trampoline help with mucus clear out?



We have a big outside one as well. It seems to work for jogging stuff loose. Sometimes, when Sophie is really sick of sitting and doing the Vest, I will exchange some time on the tramp for time on the Vest, provided she does huff coughs and gets something out during her tramp time.


We have a big outside one as well. It seems to work for jogging stuff loose. Sometimes, when Sophie is really sick of sitting and doing the Vest, I will exchange some time on the tramp for time on the Vest, provided she does huff coughs and gets something out during her tramp time.


We have a big outside one as well. It seems to work for jogging stuff loose. Sometimes, when Sophie is really sick of sitting and doing the Vest, I will exchange some time on the tramp for time on the Vest, provided she does huff coughs and gets something out during her tramp time.


We have a big outside one as well. It seems to work for jogging stuff loose. Sometimes, when Sophie is really sick of sitting and doing the Vest, I will exchange some time on the tramp for time on the Vest, provided she does huff coughs and gets something out during her tramp time.


We have a big outside one as well. It seems to work for jogging stuff loose. Sometimes, when Sophie is really sick of sitting and doing the Vest, I will exchange some time on the tramp for time on the Vest, provided she does huff coughs and gets something out during her tramp time.


my mom bought a trampoline for us to jump on. mainly for me to help shake the mucus up. i used it when i was a kid, but as i got older i didn't want anything to do with it. i guess a rebellion kind of thing?


my mom bought a trampoline for us to jump on. mainly for me to help shake the mucus up. i used it when i was a kid, but as i got older i didn't want anything to do with it. i guess a rebellion kind of thing?


my mom bought a trampoline for us to jump on. mainly for me to help shake the mucus up. i used it when i was a kid, but as i got older i didn't want anything to do with it. i guess a rebellion kind of thing?


my mom bought a trampoline for us to jump on. mainly for me to help shake the mucus up. i used it when i was a kid, but as i got older i didn't want anything to do with it. i guess a rebellion kind of thing?


my mom bought a trampoline for us to jump on. mainly for me to help shake the mucus up. i used it when i was a kid, but as i got older i didn't want anything to do with it. i guess a rebellion kind of thing?


New member
I had heard this a lot too. My daughter is 20 months, so we purchased a small bounce house that we keep in our playroom. Its so much safer for her at this age, but we do plan on buying her a trampoline when she gets older.

I also would like to get her a small tramploine with a handle too. I've heard of people taking those to the hospital with them.


New member
I had heard this a lot too. My daughter is 20 months, so we purchased a small bounce house that we keep in our playroom. Its so much safer for her at this age, but we do plan on buying her a trampoline when she gets older.

I also would like to get her a small tramploine with a handle too. I've heard of people taking those to the hospital with them.


New member
I had heard this a lot too. My daughter is 20 months, so we purchased a small bounce house that we keep in our playroom. Its so much safer for her at this age, but we do plan on buying her a trampoline when she gets older.

I also would like to get her a small tramploine with a handle too. I've heard of people taking those to the hospital with them.


New member
I had heard this a lot too. My daughter is 20 months, so we purchased a small bounce house that we keep in our playroom. Its so much safer for her at this age, but we do plan on buying her a trampoline when she gets older.

I also would like to get her a small tramploine with a handle too. I've heard of people taking those to the hospital with them.


New member
I had heard this a lot too. My daughter is 20 months, so we purchased a small bounce house that we keep in our playroom. Its so much safer for her at this age, but we do plan on buying her a trampoline when she gets older.
<br />
<br />I also would like to get her a small tramploine with a handle too. I've heard of people taking those to the hospital with them.


New member
We had both a small in home one and one outside when our son was younger and still have our big one in the yard. Although he's getting too old to really use it, last year when he was having increased mucus he went ahead and used it for a change of pace from the treadmill and it really helped him.


New member
We had both a small in home one and one outside when our son was younger and still have our big one in the yard. Although he's getting too old to really use it, last year when he was having increased mucus he went ahead and used it for a change of pace from the treadmill and it really helped him.


New member
We had both a small in home one and one outside when our son was younger and still have our big one in the yard. Although he's getting too old to really use it, last year when he was having increased mucus he went ahead and used it for a change of pace from the treadmill and it really helped him.


New member
We had both a small in home one and one outside when our son was younger and still have our big one in the yard. Although he's getting too old to really use it, last year when he was having increased mucus he went ahead and used it for a change of pace from the treadmill and it really helped him.


New member
We had both a small in home one and one outside when our son was younger and still have our big one in the yard. Although he's getting too old to really use it, last year when he was having increased mucus he went ahead and used it for a change of pace from the treadmill and it really helped him.