Tons of mucus in stool...anyone else with this problem?


New member
My daughter has a ton of mucus in her stools and it's getting worse.  She had bowel resection in June and has chronic constipation.  She is on 3 squares of ex-lax per day and creon.  Since starting the creon she has gone from 5 squares of ex-lax per day to 3.  I think if we can thin the mucus we could probably go down even more on the ex-lax.  Someone suggest mucomyst.  Anyone have any experience with this?<br>


I have drank mucomyst when I had blockage some yrs back. My blockage was caused some what because I was not hydrated enough. Have had to cut back on my Creon. It seems to me, I do not needed as much Creon. I am suppose to take 3, 24k Creon, but I take 2 with each meal. The Creon has more lipase than the Ultrase. I also drink a lot more water than I use too. Beware of meat, steak, chicken, shrimp, roast; if you do not chew well and drink plenty of fluids, it can cause problems with blockage. I also had colon resection for colon Ca 9+ yrs. ago. Ever since I had the resection, have had to watch how and what I eat. never had problems or blockage before surg. I think where they sew the colon back together is part of the problem, too small of a opening, maybe because of scar tissue? Mucomyst is on back order by manf.have not been able to get it for some months now, I neb it 2-3 times a day. Good luck!!


New member
Thanks for the response. I will definitely keep mucomyst in mind if she continues to have large amounts of mucus in her stools.


New member
Are they making mucomyst again? I thought they stopped production? I personally love mucomyst, it has helped me greatly in the past.


New member
I would recommend stopping the ex-lax. My gastro doc told me that overusage of laxatives can actually cause more damage. Has she ever used miralax? It is much safer to use and she can use it more often. Also drinking more water is helpful with the chronic constipation. Dont have any recommendations about the mucomyst...sorry. Hope everything is better for her soon!


New member
have you looked into NAC as a pill??? I believe it is mucomyst in a pill form, which would go through the digestive system rather than the lungs. It basically decreases inflammation, which is what causes the excess mucus. We do not really see mucus in my boys' poops, but I am looking into starting the pill, to see if it aids absorption. Please someone correct me if I am wrong!!



New member
I will ask about the NAC pill. The mucus is soooo thick!!
She can't go off the ex-lax. She was on miralax since infancy and it no longer works for her. She had bowel resection in June.
Thanks everyone for advice!!!!


New member
NAC can oxidize pretty quickly in pill form - I would recommend fizzy tabs (what the CF Center in Stanford studied)