Very Hungry 4 year old.


New member
I have a 4 year old daughter. Her biggest problem with CF thus far has been malabsorbtion. Currently she is taking both Ultrase and Creon, with no big changes in her eating habits. She is 29 pounds and holding for the last 6 months. She eats like a grown man, on top of the bolus feedings of her "formula" she eats all day. Her typical breakfast is 3eggs, two pieces of toast, 2 glasses of milk, lg bowl of cottage chesse and fruit, and 2 bannans. This only holds her for about an hour and half.
My question is there anyone whose child eats like mine? How do you control their hunger?


New member
I have a 4 year old daughter. Her biggest problem with CF thus far has been malabsorbtion. Currently she is taking both Ultrase and Creon, with no big changes in her eating habits. She is 29 pounds and holding for the last 6 months. She eats like a grown man, on top of the bolus feedings of her "formula" she eats all day. Her typical breakfast is 3eggs, two pieces of toast, 2 glasses of milk, lg bowl of cottage chesse and fruit, and 2 bannans. This only holds her for about an hour and half.
My question is there anyone whose child eats like mine? How do you control their hunger?


New member
I have a 4 year old daughter. Her biggest problem with CF thus far has been malabsorbtion. Currently she is taking both Ultrase and Creon, with no big changes in her eating habits. She is 29 pounds and holding for the last 6 months. She eats like a grown man, on top of the bolus feedings of her "formula" she eats all day. Her typical breakfast is 3eggs, two pieces of toast, 2 glasses of milk, lg bowl of cottage chesse and fruit, and 2 bannans. This only holds her for about an hour and half.
My question is there anyone whose child eats like mine? How do you control their hunger?


New member
I have a 4 year old daughter. Her biggest problem with CF thus far has been malabsorbtion. Currently she is taking both Ultrase and Creon, with no big changes in her eating habits. She is 29 pounds and holding for the last 6 months. She eats like a grown man, on top of the bolus feedings of her "formula" she eats all day. Her typical breakfast is 3eggs, two pieces of toast, 2 glasses of milk, lg bowl of cottage chesse and fruit, and 2 bannans. This only holds her for about an hour and half.
My question is there anyone whose child eats like mine? How do you control their hunger?


New member
I have a 4 year old daughter. Her biggest problem with CF thus far has been malabsorbtion. Currently she is taking both Ultrase and Creon, with no big changes in her eating habits. She is 29 pounds and holding for the last 6 months. She eats like a grown man, on top of the bolus feedings of her "formula" she eats all day. Her typical breakfast is 3eggs, two pieces of toast, 2 glasses of milk, lg bowl of cottage chesse and fruit, and 2 bannans. This only holds her for about an hour and half.
My question is there anyone whose child eats like mine? How do you control their hunger?


Sounds like she isn't taking enough enzymes to help her digest all of that food. (As if you haven't thought of that!) Is she taking the maximum dosage of enzymes? How many enzymes do you give her with such a big breakfast? Do you spread the enzymes out throughout the meal? Is she taking something like Prevacid Solutabs? The zantac didn't help my kids much.

I, however, have the opposite problem with my kids. They don't seem hungry.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


Sounds like she isn't taking enough enzymes to help her digest all of that food. (As if you haven't thought of that!) Is she taking the maximum dosage of enzymes? How many enzymes do you give her with such a big breakfast? Do you spread the enzymes out throughout the meal? Is she taking something like Prevacid Solutabs? The zantac didn't help my kids much.

I, however, have the opposite problem with my kids. They don't seem hungry.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


Sounds like she isn't taking enough enzymes to help her digest all of that food. (As if you haven't thought of that!) Is she taking the maximum dosage of enzymes? How many enzymes do you give her with such a big breakfast? Do you spread the enzymes out throughout the meal? Is she taking something like Prevacid Solutabs? The zantac didn't help my kids much.

I, however, have the opposite problem with my kids. They don't seem hungry.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


Sounds like she isn't taking enough enzymes to help her digest all of that food. (As if you haven't thought of that!) Is she taking the maximum dosage of enzymes? How many enzymes do you give her with such a big breakfast? Do you spread the enzymes out throughout the meal? Is she taking something like Prevacid Solutabs? The zantac didn't help my kids much.

I, however, have the opposite problem with my kids. They don't seem hungry.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


Sounds like she isn't taking enough enzymes to help her digest all of that food. (As if you haven't thought of that!) Is she taking the maximum dosage of enzymes? How many enzymes do you give her with such a big breakfast? Do you spread the enzymes out throughout the meal? Is she taking something like Prevacid Solutabs? The zantac didn't help my kids much.

I, however, have the opposite problem with my kids. They don't seem hungry.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


New member
I too would ask if she is taking prevacid or priolosec, if not, I would start there. Then, I would also recommend asking about pancreacarb MS 8's or 16's enzymes which is the enzyme that has worked best for us. Neither Creon or Ultrase worked for us so it could be you need a different enzyme.
We also have the opposite problem of trying to get the kid to eat, unless he is on predisone.


New member
I too would ask if she is taking prevacid or priolosec, if not, I would start there. Then, I would also recommend asking about pancreacarb MS 8's or 16's enzymes which is the enzyme that has worked best for us. Neither Creon or Ultrase worked for us so it could be you need a different enzyme.
We also have the opposite problem of trying to get the kid to eat, unless he is on predisone.


New member
I too would ask if she is taking prevacid or priolosec, if not, I would start there. Then, I would also recommend asking about pancreacarb MS 8's or 16's enzymes which is the enzyme that has worked best for us. Neither Creon or Ultrase worked for us so it could be you need a different enzyme.
We also have the opposite problem of trying to get the kid to eat, unless he is on predisone.


New member
I too would ask if she is taking prevacid or priolosec, if not, I would start there. Then, I would also recommend asking about pancreacarb MS 8's or 16's enzymes which is the enzyme that has worked best for us. Neither Creon or Ultrase worked for us so it could be you need a different enzyme.
We also have the opposite problem of trying to get the kid to eat, unless he is on predisone.


New member
I too would ask if she is taking prevacid or priolosec, if not, I would start there. Then, I would also recommend asking about pancreacarb MS 8's or 16's enzymes which is the enzyme that has worked best for us. Neither Creon or Ultrase worked for us so it could be you need a different enzyme.
We also have the opposite problem of trying to get the kid to eat, unless he is on predisone.


New member
I am sorry it has taken me so long to get back. Yes, she takes 15ml of Prevacid twice a day. And her enzymes are spread throughout her meals, but it dosen't seem to help much.


New member
I am sorry it has taken me so long to get back. Yes, she takes 15ml of Prevacid twice a day. And her enzymes are spread throughout her meals, but it dosen't seem to help much.


New member
I am sorry it has taken me so long to get back. Yes, she takes 15ml of Prevacid twice a day. And her enzymes are spread throughout her meals, but it dosen't seem to help much.


New member
I am sorry it has taken me so long to get back. Yes, she takes 15ml of Prevacid twice a day. And her enzymes are spread throughout her meals, but it dosen't seem to help much.


New member
I am sorry it has taken me so long to get back. Yes, she takes 15ml of Prevacid twice a day. And her enzymes are spread throughout her meals, but it dosen't seem to help much.