Treatments for Chronic sinus problems


New member
Just wondering what other people do for their chronic sinus problems? I've tried these things, none of which have worked - steroid nasal sprays (flonase, nasonex, rhinocort), sudafed, robitussin, antihistamines, saline sprays, irrigation with salt water, and sinus surgery. What works for you guys?Has anyone tried the sinuneb (nebulizer for sinuses)? If so, does it work or help? What about glutathione inhaled through the nose? Has anyone tried that? If so, how do you prepare it? And, how do you inhale it? Any other supplements or herbs or anything? I'm desperate. Thanks!


New member
ive tried sprays, sudafed type medications, antihistamines, irrigation and surgery. all of them made my symptoms a little better but they havent gone away. for about 2 months after my sinus surgery my nose was great. its gone backwards a little but not as bad. i use a nasopure bottle to rinse my nose. i find its better than saline sprays. ive found that once you start having sinus problems they never go away completely.


New member
I've tried all of the above things that the two posts suggested. Only, i've had 6 sinus surgeries. I have done the sinuneb. I stopped it halfway thorugh on my last time on it becuase i started getting bloody noses. My doc wanted to try me on inhaled vancomycin through the sinuneb but my insurance won't let me do it because they won't cover it because it comes from California( the only plave sinuneb is located) I have Missouri Health Ins for high risk patients through BC/BS. They covered it the first time i did sinuneb. I just can't afford to pay it out of pocketCaren
Ive never actually heard of this problem, maybe as its never been a problem with me the docs aint had to mention it, but could someone inform me of the problems involved ?


New member
I had nasal polyps removed when I was 5 years old. And since then, I've been on Nasacort. I tried other sprays and they always ran down the back of my throat, and I hated it. I came across Nasacort and didn't get any drip from it. So I've been on that one since. I always have a little bit of nasal trouble, especially on my right side, but haven't had nasal surgery since I was 5.


New member
My neice has been on every nasal spray too & none work well for her. Including genamyacin. On Rhinocort & saline spray now. Even inhaled eucalyptus & bergamot. Very temporary effect. She likes cough drops. 1 sinus surgery a few years ago & their not bad enough yet but seems to be the root of her problems the last several months, seems inevitable to have another surgery. We live in Louisiana & it's a bad place to live for allergy & sinus. Wish something worked!!


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I don't know if it will work for anyone else - but it sure as heck cured me of my sinus problems - I used to suffer terrible headaches, post nasal drip, etc. 10 years ago I had sinus surgery. My Mom (a nurse and between her and my Dad - probably the only reason I've made it as far as I have) devised this - twice a day, I squirt up my nose: one saline bullet (that's what they are called - it's just like the little plastic vial Tobi, Pulomozyme, Albuterol, etc. come in but it's filled with saline) per nostril, each mixed with .25cc of Tobramycin (not Tobi - Tobramycin). Tobramycin comes in small glass vials - I suck it up into a syringe, and then just put the .25cc in each saline bullet using the syringe, shake it up, tilt my head back and squirt.I haven't had a single sinus problem since starting this regimen. If you or your doc has any questions - please email me Any pharmacy will have these items (I get my through CF Services Pharmacy).


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I've used Xlear, a xylitol nasal wash, for the last 3 years. It has helped a lot. Check out their site: www.xlear.comTammy 43wcf


New member
i am also on rhinocort. its effects are temporoary. ive been using it for a little over a week. saline spray in addition to rhinocort has been working so far. sudafed, nasalcort, afrin, etc. were only effective for a short while.


New member
Sino Fresh- ya'll have to try it. It is a diluted mouthwash but it's for the sinuses. I've been on it for about 6months now and my sinuses have never looked this good. Usually I have surgery once a year but it's been almost 2 now. MY ENT doc says it's over the counter (can't find it though), he gave me my samples....It even tastes pretty good. It's better than shooting 8oz of saline up the ol nose. Check it out and if anyone finds it in a store let me know,keep your sinuses clear!!Emily,


New member
You might look at the CF Roundtable current issue. It has an article specifically about sinus treatments. The website for the publication is I don't know how old the writer of the original post is, but I have found that my sinus problems have been getting progressively better since I've gotten into my 20's. My docs said it probably would, but I've been pleased. One thing that has helped me is the supplement I've been taking for the last 20 months called Reliv. It has helped to boost my immune system so that I fight infections less often, but when I do I usually do not need IV's or surgery anymore, oral meds can usually kick it. That is a new thing for me.HollyCatheryn


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I have been using irrigated Glutathione into my sinuses for almost a year now. I have had pretty good results, even though I know I have polyps and blocked sinuses. Needs more study.Billy


New member
My 3yr old w/cf has had sinus problems since he was 1. He has been on every type of nose sprays, saline washes and irrigation, and has had 2 sinus surgeries. Nothing has helped except the Sinuneb system. He has to breathe in the mist through the nebulizer everyday, twice a day. Each session lasts about 20 minutes. It's a very expensive system to use and get approved through insurance companies. As a mother who wants nothing more for her child to be well, I can fully understand your aggrevations. Good Luck!


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I have had several cystic fibrosis patients with chronic sinus problems that hypertoninc saline nasal WASHES with Nasopure works well. It must be done correctly and daily to see and feel the benefits.I developed Nasopure, for recurrent and sinus sufferers. both adult and children. Seems to works, safe, conveint and effective. Be Well Dr


New member
Haven't actually tried this before. on the site listed I think is where I read about one CRer who fills his nasal cavity with whatever solution he is using, but with his head tilted back. He can keep it in there. Then he lets it sit for a period of time. The longer contact time the solution has with the gunk the better.Jake


New member
The sinuneb does indeed work very well for chronic sinusitis. You breathe liquid antibiotics and liquid steroids in using the sinuneb nebulizer. The medication is very expensive and not all insurance companies pay for it. I am in the process of changing insurance so that it will be covered.I have had seven different sinus surgeries, for different reasons, had to have a new tear duct created, a tumor removed from my ear drum and also tympanoplasty on the same ear drum.My ethmoid and maxillary sinuses on the left do not drain, and I suffer with severe headaches daily., as well a othe complications.After using the sinuneb nebulizer and medications I was headache free for almost 4 months. It was the first time since 1992 that I hadn't had a daily severe headache.


New member
I had the same problem with my insurance. Priority Health Care has bought out Sinus Pharmacy, and they have a lab in Florida that mixes these medications now. You might check into this and see if your insurance will cover