UPDATE - Constipation & Vomiting


New member
So I finally took all your advice and brought 4 month old DS to ER - he was still vomiting, not eating well and not responding to glycerin suppositories. There were some really great docs and nurses there that day. They actually listened to me ...

So they did an abdom x-ray - tons of stool. They said they wanted him to poop and eat before they would let us leave. They gave him more lactulose w/juice and a glycerin suppository - no response. They used a thermometer to try to get things moving - nothing. Finally, hours later, the doc stuck her finger up in there and he pooped. The poop was very liquidy, but still viscous - and did not come close to resembling breastfed baby poop. They were hoping to see a chunk of something, but nope. So they were concerned he might still have
something hard in there.

The weirdest thing is that the suppository came out with the poop - hours after it was put in there. This usually happens at home too - I had no idea that it was supposed to melt. <b>Any ideas as to why things don't melt in my son's rectum/colon?</b> Ped ER nurse has never seen that happen in 15 years.

So, they gave him an IV and admitted him because he was still not keeping anything down.

The results of all this:
- GI doc we saw next day didn't think there was any problem and that we need to give the lactulose some more time before we do anything else - she said he may be withholding stool (what?!) and that vomiting was not related - umm, yes it is - it happens every time he gets backed up - she didn't seem to be worried about any hard stool like they were in the ER

- thyroid came back normal

- cbc normal

- a tiny bit of poop came out later that night (liquidy, mucusy - but i swear it looked like soupy meconium (did not look like breastfed poop at all)

- he hasn't gained any weight in a month - in fact, as of Sunday night, with the vomiting, <b>he had lost 1/2 pound since mid-feb</b> - the doc said maybe he was leveling off - what?! - he's only 4 months old!!!! The weight loss is just shocking. He had been growing so well in the first couple of months.

- we were discharged following day because he was hydrated and the doc wanted him out because DS is not vaccinated and she didn't want him to get sick

- did sweat test twice yesterday - couldn't get enough from right arm both times

So, we should find out results today. He has a well-baby visit on Thursday. I printed out a growth chart with DS's trajectory on it to bring with me.

He hasn't pooped since Sunday ... and his diaper was dry again last night (13 hours). All I can think is that maybe he needs salt?

Thanks to all of you for your support. Hopefully we are getting closer to figuring out what is going on with my little cutie.

All the best,


New member
So I finally took all your advice and brought 4 month old DS to ER - he was still vomiting, not eating well and not responding to glycerin suppositories. There were some really great docs and nurses there that day. They actually listened to me ...

So they did an abdom x-ray - tons of stool. They said they wanted him to poop and eat before they would let us leave. They gave him more lactulose w/juice and a glycerin suppository - no response. They used a thermometer to try to get things moving - nothing. Finally, hours later, the doc stuck her finger up in there and he pooped. The poop was very liquidy, but still viscous - and did not come close to resembling breastfed baby poop. They were hoping to see a chunk of something, but nope. So they were concerned he might still have
something hard in there.

The weirdest thing is that the suppository came out with the poop - hours after it was put in there. This usually happens at home too - I had no idea that it was supposed to melt. <b>Any ideas as to why things don't melt in my son's rectum/colon?</b> Ped ER nurse has never seen that happen in 15 years.

So, they gave him an IV and admitted him because he was still not keeping anything down.

The results of all this:
- GI doc we saw next day didn't think there was any problem and that we need to give the lactulose some more time before we do anything else - she said he may be withholding stool (what?!) and that vomiting was not related - umm, yes it is - it happens every time he gets backed up - she didn't seem to be worried about any hard stool like they were in the ER

- thyroid came back normal

- cbc normal

- a tiny bit of poop came out later that night (liquidy, mucusy - but i swear it looked like soupy meconium (did not look like breastfed poop at all)

- he hasn't gained any weight in a month - in fact, as of Sunday night, with the vomiting, <b>he had lost 1/2 pound since mid-feb</b> - the doc said maybe he was leveling off - what?! - he's only 4 months old!!!! The weight loss is just shocking. He had been growing so well in the first couple of months.

- we were discharged following day because he was hydrated and the doc wanted him out because DS is not vaccinated and she didn't want him to get sick

- did sweat test twice yesterday - couldn't get enough from right arm both times

So, we should find out results today. He has a well-baby visit on Thursday. I printed out a growth chart with DS's trajectory on it to bring with me.

He hasn't pooped since Sunday ... and his diaper was dry again last night (13 hours). All I can think is that maybe he needs salt?

Thanks to all of you for your support. Hopefully we are getting closer to figuring out what is going on with my little cutie.

All the best,


New member
So I finally took all your advice and brought 4 month old DS to ER - he was still vomiting, not eating well and not responding to glycerin suppositories. There were some really great docs and nurses there that day. They actually listened to me ...

So they did an abdom x-ray - tons of stool. They said they wanted him to poop and eat before they would let us leave. They gave him more lactulose w/juice and a glycerin suppository - no response. They used a thermometer to try to get things moving - nothing. Finally, hours later, the doc stuck her finger up in there and he pooped. The poop was very liquidy, but still viscous - and did not come close to resembling breastfed baby poop. They were hoping to see a chunk of something, but nope. So they were concerned he might still have
something hard in there.

The weirdest thing is that the suppository came out with the poop - hours after it was put in there. This usually happens at home too - I had no idea that it was supposed to melt. <b>Any ideas as to why things don't melt in my son's rectum/colon?</b> Ped ER nurse has never seen that happen in 15 years.

So, they gave him an IV and admitted him because he was still not keeping anything down.

The results of all this:
- GI doc we saw next day didn't think there was any problem and that we need to give the lactulose some more time before we do anything else - she said he may be withholding stool (what?!) and that vomiting was not related - umm, yes it is - it happens every time he gets backed up - she didn't seem to be worried about any hard stool like they were in the ER

- thyroid came back normal

- cbc normal

- a tiny bit of poop came out later that night (liquidy, mucusy - but i swear it looked like soupy meconium (did not look like breastfed poop at all)

- he hasn't gained any weight in a month - in fact, as of Sunday night, with the vomiting, <b>he had lost 1/2 pound since mid-feb</b> - the doc said maybe he was leveling off - what?! - he's only 4 months old!!!! The weight loss is just shocking. He had been growing so well in the first couple of months.

- we were discharged following day because he was hydrated and the doc wanted him out because DS is not vaccinated and she didn't want him to get sick

- did sweat test twice yesterday - couldn't get enough from right arm both times

So, we should find out results today. He has a well-baby visit on Thursday. I printed out a growth chart with DS's trajectory on it to bring with me.

He hasn't pooped since Sunday ... and his diaper was dry again last night (13 hours). All I can think is that maybe he needs salt?

Thanks to all of you for your support. Hopefully we are getting closer to figuring out what is going on with my little cutie.

All the best,


New member
So I finally took all your advice and brought 4 month old DS to ER - he was still vomiting, not eating well and not responding to glycerin suppositories. There were some really great docs and nurses there that day. They actually listened to me ...

So they did an abdom x-ray - tons of stool. They said they wanted him to poop and eat before they would let us leave. They gave him more lactulose w/juice and a glycerin suppository - no response. They used a thermometer to try to get things moving - nothing. Finally, hours later, the doc stuck her finger up in there and he pooped. The poop was very liquidy, but still viscous - and did not come close to resembling breastfed baby poop. They were hoping to see a chunk of something, but nope. So they were concerned he might still have
something hard in there.

The weirdest thing is that the suppository came out with the poop - hours after it was put in there. This usually happens at home too - I had no idea that it was supposed to melt. <b>Any ideas as to why things don't melt in my son's rectum/colon?</b> Ped ER nurse has never seen that happen in 15 years.

So, they gave him an IV and admitted him because he was still not keeping anything down.

The results of all this:
- GI doc we saw next day didn't think there was any problem and that we need to give the lactulose some more time before we do anything else - she said he may be withholding stool (what?!) and that vomiting was not related - umm, yes it is - it happens every time he gets backed up - she didn't seem to be worried about any hard stool like they were in the ER

- thyroid came back normal

- cbc normal

- a tiny bit of poop came out later that night (liquidy, mucusy - but i swear it looked like soupy meconium (did not look like breastfed poop at all)

- he hasn't gained any weight in a month - in fact, as of Sunday night, with the vomiting, <b>he had lost 1/2 pound since mid-feb</b> - the doc said maybe he was leveling off - what?! - he's only 4 months old!!!! The weight loss is just shocking. He had been growing so well in the first couple of months.

- we were discharged following day because he was hydrated and the doc wanted him out because DS is not vaccinated and she didn't want him to get sick

- did sweat test twice yesterday - couldn't get enough from right arm both times

So, we should find out results today. He has a well-baby visit on Thursday. I printed out a growth chart with DS's trajectory on it to bring with me.

He hasn't pooped since Sunday ... and his diaper was dry again last night (13 hours). All I can think is that maybe he needs salt?

Thanks to all of you for your support. Hopefully we are getting closer to figuring out what is going on with my little cutie.

All the best,


New member
So I finally took all your advice and brought 4 month old DS to ER - he was still vomiting, not eating well and not responding to glycerin suppositories. There were some really great docs and nurses there that day. They actually listened to me ...
<br />
<br />So they did an abdom x-ray - tons of stool. They said they wanted him to poop and eat before they would let us leave. They gave him more lactulose w/juice and a glycerin suppository - no response. They used a thermometer to try to get things moving - nothing. Finally, hours later, the doc stuck her finger up in there and he pooped. The poop was very liquidy, but still viscous - and did not come close to resembling breastfed baby poop. They were hoping to see a chunk of something, but nope. So they were concerned he might still have
<br />something hard in there.
<br />
<br />The weirdest thing is that the suppository came out with the poop - hours after it was put in there. This usually happens at home too - I had no idea that it was supposed to melt. <b>Any ideas as to why things don't melt in my son's rectum/colon?</b> Ped ER nurse has never seen that happen in 15 years.
<br />
<br />So, they gave him an IV and admitted him because he was still not keeping anything down.
<br />
<br />The results of all this:
<br />- GI doc we saw next day didn't think there was any problem and that we need to give the lactulose some more time before we do anything else - she said he may be withholding stool (what?!) and that vomiting was not related - umm, yes it is - it happens every time he gets backed up - she didn't seem to be worried about any hard stool like they were in the ER
<br />
<br />- thyroid came back normal
<br />
<br />- cbc normal
<br />
<br />- a tiny bit of poop came out later that night (liquidy, mucusy - but i swear it looked like soupy meconium (did not look like breastfed poop at all)
<br />
<br />- he hasn't gained any weight in a month - in fact, as of Sunday night, with the vomiting, <b>he had lost 1/2 pound since mid-feb</b> - the doc said maybe he was leveling off - what?! - he's only 4 months old!!!! The weight loss is just shocking. He had been growing so well in the first couple of months.
<br />
<br />- we were discharged following day because he was hydrated and the doc wanted him out because DS is not vaccinated and she didn't want him to get sick
<br />
<br />- did sweat test twice yesterday - couldn't get enough from right arm both times
<br />
<br />So, we should find out results today. He has a well-baby visit on Thursday. I printed out a growth chart with DS's trajectory on it to bring with me.
<br />
<br />He hasn't pooped since Sunday ... and his diaper was dry again last night (13 hours). All I can think is that maybe he needs salt?
<br />
<br />Thanks to all of you for your support. Hopefully we are getting closer to figuring out what is going on with my little cutie.
<br />
<br />All the best,
<br />Sandra


Staff member
I don't think it's a matter of need salt. He needs to be seen by a GI specialist or an accreditted CF facility, asap. Have you checked the CFF site to see if there's an accreditted CF clinic near you. Did the ER doctor give you a referal to anyone -- any follow up suggestions?


Staff member
I don't think it's a matter of need salt. He needs to be seen by a GI specialist or an accreditted CF facility, asap. Have you checked the CFF site to see if there's an accreditted CF clinic near you. Did the ER doctor give you a referal to anyone -- any follow up suggestions?


Staff member
I don't think it's a matter of need salt. He needs to be seen by a GI specialist or an accreditted CF facility, asap. Have you checked the CFF site to see if there's an accreditted CF clinic near you. Did the ER doctor give you a referal to anyone -- any follow up suggestions?


Staff member
I don't think it's a matter of need salt. He needs to be seen by a GI specialist or an accreditted CF facility, asap. Have you checked the CFF site to see if there's an accreditted CF clinic near you. Did the ER doctor give you a referal to anyone -- any follow up suggestions?


Staff member
I don't think it's a matter of need salt. He needs to be seen by a GI specialist or an accreditted CF facility, asap. Have you checked the CFF site to see if there's an accreditted CF clinic near you. Did the ER doctor give you a referal to anyone -- any follow up suggestions?


New member
The hospital where I took him is affiliated with the accredited CF facility, but I'm not sure the outpatient lab where the test was done is part of the CF facility.
We have an appointment with the GI doc in one month. I am just supposed to continue with the lactulose and give suppositories if no stool by 10 days. She really made me feel stupid for being there - the whole breastfed babies can go 10 days, blah, blah, blah - yes, but he went 15 days, only with help and it was NOT regular bf baby poop.
I mentioned the salt because I thought maybe that could be causing dehydration? I have no clue.
Oh - and the GI said she didn't think it was Hirschprung's because the rectal exam seemed normal.
Grrrr - I just don't know ...


New member
The hospital where I took him is affiliated with the accredited CF facility, but I'm not sure the outpatient lab where the test was done is part of the CF facility.
We have an appointment with the GI doc in one month. I am just supposed to continue with the lactulose and give suppositories if no stool by 10 days. She really made me feel stupid for being there - the whole breastfed babies can go 10 days, blah, blah, blah - yes, but he went 15 days, only with help and it was NOT regular bf baby poop.
I mentioned the salt because I thought maybe that could be causing dehydration? I have no clue.
Oh - and the GI said she didn't think it was Hirschprung's because the rectal exam seemed normal.
Grrrr - I just don't know ...


New member
The hospital where I took him is affiliated with the accredited CF facility, but I'm not sure the outpatient lab where the test was done is part of the CF facility.
We have an appointment with the GI doc in one month. I am just supposed to continue with the lactulose and give suppositories if no stool by 10 days. She really made me feel stupid for being there - the whole breastfed babies can go 10 days, blah, blah, blah - yes, but he went 15 days, only with help and it was NOT regular bf baby poop.
I mentioned the salt because I thought maybe that could be causing dehydration? I have no clue.
Oh - and the GI said she didn't think it was Hirschprung's because the rectal exam seemed normal.
Grrrr - I just don't know ...


New member
The hospital where I took him is affiliated with the accredited CF facility, but I'm not sure the outpatient lab where the test was done is part of the CF facility.
We have an appointment with the GI doc in one month. I am just supposed to continue with the lactulose and give suppositories if no stool by 10 days. She really made me feel stupid for being there - the whole breastfed babies can go 10 days, blah, blah, blah - yes, but he went 15 days, only with help and it was NOT regular bf baby poop.
I mentioned the salt because I thought maybe that could be causing dehydration? I have no clue.
Oh - and the GI said she didn't think it was Hirschprung's because the rectal exam seemed normal.
Grrrr - I just don't know ...


New member
The hospital where I took him is affiliated with the accredited CF facility, but I'm not sure the outpatient lab where the test was done is part of the CF facility.
<br />We have an appointment with the GI doc in one month. I am just supposed to continue with the lactulose and give suppositories if no stool by 10 days. She really made me feel stupid for being there - the whole breastfed babies can go 10 days, blah, blah, blah - yes, but he went 15 days, only with help and it was NOT regular bf baby poop.
<br />I mentioned the salt because I thought maybe that could be causing dehydration? I have no clue.
<br />Oh - and the GI said she didn't think it was Hirschprung's because the rectal exam seemed normal.
<br />Grrrr - I just don't know ...


Staff member
IMO, I'd call the GI clinic and ask if they couldn't just squeeze you in -- ask to speak with a nurse or a doctor. Or call your peds doctor and see if they can't pull some strings. A month is a very, very long time for a teeny tiny baby to not be gaining weight and to be having these sorts of issues.


Staff member
IMO, I'd call the GI clinic and ask if they couldn't just squeeze you in -- ask to speak with a nurse or a doctor. Or call your peds doctor and see if they can't pull some strings. A month is a very, very long time for a teeny tiny baby to not be gaining weight and to be having these sorts of issues.


Staff member
IMO, I'd call the GI clinic and ask if they couldn't just squeeze you in -- ask to speak with a nurse or a doctor. Or call your peds doctor and see if they can't pull some strings. A month is a very, very long time for a teeny tiny baby to not be gaining weight and to be having these sorts of issues.


Staff member
IMO, I'd call the GI clinic and ask if they couldn't just squeeze you in -- ask to speak with a nurse or a doctor. Or call your peds doctor and see if they can't pull some strings. A month is a very, very long time for a teeny tiny baby to not be gaining weight and to be having these sorts of issues.


Staff member
IMO, I'd call the GI clinic and ask if they couldn't just squeeze you in -- ask to speak with a nurse or a doctor. Or call your peds doctor and see if they can't pull some strings. A month is a very, very long time for a teeny tiny baby to not be gaining weight and to be having these sorts of issues.