Very confused new mom...


New member
Hi! I know exactly how you are feeling right now and seeing that picture of your baby brought back such memories. My son is now 3 1/2 years old and was diagnosed at 2 weeks old due to meconium ileus. He had his first surgery at 1 day old and the other at 5 weeks old to reconnect his intestines. It was a long 9 weeks before he was able to come home. It felt at the time that things would never be okay again. But guess what? It really does get better. We do his treatments and chest pt and he is doing awesome. I know how scared all of you new moms are....I was too! I wish I had found this site when we were going through what you guys are going through now. You will find alot of information and people who understand on this forum. Keeping you all in my prayers!


New member
Hi! I know exactly how you are feeling right now and seeing that picture of your baby brought back such memories. My son is now 3 1/2 years old and was diagnosed at 2 weeks old due to meconium ileus. He had his first surgery at 1 day old and the other at 5 weeks old to reconnect his intestines. It was a long 9 weeks before he was able to come home. It felt at the time that things would never be okay again. But guess what? It really does get better. We do his treatments and chest pt and he is doing awesome. I know how scared all of you new moms are....I was too! I wish I had found this site when we were going through what you guys are going through now. You will find alot of information and people who understand on this forum. Keeping you all in my prayers!


New member
Hi! I know exactly how you are feeling right now and seeing that picture of your baby brought back such memories. My son is now 3 1/2 years old and was diagnosed at 2 weeks old due to meconium ileus. He had his first surgery at 1 day old and the other at 5 weeks old to reconnect his intestines. It was a long 9 weeks before he was able to come home. It felt at the time that things would never be okay again. But guess what? It really does get better. We do his treatments and chest pt and he is doing awesome. I know how scared all of you new moms are....I was too! I wish I had found this site when we were going through what you guys are going through now. You will find alot of information and people who understand on this forum. Keeping you all in my prayers!


New member
Hi! I know exactly how you are feeling right now and seeing that picture of your baby brought back such memories. My son is now 3 1/2 years old and was diagnosed at 2 weeks old due to meconium ileus. He had his first surgery at 1 day old and the other at 5 weeks old to reconnect his intestines. It was a long 9 weeks before he was able to come home. It felt at the time that things would never be okay again. But guess what? It really does get better. We do his treatments and chest pt and he is doing awesome. I know how scared all of you new moms are....I was too! I wish I had found this site when we were going through what you guys are going through now. You will find alot of information and people who understand on this forum. Keeping you all in my prayers!


New member
Hi! I know exactly how you are feeling right now and seeing that picture of your baby brought back such memories. My son is now 3 1/2 years old and was diagnosed at 2 weeks old due to meconium ileus. He had his first surgery at 1 day old and the other at 5 weeks old to reconnect his intestines. It was a long 9 weeks before he was able to come home. It felt at the time that things would never be okay again. But guess what? It really does get better. We do his treatments and chest pt and he is doing awesome. I know how scared all of you new moms are....I was too! I wish I had found this site when we were going through what you guys are going through now. You will find alot of information and people who understand on this forum. Keeping you all in my prayers!