eyes.


New member
If you decide to go the route of IVF/PGD I don't feel that your daughter would resent you. I have one older brother without CF and my parents didn't now they were carriers until they had me. I totally respect my mom's decision to not have anymore children, had she had the option or been able to afford IVF/PGD I would respect that too because at least she's taking measures to protect the next child instead of just leaving it to chance. 1 in 4 is too big of a risk in my eyes.


New member
If you decide to go the route of IVF/PGD I don't feel that your daughter would resent you. I have one older brother without CF and my parents didn't now they were carriers until they had me. I totally respect my mom's decision to not have anymore children, had she had the option or been able to afford IVF/PGD I would respect that too because at least she's taking measures to protect the next child instead of just leaving it to chance. 1 in 4 is too big of a risk in my eyes.


New member
If you decide to go the route of IVF/PGD I don't feel that your daughter would resent you. I have one older brother without CF and my parents didn't now they were carriers until they had me. I totally respect my mom's decision to not have anymore children, had she had the option or been able to afford IVF/PGD I would respect that too because at least she's taking measures to protect the next child instead of just leaving it to chance. 1 in 4 is too big of a risk in my eyes.


New member
If you decide to go the route of IVF/PGD I don't feel that your daughter would resent you. I have one older brother without CF and my parents didn't now they were carriers until they had me. I totally respect my mom's decision to not have anymore children, had she had the option or been able to afford IVF/PGD I would respect that too because at least she's taking measures to protect the next child instead of just leaving it to chance. 1 in 4 is too big of a risk in my eyes.


New member
I'm the middle child of 3 CF children. My parents knew when they tried for me that they had a 1/4 chance of having another with CF. I don't resent them for doing that. I wish, for their sake, that my sister and I didn't have CF. They have already experienced a CF death of their son. I know that weighs heavily on their minds that one day they may have to deal with another CF death. I think I have worked harder to get where I am today because of my CF. I did not let anything stand in my way because of it.

If my sister did not have CF, I would not resent my parents. My parents would have been trying to do the best thing possible to avoid more children with CF (if PGD was available 25 years ago).

As others have said, if I ever find someone to get married to, I will make sure he is not a carrier. I would not want to risk 50% chance of my child having CF with me. I'd just plan on adopting right away. My sister's husband is not a carrier and thus, they went ahead with a biological child with the knowledge that their son is a carrier.

30 yo cf


New member
I'm the middle child of 3 CF children. My parents knew when they tried for me that they had a 1/4 chance of having another with CF. I don't resent them for doing that. I wish, for their sake, that my sister and I didn't have CF. They have already experienced a CF death of their son. I know that weighs heavily on their minds that one day they may have to deal with another CF death. I think I have worked harder to get where I am today because of my CF. I did not let anything stand in my way because of it.

If my sister did not have CF, I would not resent my parents. My parents would have been trying to do the best thing possible to avoid more children with CF (if PGD was available 25 years ago).

As others have said, if I ever find someone to get married to, I will make sure he is not a carrier. I would not want to risk 50% chance of my child having CF with me. I'd just plan on adopting right away. My sister's husband is not a carrier and thus, they went ahead with a biological child with the knowledge that their son is a carrier.

30 yo cf


New member
I'm the middle child of 3 CF children. My parents knew when they tried for me that they had a 1/4 chance of having another with CF. I don't resent them for doing that. I wish, for their sake, that my sister and I didn't have CF. They have already experienced a CF death of their son. I know that weighs heavily on their minds that one day they may have to deal with another CF death. I think I have worked harder to get where I am today because of my CF. I did not let anything stand in my way because of it.

If my sister did not have CF, I would not resent my parents. My parents would have been trying to do the best thing possible to avoid more children with CF (if PGD was available 25 years ago).

As others have said, if I ever find someone to get married to, I will make sure he is not a carrier. I would not want to risk 50% chance of my child having CF with me. I'd just plan on adopting right away. My sister's husband is not a carrier and thus, they went ahead with a biological child with the knowledge that their son is a carrier.

30 yo cf


New member
I'm the middle child of 3 CF children. My parents knew when they tried for me that they had a 1/4 chance of having another with CF. I don't resent them for doing that. I wish, for their sake, that my sister and I didn't have CF. They have already experienced a CF death of their son. I know that weighs heavily on their minds that one day they may have to deal with another CF death. I think I have worked harder to get where I am today because of my CF. I did not let anything stand in my way because of it.

If my sister did not have CF, I would not resent my parents. My parents would have been trying to do the best thing possible to avoid more children with CF (if PGD was available 25 years ago).

As others have said, if I ever find someone to get married to, I will make sure he is not a carrier. I would not want to risk 50% chance of my child having CF with me. I'd just plan on adopting right away. My sister's husband is not a carrier and thus, they went ahead with a biological child with the knowledge that their son is a carrier.

30 yo cf


New member
<br />I'm the middle child of 3 CF children. My parents knew when they tried for me that they had a 1/4 chance of having another with CF. I don't resent them for doing that. I wish, for their sake, that my sister and I didn't have CF. They have already experienced a CF death of their son. I know that weighs heavily on their minds that one day they may have to deal with another CF death. I think I have worked harder to get where I am today because of my CF. I did not let anything stand in my way because of it.
<br />
<br />If my sister did not have CF, I would not resent my parents. My parents would have been trying to do the best thing possible to avoid more children with CF (if PGD was available 25 years ago).
<br />
<br />As others have said, if I ever find someone to get married to, I will make sure he is not a carrier. I would not want to risk 50% chance of my child having CF with me. I'd just plan on adopting right away. My sister's husband is not a carrier and thus, they went ahead with a biological child with the knowledge that their son is a carrier.
<br />
<br />Jenn
<br />30 yo cf