trouble keeping house with cf


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DId a quick google for tenants rights in ohio. Liza


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<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
DId a quick google for tenants rights in ohio. Liza


New member
I bet he is going through your lacy things when you aren't around. I'd install a cam just for laughs. If he does REAL freaky things like puts on your lingerie and does naughty things with bananas or something, you could use it as blackmail against him and threaten to show his wife and friends, and use that angle for free rent. See Vampy, ya gotta be a progressive thinker, ya know.


New member
I bet he is going through your lacy things when you aren't around. I'd install a cam just for laughs. If he does REAL freaky things like puts on your lingerie and does naughty things with bananas or something, you could use it as blackmail against him and threaten to show his wife and friends, and use that angle for free rent. See Vampy, ya gotta be a progressive thinker, ya know.


New member
sean what would be really freaky is that my landlord is a WOMAN!! lmao!! and yesh im trying to move out. Its hard when ur on ssi and u make a lil so im doing my best. i should study up on the tendents rights and stuff...hmm -.-


New member
sean what would be really freaky is that my landlord is a WOMAN!! lmao!! and yesh im trying to move out. Its hard when ur on ssi and u make a lil so im doing my best. i should study up on the tendents rights and stuff...hmm -.-


New member
I can relate too. My husband is an organized neat freak. His office and desk are organized to the hilt. His closet is practically color coordinated. I am just an unorganized person, but half the time I can hardly do the bare minimum. I keep telling him, I'll never be a neat freak like him, even if I didn't have CF.
But, I go through these slumps during the day. I just get really tired. And if I start cleaning a room, I have to stop alot to rest.
It's verty frustrating to me, and especially to my husband. He trys not to badger me about it, but he's a little crazy in that department.
I was wondering if there's any couples out there that deal with that too.



New member
I can relate too. My husband is an organized neat freak. His office and desk are organized to the hilt. His closet is practically color coordinated. I am just an unorganized person, but half the time I can hardly do the bare minimum. I keep telling him, I'll never be a neat freak like him, even if I didn't have CF.
But, I go through these slumps during the day. I just get really tired. And if I start cleaning a room, I have to stop alot to rest.
It's verty frustrating to me, and especially to my husband. He trys not to badger me about it, but he's a little crazy in that department.
I was wondering if there's any couples out there that deal with that too.



New member
If you want to handle this seriously, here are my recommendations

1. Make a report to the police of illegal entry onto rented premesis; landlord can not retaliate against you (i.e. kick you out) for doing this.
2. Call HUD in your state (if you tell me your state/city I can get a number and email for you) and report the landlord for violation.
3. Read your lease thouroughly.... what does it say about inspections (24 hour notice required except for emergencies?). Kindly remind your landlord of this provision-REMIND YOUR LANDLORD IN WRITING!!!!
4. Ask your landlord to accomodate your disability by providing you with the next available apartment on the 1st floor (they MUST do this or they can be fined 50,000+++) and they CANNOT increase your rent for moving you to another apt. to accomodate your disability.
5. Make ALL further communication(s) with your landlord in writing. If you call, try to have a witness and ALWAYS follow up with a written.


New member
If you want to handle this seriously, here are my recommendations

1. Make a report to the police of illegal entry onto rented premesis; landlord can not retaliate against you (i.e. kick you out) for doing this.
2. Call HUD in your state (if you tell me your state/city I can get a number and email for you) and report the landlord for violation.
3. Read your lease thouroughly.... what does it say about inspections (24 hour notice required except for emergencies?). Kindly remind your landlord of this provision-REMIND YOUR LANDLORD IN WRITING!!!!
4. Ask your landlord to accomodate your disability by providing you with the next available apartment on the 1st floor (they MUST do this or they can be fined 50,000+++) and they CANNOT increase your rent for moving you to another apt. to accomodate your disability.
5. Make ALL further communication(s) with your landlord in writing. If you call, try to have a witness and ALWAYS follow up with a written.


New member
I would call your local Tenancy Board and report your landlord, and find out what rights you have, as well as the rights that your landlord has over your apartment. I can understand keeping your place clean so that it doesn't smell, or look trashy i.e. garbage on the floor, etc. That being said - if I had a landlord like yours, I would move. Your landlord has no right to butt into your personal life i.e. you going to emergency, or her just walking in whenever she likes. Maybe get a chain lock for your door and install it so that she can't get in when your around.


New member
I would call your local Tenancy Board and report your landlord, and find out what rights you have, as well as the rights that your landlord has over your apartment. I can understand keeping your place clean so that it doesn't smell, or look trashy i.e. garbage on the floor, etc. That being said - if I had a landlord like yours, I would move. Your landlord has no right to butt into your personal life i.e. you going to emergency, or her just walking in whenever she likes. Maybe get a chain lock for your door and install it so that she can't get in when your around.


New member
You can also call a local tv news station to ask for help. Probably a phone call from a news station might keep her away forever. She better be nice to you because it sounds like you got some good advice here and if you take it, something good will happen for you. I will be praying for you. This is a rough time for you but in a year or so, you will look back at it and remember the strength that you gained from the experience


New member
You can also call a local tv news station to ask for help. Probably a phone call from a news station might keep her away forever. She better be nice to you because it sounds like you got some good advice here and if you take it, something good will happen for you. I will be praying for you. This is a rough time for you but in a year or so, you will look back at it and remember the strength that you gained from the experience


New member
Sounds like your landlord is a nosey old nut that has nothing better to do. Wouldnt this disability accomodations be backed by law under the Disability Act or something? As far as her looking at your meds...that is NONE of her business. 3+ times a day? give me a break! I would do some research. I would go through my lease over and over, call my local police, if not a lawyer (maybe Ms. Sufan could help...not sure), ask if what she is doing is legal (which I don't believe so). I would see if she does it to other people too or just you. Either way, I would see just what actions I could take against her. I know moving sounds easier, but as you said, with SSI it is hard. Plus someone needs to stand up to her because she will do this to someone else. She needs to be put in her place. Good luck!


New member
Sounds like your landlord is a nosey old nut that has nothing better to do. Wouldnt this disability accomodations be backed by law under the Disability Act or something? As far as her looking at your meds...that is NONE of her business. 3+ times a day? give me a break! I would do some research. I would go through my lease over and over, call my local police, if not a lawyer (maybe Ms. Sufan could help...not sure), ask if what she is doing is legal (which I don't believe so). I would see if she does it to other people too or just you. Either way, I would see just what actions I could take against her. I know moving sounds easier, but as you said, with SSI it is hard. Plus someone needs to stand up to her because she will do this to someone else. She needs to be put in her place. Good luck!


New member
That's terrible! Here they would only come and check if there was like really wild parties or strange smell's or water overflowing somewhere. Then they would still have to put a letter under the door or call you first to arrange it. If for some reason the lessee needs to gian access without your permisson, they would need to come with the police.

Why don't you report to the news papers that because of your CF other poeple entering the apartment create a health risk for you (which is kind of true)? That would cause a real stir and maybe some welcome publicity for CF.


New member
That's terrible! Here they would only come and check if there was like really wild parties or strange smell's or water overflowing somewhere. Then they would still have to put a letter under the door or call you first to arrange it. If for some reason the lessee needs to gian access without your permisson, they would need to come with the police.

Why don't you report to the news papers that because of your CF other poeple entering the apartment create a health risk for you (which is kind of true)? That would cause a real stir and maybe some welcome publicity for CF.


New member
these sound like really great ideas and i will look around with the tendancy laws and stuff to see what i can do im tired of her doing htis all the time.i just want to pay my rent and be left alone. She tried to write me up one day because she said people was coming to my house and smoking out side...and she trys to blame me for the butts and trys to write me a violation, 1 i dont smoke 2 no one goes to my house not even my family. 3 who cares if they smoke outside in the first place. only one i know that smokes and comes to my house is my bf and he smokes outside and is currenty trying to stop for my health. She already wrote me up because some kids were rideing skate boards in the halls and thought it was people from my place. and then she wrote me up because i didnt have a key and someone got in my apartment and made abunch of nose and stuff while i was in the hospital. *shakes head * im tired of it


New member
these sound like really great ideas and i will look around with the tendancy laws and stuff to see what i can do im tired of her doing htis all the time.i just want to pay my rent and be left alone. She tried to write me up one day because she said people was coming to my house and smoking out side...and she trys to blame me for the butts and trys to write me a violation, 1 i dont smoke 2 no one goes to my house not even my family. 3 who cares if they smoke outside in the first place. only one i know that smokes and comes to my house is my bf and he smokes outside and is currenty trying to stop for my health. She already wrote me up because some kids were rideing skate boards in the halls and thought it was people from my place. and then she wrote me up because i didnt have a key and someone got in my apartment and made abunch of nose and stuff while i was in the hospital. *shakes head * im tired of it