Travel tips?


New member
saveferris - thanks! I'll definitely check out the blog, and call my dr on Monday to see if I can swap the Pari Trek for an eflow. My current at home compressor does work, so it never really occured to me that it isn't working as good as it should be. Wish I could get my hands on one of the newer vests. Although with my insurance, since mine isn't broken, I can't have a new one.


New member
saveferris - thanks! I'll definitely check out the blog, and call my dr on Monday to see if I can swap the Pari Trek for an eflow. My current at home compressor does work, so it never really occured to me that it isn't working as good as it should be. Wish I could get my hands on one of the newer vests. Although with my insurance, since mine isn't broken, I can't have a new one.


New member
saveferris - thanks! I'll definitely check out the blog, and call my dr on Monday to see if I can swap the Pari Trek for an eflow. My current at home compressor does work, so it never really occured to me that it isn't working as good as it should be. Wish I could get my hands on one of the newer vests. Although with my insurance, since mine isn't broken, I can't have a new one.


New member
saveferris - thanks! I'll definitely check out the blog, and call my dr on Monday to see if I can swap the Pari Trek for an eflow. My current at home compressor does work, so it never really occured to me that it isn't working as good as it should be. Wish I could get my hands on one of the newer vests. Although with my insurance, since mine isn't broken, I can't have a new one.


New member
saveferris - thanks! I'll definitely check out the blog, and call my dr on Monday to see if I can swap the Pari Trek for an eflow. My current at home compressor does work, so it never really occured to me that it isn't working as good as it should be. Wish I could get my hands on one of the newer vests. Although with my insurance, since mine isn't broken, I can't have a new one.


New member

I've been to Rome and you are so lucky to be going there! The exhaust from the cars is not so great -- so what I do when travelling is...I hold a 3M Charcoal mask with me and when I'm in traffic I pop it on. Otherwise the car fumes can really make problems for you. I wear it anywhere if I think the odors are strong. My doctor recommends wearing a mask on the plane, but I find I cannot breathe with the thin air. A second choice is a silk scarf which isn't as thick. If you don't want to do that, you might just want to wear the mask in the restroom because of germs and the strong smell of cleaning fluids in there.

For years, I also use a personal air purifyer around my neck. The brand is Wein and you can get it on-line. I used to always get sick from flying and I don't any more. Maybe this has something to do with it.

My doctor makes me take an Epi-pen with me on plane -- because if you have any allergic reaction, and you are in the air, well, you want to be safe. And I carry an inhaler too which I use to before and during the trip. I don't know if you take inhaled steroids, but if you don't, it might be worth discussing with your doctor.

If you get an e-flow, that would be best, if you don't I can give you other suggetions about that.

I couldn't find any isopryl alcohol anywhere in England, so I would get a box of alcohol squares 70% in Target. They had Ethyl alcohol which left a residue on everything. I don't know about Rome. Next time I will bring my own bottle -- it may need a medical note too.

I took cold remedies with me (as someone mentioned) I couldn't find Airborne, Zicam, or Zinc lozenges, or Dristan spray anywhere. I take my nasal rinse and pre-mixed salt packets with me.

I always take a small supply of meds with me including prilosec, a probiotic, monistat cream...

The Auto Club has $100 money packets in foreign currency to get you started if you belong.

If I think of anything else...I'll be back.

Have a great time.


New member

I've been to Rome and you are so lucky to be going there! The exhaust from the cars is not so great -- so what I do when travelling is...I hold a 3M Charcoal mask with me and when I'm in traffic I pop it on. Otherwise the car fumes can really make problems for you. I wear it anywhere if I think the odors are strong. My doctor recommends wearing a mask on the plane, but I find I cannot breathe with the thin air. A second choice is a silk scarf which isn't as thick. If you don't want to do that, you might just want to wear the mask in the restroom because of germs and the strong smell of cleaning fluids in there.

For years, I also use a personal air purifyer around my neck. The brand is Wein and you can get it on-line. I used to always get sick from flying and I don't any more. Maybe this has something to do with it.

My doctor makes me take an Epi-pen with me on plane -- because if you have any allergic reaction, and you are in the air, well, you want to be safe. And I carry an inhaler too which I use to before and during the trip. I don't know if you take inhaled steroids, but if you don't, it might be worth discussing with your doctor.

If you get an e-flow, that would be best, if you don't I can give you other suggetions about that.

I couldn't find any isopryl alcohol anywhere in England, so I would get a box of alcohol squares 70% in Target. They had Ethyl alcohol which left a residue on everything. I don't know about Rome. Next time I will bring my own bottle -- it may need a medical note too.

I took cold remedies with me (as someone mentioned) I couldn't find Airborne, Zicam, or Zinc lozenges, or Dristan spray anywhere. I take my nasal rinse and pre-mixed salt packets with me.

I always take a small supply of meds with me including prilosec, a probiotic, monistat cream...

The Auto Club has $100 money packets in foreign currency to get you started if you belong.

If I think of anything else...I'll be back.

Have a great time.


New member

I've been to Rome and you are so lucky to be going there! The exhaust from the cars is not so great -- so what I do when travelling is...I hold a 3M Charcoal mask with me and when I'm in traffic I pop it on. Otherwise the car fumes can really make problems for you. I wear it anywhere if I think the odors are strong. My doctor recommends wearing a mask on the plane, but I find I cannot breathe with the thin air. A second choice is a silk scarf which isn't as thick. If you don't want to do that, you might just want to wear the mask in the restroom because of germs and the strong smell of cleaning fluids in there.

For years, I also use a personal air purifyer around my neck. The brand is Wein and you can get it on-line. I used to always get sick from flying and I don't any more. Maybe this has something to do with it.

My doctor makes me take an Epi-pen with me on plane -- because if you have any allergic reaction, and you are in the air, well, you want to be safe. And I carry an inhaler too which I use to before and during the trip. I don't know if you take inhaled steroids, but if you don't, it might be worth discussing with your doctor.

If you get an e-flow, that would be best, if you don't I can give you other suggetions about that.

I couldn't find any isopryl alcohol anywhere in England, so I would get a box of alcohol squares 70% in Target. They had Ethyl alcohol which left a residue on everything. I don't know about Rome. Next time I will bring my own bottle -- it may need a medical note too.

I took cold remedies with me (as someone mentioned) I couldn't find Airborne, Zicam, or Zinc lozenges, or Dristan spray anywhere. I take my nasal rinse and pre-mixed salt packets with me.

I always take a small supply of meds with me including prilosec, a probiotic, monistat cream...

The Auto Club has $100 money packets in foreign currency to get you started if you belong.

If I think of anything else...I'll be back.

Have a great time.


New member

I've been to Rome and you are so lucky to be going there! The exhaust from the cars is not so great -- so what I do when travelling is...I hold a 3M Charcoal mask with me and when I'm in traffic I pop it on. Otherwise the car fumes can really make problems for you. I wear it anywhere if I think the odors are strong. My doctor recommends wearing a mask on the plane, but I find I cannot breathe with the thin air. A second choice is a silk scarf which isn't as thick. If you don't want to do that, you might just want to wear the mask in the restroom because of germs and the strong smell of cleaning fluids in there.

For years, I also use a personal air purifyer around my neck. The brand is Wein and you can get it on-line. I used to always get sick from flying and I don't any more. Maybe this has something to do with it.

My doctor makes me take an Epi-pen with me on plane -- because if you have any allergic reaction, and you are in the air, well, you want to be safe. And I carry an inhaler too which I use to before and during the trip. I don't know if you take inhaled steroids, but if you don't, it might be worth discussing with your doctor.

If you get an e-flow, that would be best, if you don't I can give you other suggetions about that.

I couldn't find any isopryl alcohol anywhere in England, so I would get a box of alcohol squares 70% in Target. They had Ethyl alcohol which left a residue on everything. I don't know about Rome. Next time I will bring my own bottle -- it may need a medical note too.

I took cold remedies with me (as someone mentioned) I couldn't find Airborne, Zicam, or Zinc lozenges, or Dristan spray anywhere. I take my nasal rinse and pre-mixed salt packets with me.

I always take a small supply of meds with me including prilosec, a probiotic, monistat cream...

The Auto Club has $100 money packets in foreign currency to get you started if you belong.

If I think of anything else...I'll be back.

Have a great time.


New member
<br />
<br />I've been to Rome and you are so lucky to be going there! The exhaust from the cars is not so great -- so what I do when travelling is...I hold a 3M Charcoal mask with me and when I'm in traffic I pop it on. Otherwise the car fumes can really make problems for you. I wear it anywhere if I think the odors are strong. My doctor recommends wearing a mask on the plane, but I find I cannot breathe with the thin air. A second choice is a silk scarf which isn't as thick. If you don't want to do that, you might just want to wear the mask in the restroom because of germs and the strong smell of cleaning fluids in there.
<br />
<br />For years, I also use a personal air purifyer around my neck. The brand is Wein and you can get it on-line. I used to always get sick from flying and I don't any more. Maybe this has something to do with it.
<br />
<br />My doctor makes me take an Epi-pen with me on plane -- because if you have any allergic reaction, and you are in the air, well, you want to be safe. And I carry an inhaler too which I use to before and during the trip. I don't know if you take inhaled steroids, but if you don't, it might be worth discussing with your doctor.
<br />
<br />If you get an e-flow, that would be best, if you don't I can give you other suggetions about that.
<br />
<br />I couldn't find any isopryl alcohol anywhere in England, so I would get a box of alcohol squares 70% in Target. They had Ethyl alcohol which left a residue on everything. I don't know about Rome. Next time I will bring my own bottle -- it may need a medical note too.
<br />
<br />I took cold remedies with me (as someone mentioned) I couldn't find Airborne, Zicam, or Zinc lozenges, or Dristan spray anywhere. I take my nasal rinse and pre-mixed salt packets with me.
<br />
<br />I always take a small supply of meds with me including prilosec, a probiotic, monistat cream...
<br />
<br />The Auto Club has $100 money packets in foreign currency to get you started if you belong.
<br />
<br />If I think of anything else...I'll be back.
<br />
<br />Have a great time.
<br />
<br />


New member
I took Jordan to Chona when he was sick, we got a letter from our doctor confirming that Jordan had CF and listing every medication that we were taking even panadol adn over the counter stuff, we also got the pharmacy to label and plain non script medications with his name and directions.

We also took extra medication than we needed for the 2 weeks, just in case something happened.

Have a great holiday!


New member
I took Jordan to Chona when he was sick, we got a letter from our doctor confirming that Jordan had CF and listing every medication that we were taking even panadol adn over the counter stuff, we also got the pharmacy to label and plain non script medications with his name and directions.

We also took extra medication than we needed for the 2 weeks, just in case something happened.

Have a great holiday!


New member
I took Jordan to Chona when he was sick, we got a letter from our doctor confirming that Jordan had CF and listing every medication that we were taking even panadol adn over the counter stuff, we also got the pharmacy to label and plain non script medications with his name and directions.

We also took extra medication than we needed for the 2 weeks, just in case something happened.

Have a great holiday!


New member
I took Jordan to Chona when he was sick, we got a letter from our doctor confirming that Jordan had CF and listing every medication that we were taking even panadol adn over the counter stuff, we also got the pharmacy to label and plain non script medications with his name and directions.

We also took extra medication than we needed for the 2 weeks, just in case something happened.

Have a great holiday!


New member
I took Jordan to Chona when he was sick, we got a letter from our doctor confirming that Jordan had CF and listing every medication that we were taking even panadol adn over the counter stuff, we also got the pharmacy to label and plain non script medications with his name and directions.
<br />
<br />We also took extra medication than we needed for the 2 weeks, just in case something happened.
<br />
<br />Have a great holiday!


Super Moderator
if you do get an eflow you need to bring your own alcohol to clean it. they do not have it in italy!!!! i live in milan but have been to rome several times through the years and it is SO beautiful!! this time of year should be amazing weather too!

on vacation with my fam one year to italy i took my acapella and it was great--so much more convenient than lugging the vest <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

my advice while in rome is to climb anything you can! especially climb to the top of St. Peter's at the Vatican (it's quite a trek but there is an elevator that gets you half way up) because the views of rome from up there are gorgeous and you can see some of the gardens of the vatican that are closed to visitors so thats neat. also the castle of angels (not the offical name but it has a huge angel statue on top so that's what i call it) is right next to the vatican and doesn't have much to see inside but the views from the top are pretty.

are you going on a tour or just doing your own thing?


Super Moderator
if you do get an eflow you need to bring your own alcohol to clean it. they do not have it in italy!!!! i live in milan but have been to rome several times through the years and it is SO beautiful!! this time of year should be amazing weather too!

on vacation with my fam one year to italy i took my acapella and it was great--so much more convenient than lugging the vest <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

my advice while in rome is to climb anything you can! especially climb to the top of St. Peter's at the Vatican (it's quite a trek but there is an elevator that gets you half way up) because the views of rome from up there are gorgeous and you can see some of the gardens of the vatican that are closed to visitors so thats neat. also the castle of angels (not the offical name but it has a huge angel statue on top so that's what i call it) is right next to the vatican and doesn't have much to see inside but the views from the top are pretty.

are you going on a tour or just doing your own thing?


Super Moderator
if you do get an eflow you need to bring your own alcohol to clean it. they do not have it in italy!!!! i live in milan but have been to rome several times through the years and it is SO beautiful!! this time of year should be amazing weather too!

on vacation with my fam one year to italy i took my acapella and it was great--so much more convenient than lugging the vest <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

my advice while in rome is to climb anything you can! especially climb to the top of St. Peter's at the Vatican (it's quite a trek but there is an elevator that gets you half way up) because the views of rome from up there are gorgeous and you can see some of the gardens of the vatican that are closed to visitors so thats neat. also the castle of angels (not the offical name but it has a huge angel statue on top so that's what i call it) is right next to the vatican and doesn't have much to see inside but the views from the top are pretty.

are you going on a tour or just doing your own thing?


Super Moderator
if you do get an eflow you need to bring your own alcohol to clean it. they do not have it in italy!!!! i live in milan but have been to rome several times through the years and it is SO beautiful!! this time of year should be amazing weather too!

on vacation with my fam one year to italy i took my acapella and it was great--so much more convenient than lugging the vest <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

my advice while in rome is to climb anything you can! especially climb to the top of St. Peter's at the Vatican (it's quite a trek but there is an elevator that gets you half way up) because the views of rome from up there are gorgeous and you can see some of the gardens of the vatican that are closed to visitors so thats neat. also the castle of angels (not the offical name but it has a huge angel statue on top so that's what i call it) is right next to the vatican and doesn't have much to see inside but the views from the top are pretty.

are you going on a tour or just doing your own thing?


Super Moderator
if you do get an eflow you need to bring your own alcohol to clean it. they do not have it in italy!!!! i live in milan but have been to rome several times through the years and it is SO beautiful!! this time of year should be amazing weather too!
<br />
<br />on vacation with my fam one year to italy i took my acapella and it was great--so much more convenient than lugging the vest <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />my advice while in rome is to climb anything you can! especially climb to the top of St. Peter's at the Vatican (it's quite a trek but there is an elevator that gets you half way up) because the views of rome from up there are gorgeous and you can see some of the gardens of the vatican that are closed to visitors so thats neat. also the castle of angels (not the offical name but it has a huge angel statue on top so that's what i call it) is right next to the vatican and doesn't have much to see inside but the views from the top are pretty.
<br />
<br />are you going on a tour or just doing your own thing?