After responding to Sonia's thread about doing treatments on time , i started to wonder if anyone else who didnt do treatments in their earlier years , and then started to............ find they HAVE to do them now whereas they didnt before. I never did any type of treatments for my lungs till i got to be in my 30's. I started using Pulmozyme regularly and i felt great . Then after my embolizations 4 years ago, i decided to try using the vest on a regular basis since my pft's had dropped, and i wanted to see if that would help. In the past i never had a problem bringing stuff up all on my own. Once i tried the vest i noticed i coughed a bit less, but didnt notice a difference in the amount of what i brought up. I decided to keep using the vest since i liked the feeling of not having to cough so much. Well, its been 4 years now and i find i not only want to keep using the vest, but i <b>HAVE</b> to keep using it. On the days i dont use it, i feel like crap in my lungs. It's like my lungs have come to depend on the vest like a drug addiction and now they cant seem to do anything on their own. I liked it better when i chose to do the vest but now it seems like its one of those deals, once you try it, you HAVE to keep doing it or pay the consequences. Anyone else have this same experience?