Trying to get pregnant


New member

My husband and I are headed in the same direction as you. He just went in for his sperm analysis - no results yet, but we are fully prepared for IVF within the next year or so. I also found out I am not a carrier of CF. Good Luck to you!!!



New member

My husband and I are headed in the same direction as you. He just went in for his sperm analysis - no results yet, but we are fully prepared for IVF within the next year or so. I also found out I am not a carrier of CF. Good Luck to you!!!



New member

My husband and I are headed in the same direction as you. He just went in for his sperm analysis - no results yet, but we are fully prepared for IVF within the next year or so. I also found out I am not a carrier of CF. Good Luck to you!!!



New member

My husband and I are headed in the same direction as you. He just went in for his sperm analysis - no results yet, but we are fully prepared for IVF within the next year or so. I also found out I am not a carrier of CF. Good Luck to you!!!



New member
<br />
<br />My husband and I are headed in the same direction as you. He just went in for his sperm analysis - no results yet, but we are fully prepared for IVF within the next year or so. I also found out I am not a carrier of CF. Good Luck to you!!!
<br />
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<br />Sara


New member
Is there any success stories of pregnancy without IVF....I'm just hoping that I could be that success story. My husband was dx at birth with CF. We have just started trying to have a baby.


New member
Is there any success stories of pregnancy without IVF....I'm just hoping that I could be that success story. My husband was dx at birth with CF. We have just started trying to have a baby.


New member
Is there any success stories of pregnancy without IVF....I'm just hoping that I could be that success story. My husband was dx at birth with CF. We have just started trying to have a baby.


New member
Is there any success stories of pregnancy without IVF....I'm just hoping that I could be that success story. My husband was dx at birth with CF. We have just started trying to have a baby.


New member
Is there any success stories of pregnancy without IVF....I'm just hoping that I could be that success story. My husband was dx at birth with CF. We have just started trying to have a baby.


New member
There is one guy on this site who got his girlfriend pregnant without any assistance....his name escapes me right now but it was a surprise to them. There is about a 2% chance of success naturally. The easy way to find out is to get a semen analysis. It's inexpensive, most insurance companies cover it and it will give you a difinitive answer.


New member
There is one guy on this site who got his girlfriend pregnant without any assistance....his name escapes me right now but it was a surprise to them. There is about a 2% chance of success naturally. The easy way to find out is to get a semen analysis. It's inexpensive, most insurance companies cover it and it will give you a difinitive answer.


New member
There is one guy on this site who got his girlfriend pregnant without any assistance....his name escapes me right now but it was a surprise to them. There is about a 2% chance of success naturally. The easy way to find out is to get a semen analysis. It's inexpensive, most insurance companies cover it and it will give you a difinitive answer.


New member
There is one guy on this site who got his girlfriend pregnant without any assistance....his name escapes me right now but it was a surprise to them. There is about a 2% chance of success naturally. The easy way to find out is to get a semen analysis. It's inexpensive, most insurance companies cover it and it will give you a difinitive answer.


New member
There is one guy on this site who got his girlfriend pregnant without any assistance....his name escapes me right now but it was a surprise to them. There is about a 2% chance of success naturally. The easy way to find out is to get a semen analysis. It's inexpensive, most insurance companies cover it and it will give you a difinitive answer.


New member
Thank you Julie...I just look for hope. We can't afford IVF and I'm starting to think its the only way for us to have a baby. We unfortunately live in a state that doesn't cover it through insurance. My husband keeps telling me that we may not be able to have a baby. And it makes me upset everytime I hear more and more about the chances being so slim. Plus he won't ask his CF doctor anything about us trying to have a baby...long story. Thank you again for shedding some light on my quest.


New member
Thank you Julie...I just look for hope. We can't afford IVF and I'm starting to think its the only way for us to have a baby. We unfortunately live in a state that doesn't cover it through insurance. My husband keeps telling me that we may not be able to have a baby. And it makes me upset everytime I hear more and more about the chances being so slim. Plus he won't ask his CF doctor anything about us trying to have a baby...long story. Thank you again for shedding some light on my quest.


New member
Thank you Julie...I just look for hope. We can't afford IVF and I'm starting to think its the only way for us to have a baby. We unfortunately live in a state that doesn't cover it through insurance. My husband keeps telling me that we may not be able to have a baby. And it makes me upset everytime I hear more and more about the chances being so slim. Plus he won't ask his CF doctor anything about us trying to have a baby...long story. Thank you again for shedding some light on my quest.


New member
Thank you Julie...I just look for hope. We can't afford IVF and I'm starting to think its the only way for us to have a baby. We unfortunately live in a state that doesn't cover it through insurance. My husband keeps telling me that we may not be able to have a baby. And it makes me upset everytime I hear more and more about the chances being so slim. Plus he won't ask his CF doctor anything about us trying to have a baby...long story. Thank you again for shedding some light on my quest.


New member
Thank you Julie...I just look for hope. We can't afford IVF and I'm starting to think its the only way for us to have a baby. We unfortunately live in a state that doesn't cover it through insurance. My husband keeps telling me that we may not be able to have a baby. And it makes me upset everytime I hear more and more about the chances being so slim. Plus he won't ask his CF doctor anything about us trying to have a baby...long story. Thank you again for shedding some light on my quest.