There are lots of threads out there on this topic. A search will get you some good, and varied opinions, and I hope that you get lots of responses, here, too.
Emily was about 18 months when she got her tube. It was the most heartbreaking decision I had ever had to make...up to that point. I have never regretted it!
Emily's weight gain has not been as spectacular as some kids' after getting the tube, but she does not flucuate when she is sick like she used to. We have not had to stress about meals, which is good, when you're stressing about everything else!
I was worried to death about how it would impact her activity level and what she could be involved in. It hasn't changed one single thing in that area.
I was worried that she would pull it out or it would fall out or that it would be hard to deal with. It isn't. She's never pulled it out (although I did once, accidently) and it's never fallen out, even on playgounds, waterslides, climbing walls, etc.
I was worried that she would grow up to be embarrassed by it. She's almost 4 now, and doesn't bat an eye when people talk about it (which seldom happens, anyway). In fact, her daycare teachers think she's a riot because when a kid does ask about it Emily says in a loud whisper "That's my tube. Don't touch it, it's very very dangerous!" That's my girl!
I still worry about the scar she will have when it's removed, but if I know her, it won't phase her, either.
Emily's overall health has been so much better WITH the tube. I wonder now, why I was so dead set against it.
You will get other opinions, and that's good. Just know that there is good to come of it, and accept that it's a VERY hard decision to make.
Good luck to you, and good health to your son!