To Balance Out.. Things That Annoy You About CFers


New member
I just remembered another farting story. =-) It was in high school, and I think we were going on a field trip or something like that because we were all on a bus. Anyway, I fell asleep for a while. When I wwoke up, Everyone was moved as far away as they could get from me! =-) Ha, ha, I guess i had been farting in me sleep. I was all like, "Why is everyone all sitting in the front? So, I walked up there to see what was going on, and when I got there I coughed a little and it made me let off a huge one! Oh, man, that was absolute chaos. Everyone was screeaming, and trying to move to the back, and I'm just standing there without a clue. =-) Oh, man that was great. =-)

22 w/cf


New member
I know it must drive everyone crazy because I always think to start my treatment right as someone puts in a movie. Then we have to put on the subtitles beacuse of my rattling!Farts....oh, farts! Two great ones! When I was like 8 1/2 months pregnant with my daughter, I not only had CF farts, but preggo farts (WHEW!). One night I was desperately trying to roll over (and not having much luck), so I just mustered it all and gave a huge violent bounce. As I lifted off the bed, I ripped off the biggest loudest, cheeks slaping together fart ever! we laughed util I nearly puked and did pee the bed. We were living with my dad at the time and in the morning he was like, "what was all that about?" And I started laugh-cough-peeing all over again!It's great having a little child around (especially when she was in diapers) I'd just rip off the farts and then say, "Oh my, we should go check your diaper, hmm?" HAHAHAHAHA! I still do that to her, poor thing. But, now she's starting to talk back. She'll say, "that wasn't me" or "I don't have any toots" so I'm back holding the bag again. We have to febreeze the bed every morning before we make it because I do "chain fart" - what a great expression by the way!My hubby is always jealous of how much I can accomplish in the bathroom. He's like, "man if I could do that, I'd weight 180 pounds. (he's 6'4" and does NOT weight 180 pounds -tehehe).
-sigh- ill shut up now...seems whenever i talk nobody writes for a few days...<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"> -points at emily- told you i was a losah <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">

oh, and, is it just me...or have we almost all been threw depression/suicidal and cutting? it seems pretty i was just wondering


New member
=-) It's not because you've posted that everyone's not writing. =-) i think everyone's just running out of funny stuff to tell.

I don't know about suicide and cutting, but depression is common.

22 w/cf
I thankfully have never had any thoughts of suicide, or even depression....Sure I get down in the dumps sometimes, but its never anything that lasts very long. I have lived a very happy life and have had a great support system at home all my life. I get a little bit sad when I think that I can't do things that I used to be able to, and it pisses me off to no end that when I walk up the stairs to my apartment I start to cough so hard that my whole body hurts, I throw up in the sink and then I have to go change my pants because they are soaked in pee! I worry that I will one day leave my husband to be a widow, but I guess I just figure I will cross that bridge when I come to it. For now I am just happy that I have lived a great 23 years, and hopefully I will see at least 10 more... although more would be better <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
My brother and I were sitting on these wooden pews in church, and during the sermon he let one rip. It was so loud it made the wood vibrate. As soon as it happened he turned his head toward me and made it look like I was the one that did it, so embarrassing!!!


New member
When I used to live at my parents I used to blame my farts on the dogs(if they were around me) cause they always had stinky ones, but ever since I moved to my grandparents and I have a baby now so I just make people think its him. HEHE He's only 5 months and he can fart louder and belch louder than me almost. LOL

Danielle 20 w/CF has a 5 month old w/o CF
lol god i would of pee'd my pants if i was in church with you lolol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> im such an evil child...i love going to the bathroom at school and listning to the people walk down the halls and are like "OMG SOMEONE FEELS BETTER!" 'oh my god!!!! whats that smell!!!" i start cracking up to myself so bad...its just embarasing when someone is in the bathroom while you do it...hehe thankgod that hasnt happened yet...atleast i dont think so...people try to be silent though so maybe they were being nice and kept their mouth shut <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
=-) I used to do the same thing in high school. =-) If anyone walked into the bathroom, though, i'd stay in the stall until they left, so not to be embarrassed. =-) I would even lift my shoes up a bit in case it was someone who would recognize my shoes! =-) People would be like, "man, It smells like a-- in here!" Then I would try to sneak out, so no one would see me leaving the scene of a crime.

That reminds me, I tend to use a lot more toilet paper than others. That's got to be annoying to non-cfers. And any time I use a toilet with a smaller than normal drain, I tend to plug it up, and I have to ask for the plunger, which some people don't have one because they never plug their toilet. They say, "Just flush it again and it will go down, but it never does, the toilet always overflows, and then i've made a mess in someone's house who I hardly even know. Ha, ha, It's probably only me with this problem, but oh, well. =-)

22 w/cf


New member
Oh man Jarod I hate that! Anyone who doesn't have a CF strong toilet, I clog or overflow or both. It's gross. Healthy people's toilets are just weak!! Every Christmas I go on a two-hour trip to visit with Mike's extended family. Well, for the first time I ever went up there, we were at his Grampy's house, and I did exactly that to their toilet, but was too embarassed to tell anyone! I left it like that. How awful am I!!


New member
I don't have that problem here cas our toilets are kind of different, like stronger. But when I was in the states, the place where we stayed, the toilet was like plastic! It was small and weak and one day I did that too. My mum kept saying, don't use so much loo roll! The same ting happened in Paris in a similar toilet!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
He, he. Don't feel bad Emily, I've left many a toilets like that. =-) Especially when it happens in a public restroom. There's no way I'm gonna fess up to some grumpy old janitor. =-) I think every toilet should have a plunger next to it. make life easier. =-)

Shamrock, yeah, i know our toilets are wimpy here in the states. =-) It's because of a law about water conservation, or something. Some toilets are so weak i plug them up every time, no matter what i do. =-)

22 w/cf
hahahaha i do that ALL THE TIME omg i feel so horrible i wanna cry sometimes <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"> the first time i went to go see my boyfriend...i didnt go to the bathroom because i didnt wanna scare him...i had to go so badly too...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
I've done that before too, Brandi. If a boyfriend or guy friend is new to me, I will refuse to use their bathroom, no matter how bad I have to go. It's not a problem with Mike anymore though, because we've been together so long. He knows how it all is, and, like I've said before, is proud of my man-like smell. Haaaa.
lol carlo is my baby -hugs myself- he says it is attractive lol and he gets upset if i dont tell him im going to the bathroom while im on the phone with him -shakes my head- god i love him so much <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
It must annoy the heck out of people, me being able to wear a size one at 22 yrs old when everyone else my age is size 7 or above lol