to tell or not?


New member
okay, so i was talking to this guy about my CF and stuff..and he was like, 'wow i would never have been able to tell, your so happy and positive!' and so yeah...thats a compliment and all, but then out of the blue later on her says 'you shouldnt tell people about your CF' and i asked why, and he said 'b/c they don't need to know, so you might as well not tell them'

anyways, that kinda got me mad b/c having CF is part of who i am, and i would guarantee that if i had'nt had CF, i wouldnt be the person i am today. having CF is a mixed blessing, i mean, duhh i hate doing meds and being in the hospital, but its made me so much more optimistic, etc. so, yeah, this whole conversatino happened again with another guy!

its definitly annoying. i guess my question is, for all y'all who are single and flirtin...what do you tell ppl about your CF? and do they find it a turn off if you doo tell them? are these guys just being shallow? some guidence/reassurance would be awesome if appropiate <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

- 16f w/CF


New member
I would say if you intend to go anywhere with a guy, you need to let them know. My husband had Cf, and he was completely straightforward about it from day one, which I always appreciated. Then be there to answer their questions, positively but honestly, and hope for the best. The sooner you bring it up, the less chance you have of getting attached to someone who can't see beyond your illness to your personailty. Best of luck to you!


New member
I'm the same as you, hun. I've never hidden it from anyone for any reason. I don't go running around just shouting it out to everyone. But if anyone gets to know me at all, or asks about my cough, I tell them the truth. And there's no reason to feel ashamed or hide it. I think your guys may be trying to help you, but they don't have CF, you do. You know better than they do, and if you feel comfortable telling people, do it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Well ive had plenty of different experiences with CF and telling different people about it. As a general rule i always tell them if it comes up, but i dont really try and bring it up. Sometimes, however the pity angle does work if its just a fling, when i had my IV in it either totally grosses chicks out and makes them think your a freak or it makes them feel sorry for u and then when they get to know u better welll, lets just say the IV worked out well for me haha <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">. I dont havent told my girlfriend right now that i have it, and i probably should do that sometime hmmmm.., but anyway being in high school and all when things arent that serious u dont want to scare anybody away and it normally doesnt but if ur coughing all the time and stuff its probably better that they know. I still find people who dont know what it is so that can be a little weird but basically, ive never had this disease come between me and a girl. It has helped me in 2 very specific occsions that i know of though so i cant really complain about at least THIS aspect of the disease for me.

16 y.o. w/ CF

sorry if those were random thoughts im doing hw as i write this and i didnt proof read so whatever.. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
i dont tell antyone that i have cf there is only a hand full of people that I did tell. My xgirlfriend is one my bestfriend at work, and that is about all. My best friend of 9 years still does not know i haave cf.
ray 24.


New member
My 2 teenagers do not like to tell other peaple that they have CF either.So nobody knows not evan their closest frainds.My son(15 years old) saying he will tell only in need to know basis and my dauter (13 yrs. old) is very private person.



New member
When I was in my early teens I didn't like to tell people cause I wanted to fit in, but then I realized, fitting in isn't any fun, and not even that important. If someone is into me I tell them like "hey you know how I cough a lot, and I'm skinny... well... it's because of this" and I try to tell them when I'm near a computer so we can look it up and explain it right. Also the more people who know the better, get the word out, because the more people who can think "Hey I know someone with that" there won't be enough done to cure it. People need a human face to put with something like CF to need to do something about it.


New member
When I was younger I didn't like telling people but now I do. I think everyone needs to know about the disease since they know about the most common diseases people talk about.

Tiffany 15 w/cf


New member
Hi, I am a RN and am studying to become a nurse practitioner. I am studying cystic fibrosis in my genetics course and need to bond with someone who has it (in your case two children). Would you be willing to provide me with some basic information and family history so I can make a family tree? I also have a nephew, age 4, may have CF. Still trying to diagnose him. I couldn't use him as my patient for my study. Thank you, Joanne RN


New member
well i dont bring it up but i think that everyone that i know knows that i have CFand i still have a couple of guys that like me if it weren't for my mom one of them might have been my bf already but u know no one treats me differently really everyone just thinks of me as a encourgment for them cuz im doing really well and im really positive i dont let CF live i live my own way and i wont let it get in my way


New member
Hello my name is natasha and im from sarah bonnell school in stratford.
i have been larning about Cystic fibrosis and was wondering if i could take
an interview. it would be your choice madam if you would take an interveiw. if you cant i understand why
i have understood the condition of the family how they felt and i have felt it.
I went to vist a child in hospitalone day and i held the beautiful child in hands and i felt his pain.
if u would like to tlk to please send me a message on




New member
heyy dont be afraid of telling people bout ur CF...i dont tell my Boyfriends unless it comes up lyk if they see me in tha nurses office doin my breathin BF patrick was ok bout it one of my friends told him bout my G-tube and he was ok with it he thought it was cool...alot of my BFs were like that...most people jus forget that i have CF....all of my friends know that i have it wen i tell them i jus say its like asthma....and they just say o like telling people about it...and they ask me questions about it like if im scared and im actually ok bout it...unless i have a bad check up...but im doin very well i just turned 14 nov. 14 and i way 103...and im 5 foot...and i dont have any problems!!!!i recently have a BF right now he knows bout my CF but not about my G-tube...but he probably wont ever know cause hes movin on tha 16th<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">but i love him and he loves itll be ok...remember if it is a turn off 2 a guy forget him your better than him he jus dont understand!!!if yall wanna talk heres my info... got IM
love yall much...brittany


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>heyy dont be afraid of telling people bout ur CF...i dont tell my Boyfriends unless it comes up lyk if they see me in tha nurses office doin my breathin BF patrick was ok bout it one of my friends told him bout my G-tube and he was ok with it he thought it was cool...alot of my BFs were like that...most people jus forget that i have CF....all of my friends know that i have it wen i tell them i jus say its like asthma....and they just say o like telling people about it...and they ask me questions about it like if im scared and im actually ok bout it...unless i have a bad check up...but im doin very well i just turned 14 nov. 14 and i way 103...and im 5 foot...and i dont have any problems!!!!i recently have a BF right now he knows bout my CF but not about my G-tube...but he probably wont ever know cause hes movin on tha 16thbut i love him and he loves itll be ok...remember if it is a turn off 2 a guy forget him your better than him he jus dont understand!!!if yall wanna talk heres my info... got IM

love yall much...brittany


<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
I think you should just be yourself and tell people if you want to tell them. Don't care what they think, be proud of who you are! If they don't like it, well, sucks to be them, they don't know what their missing.


New member
the first girl i told i had dated prolly for a couple of weeks before i told her i did not want to freak her out in the beginning but then a couple of weeks in i told her and at first she was like "wow" and i started talking to her about what it is and she asked some questions and i answered them and then she was fine with i think she was fine with it befoer but i talked to her about what it was and how if affected me and stuff like that and she totally understood. But ya i don't tell everyone just the people that mean a lot to me like friends and stuff like that. so i geuss jsut address it like u would if u were telling a friend.



New member
i think its a good thing to tell people about your CF. My Boyfriend has it and he didn't tell me until 7 months into our relationship. it came as a shock to me. i had no idea. i just thought he coughed alot. i was alittle mad that he didn't tell me. But, he said he wasn't sure how i'd react. so please tell your family and loved ones about it. i really incourage it.

Kayla f/Can/15 w/outCF


New member
I always tell a new relationship that I have CF and CFRD so that I can get it out of the way, and "weed" the good from the bad guys. If someone is not accepting of my disease, then I say see you later - I don't need negative people in my life. My friends I didn't tell till we were really close - about a couple of yeards into the friendship. But everyone that I have told for the most part has been very positive.


New member
thanks guys!!! this realy helps....i think the "weeding" out the annoying/bad guys is a good idea. lol, i did a CF donation collection at school, and so now my whole school basically, i think they just think forget it :p
