Part of why we were able to adopt a CFer is because we have excellent health insurance coverage. M also has Title IV-E adoption subsidy medicaid which will cover him until he's 21.
I'm really, really nervous about what both of my medical needs boys are going to do once they reach adulthood. M's costs for CF treatment is about 1/3 of what our other son's cost of treatment is. He's up to $13,000/month already and that number goes up as he grows as his meds are dispensed based upon his weight ($1/unit of Factor IV and he's currently getting 2000u on Tuesdays and 2500u on Fridays every week).
I actually have a thought to send my Hemophiliac son to a country with Socialized Medicine when he's older. Its that or he's GOT to get through college and get a white collar job pretty darn quickly.
At least with M, I'm pretty sure because of his other issues, he will quaify for SSDI or SSI not based upon our income.