Every day Cystic Fibrosis adults fight to maintain our health and now we need your help to keep Social Security benefits which are critical to our survival. My name is Anthony Weiss and I have Cystic Fibrosis. For many of you that know the story of 65 Roses, it was my brother, Richard, who uttered the well-known words at the age of 4. For those people with CF, families and friends who are unfamiliar with the story, here is a link to the National Cystic Fibrosis Foundation: 65 Roses Story
I already lost my oldest brother, Arthur, to this dreadful disease and last summer I almost lost my brother, Richard. On the advice of my doctors I stopped working approximately 4 years ago (after a 15- year career) to maintain my health and under these proposed revisions I along with thousands of others would lose my Social Security benefits and Medicare.
Many CF children and adults who already receive disability benefits could be disqualified. Without income and health insurance disabled CF adults would be forced back to work.
Here are some examples of the changes proposed (See attached document for comparison):
· Home IV antibiotics or inhaled antibiotics like TOBI or Cayston will not be a factor for eligibility.
· Visits to your CF Center for exacerbations will no longer be considered as a factor for eligibility. Patients will need 3 hospitalizations within a year to qualify for benefits.
· Social Security lowered the FEV1 % criteria to qualify for disability benefits.
Through generous donations and hard work the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has made great strides in improving the average life expectancy. If the proposed changes are implemented, the impact will be devastating for thousands of children and adults with CF. Without Social Security benefits, Medicare and Medicaid many children and adults will suffer.
Please email the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (Info@cff.org) to the attention Dr. Bob Beall and explain the impact these changes would have on your life. If you are a friend or family member, also please take the time to write the CF Foundation and express your concern. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation needs to hear from all of us and our voices must be heard. This urgent issue must be their #1 priority.
Anthony Weiss