Tricks of the trade!


New member
I wanted to start this for tips to share with other CFers that you have found to work well for your body and CF. We have the disease, we know our bodies, why not share our secrets!


New member
Mine are to always keep your feet warm and wear socks. I even bring socks to the movies during summer when I wear sandals. I will cough If they are not warm. Another tick for when you have that dry constant cough at night time is to get warm tea, fresh lemon, honey, and vitamin C powder and drink it. No cough syrup needed, cough stops. I also take vitamin C when ever a heavy cough starts and it will suppress the cough. I take coconut oil with my vitamins to better absorb them. There has been studies done with coconut oil and absorption with CF. I figured out what was messing up my sugar levels. If you have coffee and a hour later you get dizzy, hot, sweaty, blurred vision, blurred mind. The caffeine inhibits insulin production so I no longer have caffeine. I also believes it lowers your immune system from how I feel after drinking coffee. Some thoughts and tricks of mine
Thanks kmhbeauty for those tips! I drink d. soda constantly and I know that's not good but I do it anyway. :) I had heard about the coconut oil before, I think on this forum. My son takes turmeric. I actually do not know what it does but we read about it (probably here) and he takes it faithfully. I also love socks, especially now. Thanks for the neat tips!


Super Moderator
When I get coughing attacks or have that annoying tickle cough that won't go away I find that drinking something warm like tea or especially warmed juice seems to help. Also eating something salty like crackers or pretzels seems to help too.


After a nice, long run (in which I cough and hack through the whole thing -- in the best possible way), I drink a huge gatorade or a giant glass of ice water. Makes me feel like I am flushing all that mucous right on out :) Makes me sleep deeper, and clearer!
kmhbeauty, how do you take your coconut oil? Do you just eat a spoonful of it? (it seems to go solid in cold weather and liquid when it's been warmed.) What a great tip if it helps absorb those vitamins!

My son battles a lot of GI issues and just hates drinking his miralax. We went to a tablespoon of flax seed oil once a day for maintenance and it's not only helped keep things moving in his GI tract, but also has helped the dry skin and cracking hands/feet! Don't try the straight flax seed oil unless you have no gag reflex, it's horrible. If you go to one of those vitamin stores, they have a kind that tastes like a strawberry smoothie and has extra antioxidants and such. Yummy and helps too with no miralax grit!

Old school tip when nothing else works at 3am and you can't stop the cough.... try the tea, honey, vit c, etc. Then get very warm (almost hot) hand towel and put across chest. Somehow this helps.

Tip for when you are feeling nauseated, drink a small cup of coke or diet coke (not pepsi or the off brands). Something in the acidic & taste combo match what's in the stomach acids and calms things down.


New member
The coconut oil you can mix into everything. Coffee, oatmeal, shakes, or just by the spoon. I take it by the spoon. I saw on dr oz the other day about having a spoon full of olive oil a day to keep things regular. He suggested you even put it in your cerial lol. I'm weird and that sounded good to me. He spoke about how Italians give their kids olive oil by the spoon. I Dont have much problems with being conatipation unless I eat nuts. I have had 3 painful blocked colons from nuts and will never eat them again. I do love something salty after a workout. I use to love pretzles but now I can't have much of the carbs because of the diabetes.I know gatoraid can be bad for you but boy does it taste good on a hot day. I miss the clear gatoraid from the 90s. I also do coconut water on hot days because I have gotten heat stroke before.


New member
I've been feeling a little anxious/blue about CF and stumbled onto two tricks:
1) Get outside and move, a walk or a run really helps. Plus when it is cooler outside, the cool air lessen my sinus pressure
2) Washing my truck helps me feel better, just something therapeutic about getting rid of the dirt and leaving the paint shiny and new. It also helps me realize that things could be worse, I could be washing a Ford :)
Lol! I totally agree. Chevys are the best. We have never had a single problem with Chevys. My husband has a GMC and I have a Dodge and my two boys always had Chevys with no problems. Then my oldest son got a new Ford this year and then my second son did the same. Oops! I can no longer bash Fords! ;)


New member
Sorry to hear your sons got Fords, I'll pray for them (U). (Okay I'm not really that anti-Ford, but I do love my GMC).


Super Moderator
Just I'm shocked because I do love Fords! But I must admit I came there screaming as I grew up on the "fix or repair delay" diet. But as the commercial says "have you driven a Ford lately?" Seriously, I had Hondas for years, safe, reliable, blah blah blah, but ohhhh so Maytag-esq. When shopping for a new car I tried so many and was about to get a Lexus and then feel in love with the MKZ....well until some idiot ran a red light with me in between him and the red light and pushed me through the intersection and totaled the new car. But I should say I love it because over than being shook up, the design "crumpled" all the energy away from me into the car (he was going fast and hadn't even breaked.) After that I have a phobia of sedans, but also hate big cars for small gals blind spots, but the FLEX, omg, not a blind spot ANYWHERE and oh does it handle well. Plus it has an electric plug in the back which is awesome for early AM CF appointments. Plus 3rd row flips down for all the "projects" DH has. And while using on way to CF appointment in a bad snow storm, the amazing technology came through--the wheels correct you when you start to slide so you come out of slide without doing anything. Anyway, there's my 3 cents!