First I just want to thank everyone who responded to my post. Every opinion is important to me whether it pisses me off or not because very often the truth will piss you off. I wasn't upset by what anyone said I'm just saying I want to hear what everyone has to think regardless, so thanks. I think I'm going to keep my son in Social Studies because I don't want him to ever be a quitter and at some point you have to learn how to deal with difficult people, but believe me that teacher is going to be so sick of seeing me because I'm going to ride her hard. Sometimes though I think if there is any benefits to having a illness they might as well be used because your sure paying the price ya know?
For those that didn't read the previous thread I was thinking about dropping my son from Social Studies just because I can.
For those that didn't read the previous thread I was thinking about dropping my son from Social Studies just because I can.