Trying to find new ways to stay healthy.


New member
Hell Everyone,

Well for the past couple of months I have been trying to find new easy ways of preventing getting sick.. One thing I have been doing is wearing a Mask almost anywhere I go. When I go to the doctor I put one on before I ever step foot in the biulding, Now You do have to understand I live in a VERY small community. My regular Doctor and the staff do not mandate you(us CFers) were a mask or anything for that matter.
But while I sit in the waiting room I watch about 30 people hack there lungs out and see little babys crying Because they cough so much. So when I go to the childrens Hospital in Denver I get a box of throw away mask that they leave in my room.
The absolute one thing I hate about wearing a mask is everyone stares at you like you are a freak, but if it will save me from getting sick and makes my lungs stay inflated then I wil wear one. But in the small place I live in kansas there are about six people with CF in my local region, so most people know nothing of it.
I wear one when I go to the DR, when I go in a store, and most importantly when I go to a big store like Wal-mart where people everywhere. Dont get me wrong I dont really were one everywhere like if I go in a store with just a few folks there then I wont bother.

I also carry a little contianer of alcohol in my bag so I can always make sure my hands are clean.

When I go out to eat somwhere I have my own set of utensils so I do not have to use there's becuase you never know if the employe washed them after He used the restroom.

Which brings me to another thing, I try and not use public restrooms, they have so many germs it not funny, but we all know with CF you never know when natures going to call or how bad it would be.

Am I being crazy with all this stuff? Probably yes, but If this is what I must do to stay alive then I will pick that card. I wish I could travel back in time and tell myself a year ago to do this and I know I would bee 100% healthy, that is before I got MRSA.

Any of you do this stuff or is It just me? I am only 17yo, and a lot of people find this wierd.


New member
Hell Everyone,

Well for the past couple of months I have been trying to find new easy ways of preventing getting sick.. One thing I have been doing is wearing a Mask almost anywhere I go. When I go to the doctor I put one on before I ever step foot in the biulding, Now You do have to understand I live in a VERY small community. My regular Doctor and the staff do not mandate you(us CFers) were a mask or anything for that matter.
But while I sit in the waiting room I watch about 30 people hack there lungs out and see little babys crying Because they cough so much. So when I go to the childrens Hospital in Denver I get a box of throw away mask that they leave in my room.
The absolute one thing I hate about wearing a mask is everyone stares at you like you are a freak, but if it will save me from getting sick and makes my lungs stay inflated then I wil wear one. But in the small place I live in kansas there are about six people with CF in my local region, so most people know nothing of it.
I wear one when I go to the DR, when I go in a store, and most importantly when I go to a big store like Wal-mart where people everywhere. Dont get me wrong I dont really were one everywhere like if I go in a store with just a few folks there then I wont bother.

I also carry a little contianer of alcohol in my bag so I can always make sure my hands are clean.

When I go out to eat somwhere I have my own set of utensils so I do not have to use there's becuase you never know if the employe washed them after He used the restroom.

Which brings me to another thing, I try and not use public restrooms, they have so many germs it not funny, but we all know with CF you never know when natures going to call or how bad it would be.

Am I being crazy with all this stuff? Probably yes, but If this is what I must do to stay alive then I will pick that card. I wish I could travel back in time and tell myself a year ago to do this and I know I would bee 100% healthy, that is before I got MRSA.

Any of you do this stuff or is It just me? I am only 17yo, and a lot of people find this wierd.


New member
Hell Everyone,

Well for the past couple of months I have been trying to find new easy ways of preventing getting sick.. One thing I have been doing is wearing a Mask almost anywhere I go. When I go to the doctor I put one on before I ever step foot in the biulding, Now You do have to understand I live in a VERY small community. My regular Doctor and the staff do not mandate you(us CFers) were a mask or anything for that matter.
But while I sit in the waiting room I watch about 30 people hack there lungs out and see little babys crying Because they cough so much. So when I go to the childrens Hospital in Denver I get a box of throw away mask that they leave in my room.
The absolute one thing I hate about wearing a mask is everyone stares at you like you are a freak, but if it will save me from getting sick and makes my lungs stay inflated then I wil wear one. But in the small place I live in kansas there are about six people with CF in my local region, so most people know nothing of it.
I wear one when I go to the DR, when I go in a store, and most importantly when I go to a big store like Wal-mart where people everywhere. Dont get me wrong I dont really were one everywhere like if I go in a store with just a few folks there then I wont bother.

I also carry a little contianer of alcohol in my bag so I can always make sure my hands are clean.

When I go out to eat somwhere I have my own set of utensils so I do not have to use there's becuase you never know if the employe washed them after He used the restroom.

Which brings me to another thing, I try and not use public restrooms, they have so many germs it not funny, but we all know with CF you never know when natures going to call or how bad it would be.

Am I being crazy with all this stuff? Probably yes, but If this is what I must do to stay alive then I will pick that card. I wish I could travel back in time and tell myself a year ago to do this and I know I would bee 100% healthy, that is before I got MRSA.

Any of you do this stuff or is It just me? I am only 17yo, and a lot of people find this wierd.


New member
Hell Everyone,

Well for the past couple of months I have been trying to find new easy ways of preventing getting sick.. One thing I have been doing is wearing a Mask almost anywhere I go. When I go to the doctor I put one on before I ever step foot in the biulding, Now You do have to understand I live in a VERY small community. My regular Doctor and the staff do not mandate you(us CFers) were a mask or anything for that matter.
But while I sit in the waiting room I watch about 30 people hack there lungs out and see little babys crying Because they cough so much. So when I go to the childrens Hospital in Denver I get a box of throw away mask that they leave in my room.
The absolute one thing I hate about wearing a mask is everyone stares at you like you are a freak, but if it will save me from getting sick and makes my lungs stay inflated then I wil wear one. But in the small place I live in kansas there are about six people with CF in my local region, so most people know nothing of it.
I wear one when I go to the DR, when I go in a store, and most importantly when I go to a big store like Wal-mart where people everywhere. Dont get me wrong I dont really were one everywhere like if I go in a store with just a few folks there then I wont bother.

I also carry a little contianer of alcohol in my bag so I can always make sure my hands are clean.

When I go out to eat somwhere I have my own set of utensils so I do not have to use there's becuase you never know if the employe washed them after He used the restroom.

Which brings me to another thing, I try and not use public restrooms, they have so many germs it not funny, but we all know with CF you never know when natures going to call or how bad it would be.

Am I being crazy with all this stuff? Probably yes, but If this is what I must do to stay alive then I will pick that card. I wish I could travel back in time and tell myself a year ago to do this and I know I would bee 100% healthy, that is before I got MRSA.

Any of you do this stuff or is It just me? I am only 17yo, and a lot of people find this wierd.


New member
Hell Everyone,
<br />
<br />Well for the past couple of months I have been trying to find new easy ways of preventing getting sick.. One thing I have been doing is wearing a Mask almost anywhere I go. When I go to the doctor I put one on before I ever step foot in the biulding, Now You do have to understand I live in a VERY small community. My regular Doctor and the staff do not mandate you(us CFers) were a mask or anything for that matter.
<br /> But while I sit in the waiting room I watch about 30 people hack there lungs out and see little babys crying Because they cough so much. So when I go to the childrens Hospital in Denver I get a box of throw away mask that they leave in my room.
<br /> The absolute one thing I hate about wearing a mask is everyone stares at you like you are a freak, but if it will save me from getting sick and makes my lungs stay inflated then I wil wear one. But in the small place I live in kansas there are about six people with CF in my local region, so most people know nothing of it.
<br /> I wear one when I go to the DR, when I go in a store, and most importantly when I go to a big store like Wal-mart where people everywhere. Dont get me wrong I dont really were one everywhere like if I go in a store with just a few folks there then I wont bother.
<br />
<br /> I also carry a little contianer of alcohol in my bag so I can always make sure my hands are clean.
<br />
<br /> When I go out to eat somwhere I have my own set of utensils so I do not have to use there's becuase you never know if the employe washed them after He used the restroom.
<br />
<br /> Which brings me to another thing, I try and not use public restrooms, they have so many germs it not funny, but we all know with CF you never know when natures going to call or how bad it would be.
<br />
<br /> Am I being crazy with all this stuff? Probably yes, but If this is what I must do to stay alive then I will pick that card. I wish I could travel back in time and tell myself a year ago to do this and I know I would bee 100% healthy, that is before I got MRSA.
<br />
<br />Any of you do this stuff or is It just me? I am only 17yo, and a lot of people find this wierd.
<br />
<br />


New member
I have to say that I applaud you being willing to wear the mask in public places. I live in Alaska and the volcano across the inlet, Redoubt Volcano, has been erupting for the last couple of weeks, and I haven't been wearing a mask. Granted, if there are visible particles of ash, I will, but I haven't seen any ash yet.

Well, I have become very germ phobic this year, after being hospitalized three times. I use hand sanitizer religiously when I don't have access to water.

Mostly though, I am trying to change things in my household that irritate my lungs. I am wearing masks to vacuum, covering my pillows and mattress with dustmite proof covers, changing my cleaners to vinegar, buying a steam mop that requires water only and not chemicals. Anyway, there's a whole post about these kind of changes.


New member
I have to say that I applaud you being willing to wear the mask in public places. I live in Alaska and the volcano across the inlet, Redoubt Volcano, has been erupting for the last couple of weeks, and I haven't been wearing a mask. Granted, if there are visible particles of ash, I will, but I haven't seen any ash yet.

Well, I have become very germ phobic this year, after being hospitalized three times. I use hand sanitizer religiously when I don't have access to water.

Mostly though, I am trying to change things in my household that irritate my lungs. I am wearing masks to vacuum, covering my pillows and mattress with dustmite proof covers, changing my cleaners to vinegar, buying a steam mop that requires water only and not chemicals. Anyway, there's a whole post about these kind of changes.


New member
I have to say that I applaud you being willing to wear the mask in public places. I live in Alaska and the volcano across the inlet, Redoubt Volcano, has been erupting for the last couple of weeks, and I haven't been wearing a mask. Granted, if there are visible particles of ash, I will, but I haven't seen any ash yet.

Well, I have become very germ phobic this year, after being hospitalized three times. I use hand sanitizer religiously when I don't have access to water.

Mostly though, I am trying to change things in my household that irritate my lungs. I am wearing masks to vacuum, covering my pillows and mattress with dustmite proof covers, changing my cleaners to vinegar, buying a steam mop that requires water only and not chemicals. Anyway, there's a whole post about these kind of changes.


New member
I have to say that I applaud you being willing to wear the mask in public places. I live in Alaska and the volcano across the inlet, Redoubt Volcano, has been erupting for the last couple of weeks, and I haven't been wearing a mask. Granted, if there are visible particles of ash, I will, but I haven't seen any ash yet.

Well, I have become very germ phobic this year, after being hospitalized three times. I use hand sanitizer religiously when I don't have access to water.

Mostly though, I am trying to change things in my household that irritate my lungs. I am wearing masks to vacuum, covering my pillows and mattress with dustmite proof covers, changing my cleaners to vinegar, buying a steam mop that requires water only and not chemicals. Anyway, there's a whole post about these kind of changes.


New member
I have to say that I applaud you being willing to wear the mask in public places. I live in Alaska and the volcano across the inlet, Redoubt Volcano, has been erupting for the last couple of weeks, and I haven't been wearing a mask. Granted, if there are visible particles of ash, I will, but I haven't seen any ash yet.
<br />
<br />Well, I have become very germ phobic this year, after being hospitalized three times. I use hand sanitizer religiously when I don't have access to water.
<br />
<br />Mostly though, I am trying to change things in my household that irritate my lungs. I am wearing masks to vacuum, covering my pillows and mattress with dustmite proof covers, changing my cleaners to vinegar, buying a steam mop that requires water only and not chemicals. Anyway, there's a whole post about these kind of changes.


New member
I have lots of great tips on my blog regarding being proactive about your health with CF.

This section about my visit to Dr. Warwick in Minnesota is a great place to start. It's a lengthy section but the dividends are huge...

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="

take care.


New member
I have lots of great tips on my blog regarding being proactive about your health with CF.

This section about my visit to Dr. Warwick in Minnesota is a great place to start. It's a lengthy section but the dividends are huge...

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="

take care.


New member
I have lots of great tips on my blog regarding being proactive about your health with CF.

This section about my visit to Dr. Warwick in Minnesota is a great place to start. It's a lengthy section but the dividends are huge...

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="

take care.


New member
I have lots of great tips on my blog regarding being proactive about your health with CF.

This section about my visit to Dr. Warwick in Minnesota is a great place to start. It's a lengthy section but the dividends are huge...

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="

take care.


New member
I have lots of great tips on my blog regarding being proactive about your health with CF.
<br />
<br />This section about my visit to Dr. Warwick in Minnesota is a great place to start. It's a lengthy section but the dividends are huge...
<br />
<br />
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a><br />
<br />
<br />take care.
<br />


New member

Bringing the utensils may be usless, cause what about the plate and cup? Prob the utensils wrapped in the napkin r the most clean things in the resturant. I have heard of people using their own salt/pepper shakers and ketchup, cause they contain tons of other's germs.....

Don't forget to wash the top of your hand sanitizer off when u use it.

Do u exercise? If not that is the best thing u can do to help with your health.


New member

Bringing the utensils may be usless, cause what about the plate and cup? Prob the utensils wrapped in the napkin r the most clean things in the resturant. I have heard of people using their own salt/pepper shakers and ketchup, cause they contain tons of other's germs.....

Don't forget to wash the top of your hand sanitizer off when u use it.

Do u exercise? If not that is the best thing u can do to help with your health.


New member

Bringing the utensils may be usless, cause what about the plate and cup? Prob the utensils wrapped in the napkin r the most clean things in the resturant. I have heard of people using their own salt/pepper shakers and ketchup, cause they contain tons of other's germs.....

Don't forget to wash the top of your hand sanitizer off when u use it.

Do u exercise? If not that is the best thing u can do to help with your health.


New member

Bringing the utensils may be usless, cause what about the plate and cup? Prob the utensils wrapped in the napkin r the most clean things in the resturant. I have heard of people using their own salt/pepper shakers and ketchup, cause they contain tons of other's germs.....

Don't forget to wash the top of your hand sanitizer off when u use it.

Do u exercise? If not that is the best thing u can do to help with your health.


New member
<br />
<br />Bringing the utensils may be usless, cause what about the plate and cup? Prob the utensils wrapped in the napkin r the most clean things in the resturant. I have heard of people using their own salt/pepper shakers and ketchup, cause they contain tons of other's germs.....
<br />
<br />Don't forget to wash the top of your hand sanitizer off when u use it.
<br />
<br />Do u exercise? If not that is the best thing u can do to help with your health.