update on my dog Sam


New member
Hugs to you

I am sorry, I know how hard it is. What helped my husband and I was to clean up our house and get rid of all his stuff because it seemed whenever we saw something of his we would get sad so we swept and dusted really well, got rid of his leashes bowls etc or stored them away. We even took down his picture for just a bit until it wasnt so fresh then we got a nice frame that says "top dog" and we put a good picture of him in it. This is just what worked for us.

take care


New member
Hugs to you

I am sorry, I know how hard it is. What helped my husband and I was to clean up our house and get rid of all his stuff because it seemed whenever we saw something of his we would get sad so we swept and dusted really well, got rid of his leashes bowls etc or stored them away. We even took down his picture for just a bit until it wasnt so fresh then we got a nice frame that says "top dog" and we put a good picture of him in it. This is just what worked for us.

take care


New member
I know how you feel. We had to put our dog down just over a year ago & it is very hard. As with every loss, time does heal. It will get a little easier as the days pass.

We also got 2 puppies a few months after we had to put down our dog & that helped. Dogs are so therapeutic. A perfect example of unconditional love<img src="i/expressions/dog.gif" border="0">
Hang in there....


New member
I know how you feel. We had to put our dog down just over a year ago & it is very hard. As with every loss, time does heal. It will get a little easier as the days pass.

We also got 2 puppies a few months after we had to put down our dog & that helped. Dogs are so therapeutic. A perfect example of unconditional love<img src="i/expressions/dog.gif" border="0">
Hang in there....


New member
I know how you feel. We had to put our dog down just over a year ago & it is very hard. As with every loss, time does heal. It will get a little easier as the days pass.

We also got 2 puppies a few months after we had to put down our dog & that helped. Dogs are so therapeutic. A perfect example of unconditional love<img src="i/expressions/dog.gif" border="0">
Hang in there....


New member
I know how you feel. We had to put our dog down just over a year ago & it is very hard. As with every loss, time does heal. It will get a little easier as the days pass.

We also got 2 puppies a few months after we had to put down our dog & that helped. Dogs are so therapeutic. A perfect example of unconditional love<img src="i/expressions/dog.gif" border="0">
Hang in there....


New member
I know how you feel. We had to put our dog down just over a year ago & it is very hard. As with every loss, time does heal. It will get a little easier as the days pass.

We also got 2 puppies a few months after we had to put down our dog & that helped. Dogs are so therapeutic. A perfect example of unconditional love<img src="i/expressions/dog.gif" border="0">
Hang in there....


New member
I know how you feel. We had to put our dog down just over a year ago & it is very hard. As with every loss, time does heal. It will get a little easier as the days pass.

We also got 2 puppies a few months after we had to put down our dog & that helped. Dogs are so therapeutic. A perfect example of unconditional love<img src="i/expressions/dog.gif" border="0">
Hang in there....


New member
Hi Honey! <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

Oh Nic, SO SO SO SORRY to hear of Sams passing, BUT he is now free from pain and he IS up there and he WILL be waiting for you SOMEDAY. (a LONG time from now!) Ya know alot of people don't agree w/ me pn this, but I truly believe that there are SO SO many animals out there that NEED us. our LOVE and caring that the best thing to do is get another dog to LOVE! not a puppy necessarily, there are plenty of dogs tho that would be so grateful for your love. And you would NOT be replacing Sam, No, not at all. And he would like that you are helping out a fellow dog as well!

Dogs are VERY special and VERY spiritual creatures, and i think that the fact that dog is god spelled backwards says something about how the higher power feels about them as well! My friend Breonna recently lost her dog Nolla, 8 yrs old VERY suddenly. and she said NO WAY she was getting another dog, cant go thru THAT again! and long story short she wound up with "ROO" a shepherd pup just TWO days later who is the apple of her eye and she couldn't IMAGINE life without her! she was abandoned in a shelter and strange circumstances brought them together and I think that is very cool.

I hope that your heart can heal from this, and i am thinking of you!


lisa <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Honey! <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

Oh Nic, SO SO SO SORRY to hear of Sams passing, BUT he is now free from pain and he IS up there and he WILL be waiting for you SOMEDAY. (a LONG time from now!) Ya know alot of people don't agree w/ me pn this, but I truly believe that there are SO SO many animals out there that NEED us. our LOVE and caring that the best thing to do is get another dog to LOVE! not a puppy necessarily, there are plenty of dogs tho that would be so grateful for your love. And you would NOT be replacing Sam, No, not at all. And he would like that you are helping out a fellow dog as well!

Dogs are VERY special and VERY spiritual creatures, and i think that the fact that dog is god spelled backwards says something about how the higher power feels about them as well! My friend Breonna recently lost her dog Nolla, 8 yrs old VERY suddenly. and she said NO WAY she was getting another dog, cant go thru THAT again! and long story short she wound up with "ROO" a shepherd pup just TWO days later who is the apple of her eye and she couldn't IMAGINE life without her! she was abandoned in a shelter and strange circumstances brought them together and I think that is very cool.

I hope that your heart can heal from this, and i am thinking of you!


lisa <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Honey! <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

Oh Nic, SO SO SO SORRY to hear of Sams passing, BUT he is now free from pain and he IS up there and he WILL be waiting for you SOMEDAY. (a LONG time from now!) Ya know alot of people don't agree w/ me pn this, but I truly believe that there are SO SO many animals out there that NEED us. our LOVE and caring that the best thing to do is get another dog to LOVE! not a puppy necessarily, there are plenty of dogs tho that would be so grateful for your love. And you would NOT be replacing Sam, No, not at all. And he would like that you are helping out a fellow dog as well!

Dogs are VERY special and VERY spiritual creatures, and i think that the fact that dog is god spelled backwards says something about how the higher power feels about them as well! My friend Breonna recently lost her dog Nolla, 8 yrs old VERY suddenly. and she said NO WAY she was getting another dog, cant go thru THAT again! and long story short she wound up with "ROO" a shepherd pup just TWO days later who is the apple of her eye and she couldn't IMAGINE life without her! she was abandoned in a shelter and strange circumstances brought them together and I think that is very cool.

I hope that your heart can heal from this, and i am thinking of you!


lisa <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Honey! <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

Oh Nic, SO SO SO SORRY to hear of Sams passing, BUT he is now free from pain and he IS up there and he WILL be waiting for you SOMEDAY. (a LONG time from now!) Ya know alot of people don't agree w/ me pn this, but I truly believe that there are SO SO many animals out there that NEED us. our LOVE and caring that the best thing to do is get another dog to LOVE! not a puppy necessarily, there are plenty of dogs tho that would be so grateful for your love. And you would NOT be replacing Sam, No, not at all. And he would like that you are helping out a fellow dog as well!

Dogs are VERY special and VERY spiritual creatures, and i think that the fact that dog is god spelled backwards says something about how the higher power feels about them as well! My friend Breonna recently lost her dog Nolla, 8 yrs old VERY suddenly. and she said NO WAY she was getting another dog, cant go thru THAT again! and long story short she wound up with "ROO" a shepherd pup just TWO days later who is the apple of her eye and she couldn't IMAGINE life without her! she was abandoned in a shelter and strange circumstances brought them together and I think that is very cool.

I hope that your heart can heal from this, and i am thinking of you!


lisa <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Honey! <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

Oh Nic, SO SO SO SORRY to hear of Sams passing, BUT he is now free from pain and he IS up there and he WILL be waiting for you SOMEDAY. (a LONG time from now!) Ya know alot of people don't agree w/ me pn this, but I truly believe that there are SO SO many animals out there that NEED us. our LOVE and caring that the best thing to do is get another dog to LOVE! not a puppy necessarily, there are plenty of dogs tho that would be so grateful for your love. And you would NOT be replacing Sam, No, not at all. And he would like that you are helping out a fellow dog as well!

Dogs are VERY special and VERY spiritual creatures, and i think that the fact that dog is god spelled backwards says something about how the higher power feels about them as well! My friend Breonna recently lost her dog Nolla, 8 yrs old VERY suddenly. and she said NO WAY she was getting another dog, cant go thru THAT again! and long story short she wound up with "ROO" a shepherd pup just TWO days later who is the apple of her eye and she couldn't IMAGINE life without her! she was abandoned in a shelter and strange circumstances brought them together and I think that is very cool.

I hope that your heart can heal from this, and i am thinking of you!


lisa <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Honey! <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

Oh Nic, SO SO SO SORRY to hear of Sams passing, BUT he is now free from pain and he IS up there and he WILL be waiting for you SOMEDAY. (a LONG time from now!) Ya know alot of people don't agree w/ me pn this, but I truly believe that there are SO SO many animals out there that NEED us. our LOVE and caring that the best thing to do is get another dog to LOVE! not a puppy necessarily, there are plenty of dogs tho that would be so grateful for your love. And you would NOT be replacing Sam, No, not at all. And he would like that you are helping out a fellow dog as well!

Dogs are VERY special and VERY spiritual creatures, and i think that the fact that dog is god spelled backwards says something about how the higher power feels about them as well! My friend Breonna recently lost her dog Nolla, 8 yrs old VERY suddenly. and she said NO WAY she was getting another dog, cant go thru THAT again! and long story short she wound up with "ROO" a shepherd pup just TWO days later who is the apple of her eye and she couldn't IMAGINE life without her! she was abandoned in a shelter and strange circumstances brought them together and I think that is very cool.

I hope that your heart can heal from this, and i am thinking of you!


lisa <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Lisa, while looking for rainbowbrige stuff last night, I found this about pet rescuersw when they go to rainbowbridge and the pets they rescued witing for them... <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.straydog.org/Month200306/RainbowBridgeRescuers.html
</a>It is lovely. Give it to your friend.


New member
Lisa, while looking for rainbowbrige stuff last night, I found this about pet rescuersw when they go to rainbowbridge and the pets they rescued witing for them... <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.straydog.org/Month200306/RainbowBridgeRescuers.html
</a>It is lovely. Give it to your friend.


New member
Lisa, while looking for rainbowbrige stuff last night, I found this about pet rescuersw when they go to rainbowbridge and the pets they rescued witing for them... <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.straydog.org/Month200306/RainbowBridgeRescuers.html
</a>It is lovely. Give it to your friend.


New member
Lisa, while looking for rainbowbrige stuff last night, I found this about pet rescuersw when they go to rainbowbridge and the pets they rescued witing for them... <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.straydog.org/Month200306/RainbowBridgeRescuers.html
</a>It is lovely. Give it to your friend.


New member
Lisa, while looking for rainbowbrige stuff last night, I found this about pet rescuersw when they go to rainbowbridge and the pets they rescued witing for them... <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.straydog.org/Month200306/RainbowBridgeRescuers.html
</a>It is lovely. Give it to your friend.


New member
Lisa, while looking for rainbowbrige stuff last night, I found this about pet rescuersw when they go to rainbowbridge and the pets they rescued witing for them... <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.straydog.org/Month200306/RainbowBridgeRescuers.html
</a>It is lovely. Give it to your friend.