Update on hypertonic saline


Super Moderator
just thought I'ld share how maggie is doing since we've added HTS to her meds. She takes it two times a day the 7%. She's been doing it for a few weeks and we use a mask to help her sinuses. It makes her cough while she's doing it but she doesn't seem upset by it. The first treatment in the doc's office she did not like it at all. But at home it's fine. Maggie has had a cough for a while now , seems to be more post-nasal. last week her doc upped her Bactrim, haven't noticed a significant difference in her cough. It's wierd it seems that since maggie has started the HTS, her appetite has improved and possibly her weight? I haven't weighed her but she feels heavier and we've avoided picking up any more colds(knock on wood) This cough she has has not gotten worse, but my guess is if the bactrim doesn't cut it I'll call next week for something else anti wise.


Super Moderator
just thought I'ld share how maggie is doing since we've added HTS to her meds. She takes it two times a day the 7%. She's been doing it for a few weeks and we use a mask to help her sinuses. It makes her cough while she's doing it but she doesn't seem upset by it. The first treatment in the doc's office she did not like it at all. But at home it's fine. Maggie has had a cough for a while now , seems to be more post-nasal. last week her doc upped her Bactrim, haven't noticed a significant difference in her cough. It's wierd it seems that since maggie has started the HTS, her appetite has improved and possibly her weight? I haven't weighed her but she feels heavier and we've avoided picking up any more colds(knock on wood) This cough she has has not gotten worse, but my guess is if the bactrim doesn't cut it I'll call next week for something else anti wise.


Super Moderator
just thought I'ld share how maggie is doing since we've added HTS to her meds. She takes it two times a day the 7%. She's been doing it for a few weeks and we use a mask to help her sinuses. It makes her cough while she's doing it but she doesn't seem upset by it. The first treatment in the doc's office she did not like it at all. But at home it's fine. Maggie has had a cough for a while now , seems to be more post-nasal. last week her doc upped her Bactrim, haven't noticed a significant difference in her cough. It's wierd it seems that since maggie has started the HTS, her appetite has improved and possibly her weight? I haven't weighed her but she feels heavier and we've avoided picking up any more colds(knock on wood) This cough she has has not gotten worse, but my guess is if the bactrim doesn't cut it I'll call next week for something else anti wise.


New member
Thank you for this information. It's just in time for our cf doc visit this coming Thursday. He has been wanting to put our Katy on HS. The possible improved appetite is especially encouraging! Hooray for Maggie!


New member
Thank you for this information. It's just in time for our cf doc visit this coming Thursday. He has been wanting to put our Katy on HS. The possible improved appetite is especially encouraging! Hooray for Maggie!


New member
Thank you for this information. It's just in time for our cf doc visit this coming Thursday. He has been wanting to put our Katy on HS. The possible improved appetite is especially encouraging! Hooray for Maggie!


New member
great news. I also notice that my daughter does not get sick as often since starting HS about 6 months ago. In fact she hasn't needed antibiotics yet! She does cough alot while doing the treatment but maybe not as much while not doing the treatment?? She uses 3% not the 7%.


New member
great news. I also notice that my daughter does not get sick as often since starting HS about 6 months ago. In fact she hasn't needed antibiotics yet! She does cough alot while doing the treatment but maybe not as much while not doing the treatment?? She uses 3% not the 7%.


New member
great news. I also notice that my daughter does not get sick as often since starting HS about 6 months ago. In fact she hasn't needed antibiotics yet! She does cough alot while doing the treatment but maybe not as much while not doing the treatment?? She uses 3% not the 7%.


New member
Glad to hear she's tolerating it well.

My daughter started HS in February, we've also noticed a huge increase in appetite. She's was 35.4 lbs on 2/14 and is now 37 lbs!!! Constantly asking for something to eat, which is unusual for her.


New member
Glad to hear she's tolerating it well.

My daughter started HS in February, we've also noticed a huge increase in appetite. She's was 35.4 lbs on 2/14 and is now 37 lbs!!! Constantly asking for something to eat, which is unusual for her.


New member
Glad to hear she's tolerating it well.

My daughter started HS in February, we've also noticed a huge increase in appetite. She's was 35.4 lbs on 2/14 and is now 37 lbs!!! Constantly asking for something to eat, which is unusual for her.


Super Moderator

That's a wonderful weight gain. My husband and I were talking about Maggie's increase appetite. I wonder why she would feel more hungry, just curious. My husband suggested maybe if your sinuses are blocked with mucus food doesn't taste as good. I'll be interested to see how much maggie weighs and if this lasts or is just a coincidental growth spurt. Anyway, Maggie is still coughing, I think antibiotics is the only thing that truly kicks her cough gone .


Super Moderator

That's a wonderful weight gain. My husband and I were talking about Maggie's increase appetite. I wonder why she would feel more hungry, just curious. My husband suggested maybe if your sinuses are blocked with mucus food doesn't taste as good. I'll be interested to see how much maggie weighs and if this lasts or is just a coincidental growth spurt. Anyway, Maggie is still coughing, I think antibiotics is the only thing that truly kicks her cough gone .


Super Moderator

That's a wonderful weight gain. My husband and I were talking about Maggie's increase appetite. I wonder why she would feel more hungry, just curious. My husband suggested maybe if your sinuses are blocked with mucus food doesn't taste as good. I'll be interested to see how much maggie weighs and if this lasts or is just a coincidental growth spurt. Anyway, Maggie is still coughing, I think antibiotics is the only thing that truly kicks her cough gone .


New member
Hello there,

I am not able to offer experience with children and HTS but I wanted to say I find this a very interesting thread. Mainly in regards to the increased appetite and weight gain.

Here were a few thoughts I had in regards to that issue. One like your husband said it may be an altered sense of taste. Two it may be that she is coughing more and thus burning more energy and that is making her hungry. Three she is clearer and breathing better and absorbing O2 better which can make her more hungry OR Four (which is what I really think may be part of the issue) She is coughing out alot of mucus and it is reducing the drainage from her sinuses. Instead of that drainage and any residual mucus that comes up from her lungs being swallowed and landing in her stomach it is getting OUT of her body. From experience (I have CF) I will say that if you swallow a lot of mucus it will make you sick or nauseous and you will not want to eat. It may just be that she doesn't have that excess mucus on her stomach making her sick - so she has a stronger desire to eat.

Just a few thoughts to add to the mix.

Congrats to all on the increased weight and appetite.

Take Care,


New member
Hello there,

I am not able to offer experience with children and HTS but I wanted to say I find this a very interesting thread. Mainly in regards to the increased appetite and weight gain.

Here were a few thoughts I had in regards to that issue. One like your husband said it may be an altered sense of taste. Two it may be that she is coughing more and thus burning more energy and that is making her hungry. Three she is clearer and breathing better and absorbing O2 better which can make her more hungry OR Four (which is what I really think may be part of the issue) She is coughing out alot of mucus and it is reducing the drainage from her sinuses. Instead of that drainage and any residual mucus that comes up from her lungs being swallowed and landing in her stomach it is getting OUT of her body. From experience (I have CF) I will say that if you swallow a lot of mucus it will make you sick or nauseous and you will not want to eat. It may just be that she doesn't have that excess mucus on her stomach making her sick - so she has a stronger desire to eat.

Just a few thoughts to add to the mix.

Congrats to all on the increased weight and appetite.

Take Care,