Travis (my brother) Going In



It will all work itself out. I was in the hosp. in december and my PFT's are typically in the 80's as well. I spiked down to 60 in december and was put in then. My doc saw those numbers and basically said when can you come in? Yes it is scary when there is such urgency, but those doctors do know what they are doing. They've done it before. So when I went in, I had also lost weight (5 lbs or so). Well needless to say, I was able to bounce right back. My PFT's are now at thier highest they have been in like 6 years (89 %) and my weight is higher than it was before my cleanout. It may take time for your brother, but if he works at it, it will happen. I will be thinking of you! Good luck to your brother!


It will all work itself out. I was in the hosp. in december and my PFT's are typically in the 80's as well. I spiked down to 60 in december and was put in then. My doc saw those numbers and basically said when can you come in? Yes it is scary when there is such urgency, but those doctors do know what they are doing. They've done it before. So when I went in, I had also lost weight (5 lbs or so). Well needless to say, I was able to bounce right back. My PFT's are now at thier highest they have been in like 6 years (89 %) and my weight is higher than it was before my cleanout. It may take time for your brother, but if he works at it, it will happen. I will be thinking of you! Good luck to your brother!


New member
Thanks for the update. Let us know how he does.
Like others have said, I'll bet he'll rebound some & feel much better after some IV meds & some good ole hospital home cookin'. Er, least he'll feel better after the meds.


New member
Thanks for the update. Let us know how he does.
Like others have said, I'll bet he'll rebound some & feel much better after some IV meds & some good ole hospital home cookin'. Er, least he'll feel better after the meds.


New member
Thanks for the update. Let us know how he does.
Like others have said, I'll bet he'll rebound some & feel much better after some IV meds & some good ole hospital home cookin'. Er, least he'll feel better after the meds.


New member
I agree with Lynda that after some iv's he will rebound a bit and feel much better. As for the hospital cooking.... you know this last time i was in back in Oct. the hospital started something new and they basically called it room service. You would call between certain times and order whatever you want for breakfast , lunch and dinner. I Loved that because that way there was no wasted( unwanted) food and i didnt go hungry like usual. I hope your hospital has that also so you brother can order what he likes and gets plenty of it. My best of luck to your brother for a good recovery . You are such a good sister <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I agree with Lynda that after some iv's he will rebound a bit and feel much better. As for the hospital cooking.... you know this last time i was in back in Oct. the hospital started something new and they basically called it room service. You would call between certain times and order whatever you want for breakfast , lunch and dinner. I Loved that because that way there was no wasted( unwanted) food and i didnt go hungry like usual. I hope your hospital has that also so you brother can order what he likes and gets plenty of it. My best of luck to your brother for a good recovery . You are such a good sister <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I agree with Lynda that after some iv's he will rebound a bit and feel much better. As for the hospital cooking.... you know this last time i was in back in Oct. the hospital started something new and they basically called it room service. You would call between certain times and order whatever you want for breakfast , lunch and dinner. I Loved that because that way there was no wasted( unwanted) food and i didnt go hungry like usual. I hope your hospital has that also so you brother can order what he likes and gets plenty of it. My best of luck to your brother for a good recovery . You are such a good sister <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I know you are worried about your brother. It's probably the best place for him right now. They can do what they have to to make him feel better. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know how he makes out.


New member
I know you are worried about your brother. It's probably the best place for him right now. They can do what they have to to make him feel better. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know how he makes out.


New member
I know you are worried about your brother. It's probably the best place for him right now. They can do what they have to to make him feel better. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know how he makes out.


New member
I'm sure your first time sucks no matter how old you are. I bet he will feel a ton better though when he's done.

I usually take my own groceries in with me. You know...hostess cupcakes, cookies, a box of my fav cereal, potato chips, anything not requiring a fridge. I mean yah you still have to figure out meals either hospital, cafeteria or the good willl of your friends and family brining you REAL food. But when your trying to put that kind of weight on I find it helpful to be surrounded by some high cal junk right at my fingertips.

He'll be in my prayers.

Oh also tell him be real nice to the nurses....getting on their good side pays off.


New member
I'm sure your first time sucks no matter how old you are. I bet he will feel a ton better though when he's done.

I usually take my own groceries in with me. You know...hostess cupcakes, cookies, a box of my fav cereal, potato chips, anything not requiring a fridge. I mean yah you still have to figure out meals either hospital, cafeteria or the good willl of your friends and family brining you REAL food. But when your trying to put that kind of weight on I find it helpful to be surrounded by some high cal junk right at my fingertips.

He'll be in my prayers.

Oh also tell him be real nice to the nurses....getting on their good side pays off.


New member
I'm sure your first time sucks no matter how old you are. I bet he will feel a ton better though when he's done.

I usually take my own groceries in with me. You know...hostess cupcakes, cookies, a box of my fav cereal, potato chips, anything not requiring a fridge. I mean yah you still have to figure out meals either hospital, cafeteria or the good willl of your friends and family brining you REAL food. But when your trying to put that kind of weight on I find it helpful to be surrounded by some high cal junk right at my fingertips.

He'll be in my prayers.

Oh also tell him be real nice to the nurses....getting on their good side pays off.