I too agree that drugs when not necessary are not always a good thing. And, I don't know if using antibiotics as maintenance is very safe... I am terrified of resistance though. I only go in for IVs when I really feel sick and have a lowering of pfts and energy and weight loss. I usually end up going in once a year, but that's really because I'm feeling sick. I've never gone in just to prevent or help me get over a cold. I have gone in AFTER a cold, however, when its been weeks and I just don't bounce back.
I too have several antibiotics that work for me still (knock on wood).... I credit that to the fact that I only go in the hospital or on IVs when I'm really sick. And, I try EVERYTHING before I go in.... However, NO oral antibiotics work for me anymore. None. So, I don't have that option. Usually, when I'm getting over a cold or am feeling a little "funky", I'll try to eat more, keep as active as I can, and take antiinflamatory drugs and airborne or zicam or something natural like that. I will also up my vest treatments and albuterol treatments. To make a long story short, I do everything in my power to get my immune system back up without IVs.
I have found most of the times when I go in for IVs, even when I think I'm sick, my FEV1 never goes up.... even if I start feeling MUCH better. I can be at 56%, get sick and drop to 54%, go on IVs for 2-3 weeks and get up to 55% for a week or so, and then go back down to 54% (even though I feel fine!). This to me is an indication that maybe I didn't need the "tune-up" as much as I thought. Often, I raise my FEV1 alot more with excercise and weight gain. And, the results are much longer lived than my tune ups. Now, that's just me, and maybe I'm strange, but I take this as a clue that instead of running in to get IV meds, maybe I can just change some things in my environment and wipe it out myself. Don't get me wrong, if and when I'm really sick, I go in. And, I know I need to go in. But, I would never go in just cause it had been awhile or I was run down or had a cold..... that's just me though. I appreciate everyone else's right to choose when and why they go in. I'm just anxious enough about resistance and don't want to worry myself more.... If I can get well on my own, I will try that first.
Good for you for not being on IVs for 10 years!!!!!!