

New member
Trying to save time in the mornings...but Reece wont do both at the same time. (xopenox & vest) I feel like I have tried everything. Those are the only 2 treatments he can do together from what Ive heard. He has Xopenox..the vest...pulmozyme....TOBI....then his flovent puffs. All take about 1hr & 40 min. Give or take. Im opened to any suggestions on how to shorten these treatments or like how to conveince Reece to do the first 2 together!

Also on a sorta different note. How often do you change your tubing? His gets so much condensation in it, so before he starts, I turn it on to try to get it out but it still has little water droplets all in it as its going. Suggestions? Thanks in advance! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Trying to save time in the mornings...but Reece wont do both at the same time. (xopenox & vest) I feel like I have tried everything. Those are the only 2 treatments he can do together from what Ive heard. He has Xopenox..the vest...pulmozyme....TOBI....then his flovent puffs. All take about 1hr & 40 min. Give or take. Im opened to any suggestions on how to shorten these treatments or like how to conveince Reece to do the first 2 together!

Also on a sorta different note. How often do you change your tubing? His gets so much condensation in it, so before he starts, I turn it on to try to get it out but it still has little water droplets all in it as its going. Suggestions? Thanks in advance! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Trying to save time in the mornings...but Reece wont do both at the same time. (xopenox & vest) I feel like I have tried everything. Those are the only 2 treatments he can do together from what Ive heard. He has Xopenox..the vest...pulmozyme....TOBI....then his flovent puffs. All take about 1hr & 40 min. Give or take. Im opened to any suggestions on how to shorten these treatments or like how to conveince Reece to do the first 2 together!

Also on a sorta different note. How often do you change your tubing? His gets so much condensation in it, so before he starts, I turn it on to try to get it out but it still has little water droplets all in it as its going. Suggestions? Thanks in advance! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Staff member
Can't really help you with the nebs & vest issue. We've always done albuterol/atrovent while doing cpt and when we got the vest a couple of weeks ago, ds tried to get out of it by saying "no smoke". Guess he thought if he used the vest, he didn't need to use nebs. I suggest bribery. Can't reason with a toddler.

As for condensation and tubing. I always disconnect the nebulizer from the tubing and let it run for several seconds after his treatment, so the water doesn't sit in the tubing all day long. I let it run and go put away the neb cups. Or if DH is doing tobi, he disconnects the neb cups, keeps the compressor running and has DS bring me the neb cups. I usually change the tubing every few months or if they start to look hazy.


Staff member
Can't really help you with the nebs & vest issue. We've always done albuterol/atrovent while doing cpt and when we got the vest a couple of weeks ago, ds tried to get out of it by saying "no smoke". Guess he thought if he used the vest, he didn't need to use nebs. I suggest bribery. Can't reason with a toddler.

As for condensation and tubing. I always disconnect the nebulizer from the tubing and let it run for several seconds after his treatment, so the water doesn't sit in the tubing all day long. I let it run and go put away the neb cups. Or if DH is doing tobi, he disconnects the neb cups, keeps the compressor running and has DS bring me the neb cups. I usually change the tubing every few months or if they start to look hazy.


Staff member
Can't really help you with the nebs & vest issue. We've always done albuterol/atrovent while doing cpt and when we got the vest a couple of weeks ago, ds tried to get out of it by saying "no smoke". Guess he thought if he used the vest, he didn't need to use nebs. I suggest bribery. Can't reason with a toddler.

As for condensation and tubing. I always disconnect the nebulizer from the tubing and let it run for several seconds after his treatment, so the water doesn't sit in the tubing all day long. I let it run and go put away the neb cups. Or if DH is doing tobi, he disconnects the neb cups, keeps the compressor running and has DS bring me the neb cups. I usually change the tubing every few months or if they start to look hazy.


New member
maggie does her albuterol/pulmicort in one neb. technically I guess they are to be separate nebs but the doc knows and it saves us time. So, Maggie does albuterol/pulmocort then pulmozyme then VEST in the am. It is time-consuming but we've never done the nebs at the same time as she does the vest. My understanding is that you need to open up the airway with the albuterol first that will also open the airway for the pulmozyme then shake it all out with the VEST. hope this makes sense. I thought if you did the vest at the same time as your nebs you're just shaking the medicine out, that it's not in the airway long enough. I know what i'm saying won't save you time but this is what we were taught.

about the tubing and condensation it is a pain in the butt. I run the compressor after disconncting the Paricup after each neb and after a few minutes the air from the compressor dries out the tubing. i also, toss the tubing away every couple months.

hope Reece is well.


New member
maggie does her albuterol/pulmicort in one neb. technically I guess they are to be separate nebs but the doc knows and it saves us time. So, Maggie does albuterol/pulmocort then pulmozyme then VEST in the am. It is time-consuming but we've never done the nebs at the same time as she does the vest. My understanding is that you need to open up the airway with the albuterol first that will also open the airway for the pulmozyme then shake it all out with the VEST. hope this makes sense. I thought if you did the vest at the same time as your nebs you're just shaking the medicine out, that it's not in the airway long enough. I know what i'm saying won't save you time but this is what we were taught.

about the tubing and condensation it is a pain in the butt. I run the compressor after disconncting the Paricup after each neb and after a few minutes the air from the compressor dries out the tubing. i also, toss the tubing away every couple months.

hope Reece is well.


New member
maggie does her albuterol/pulmicort in one neb. technically I guess they are to be separate nebs but the doc knows and it saves us time. So, Maggie does albuterol/pulmocort then pulmozyme then VEST in the am. It is time-consuming but we've never done the nebs at the same time as she does the vest. My understanding is that you need to open up the airway with the albuterol first that will also open the airway for the pulmozyme then shake it all out with the VEST. hope this makes sense. I thought if you did the vest at the same time as your nebs you're just shaking the medicine out, that it's not in the airway long enough. I know what i'm saying won't save you time but this is what we were taught.

about the tubing and condensation it is a pain in the butt. I run the compressor after disconncting the Paricup after each neb and after a few minutes the air from the compressor dries out the tubing. i also, toss the tubing away every couple months.

hope Reece is well.


New member
I can't help you save time except also suggesting bribery...
As for the tubing I do the same as the previous posters.



New member
I can't help you save time except also suggesting bribery...
As for the tubing I do the same as the previous posters.



New member
I can't help you save time except also suggesting bribery...
As for the tubing I do the same as the previous posters.



New member
My two year old Aidan does Xopenex, then Pulmozyne at the same time as the VEST. We were told that was fine. He does 1/2 hour in the PM and 1/2 hour in the AM. He is pretty good at holding the nebs during the VEST. SOmetimes he throws them down (like tonight) but all in all he is great about it.

I also let the compressor run to get out the drops and throw the tubing out every few months.



New member
My two year old Aidan does Xopenex, then Pulmozyne at the same time as the VEST. We were told that was fine. He does 1/2 hour in the PM and 1/2 hour in the AM. He is pretty good at holding the nebs during the VEST. SOmetimes he throws them down (like tonight) but all in all he is great about it.

I also let the compressor run to get out the drops and throw the tubing out every few months.



New member
My two year old Aidan does Xopenex, then Pulmozyne at the same time as the VEST. We were told that was fine. He does 1/2 hour in the PM and 1/2 hour in the AM. He is pretty good at holding the nebs during the VEST. SOmetimes he throws them down (like tonight) but all in all he is great about it.

I also let the compressor run to get out the drops and throw the tubing out every few months.



New member
I was told it is ok to use the vest with albuterol ,pulmicort and all the nebs, the doctor says it keeps everything moving better and it also works the mucus out more when done with the nebs. I believe this to be true as well as his c.f. doctor because before he started rufusing the vest he was always never sick....

mom to isaiah 4 yr old with c.f


New member
I was told it is ok to use the vest with albuterol ,pulmicort and all the nebs, the doctor says it keeps everything moving better and it also works the mucus out more when done with the nebs. I believe this to be true as well as his c.f. doctor because before he started rufusing the vest he was always never sick....

mom to isaiah 4 yr old with c.f