Very scared Dad!


New member
hey there!
i know its emotional because you and your family will carry as much as the disease as she will. I am a 27 yr old cfer and all i can say is treat her as if she was a healthy kid. Put it in her mind that she can do what ever she wants, incourage her to do things. Youll just have to be on the outside making sure that you keeps things and areas clean and germ free. Dont let her touch door knobs or be around people that are sick. Ya know the basics. My mother and father raised me as if i was a healthy child and in my mind, i was. i knew i had cf, but only as i got older realized the serverity of it. and i thank my family for that. Cause they let me live a FULL childhoold. They had to work overtime though to keep me healthy. to make sure i stay with treatments, doing PT, and keeping things clean. I will say this and i know this from exprience, it hasnt been a easy ride, but God doesnt put anything in your way you cant handle. Right when you think its too much, he will intervene. He has kept our family going through everything. Everything will be set up perfectly in order as if it was already planned, he will take over, what we cant handle. Dont give up hope because its the only thing we have. If you have any questions email me... ill be happy to answer anything i can
Melanie <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hey there!
i know its emotional because you and your family will carry as much as the disease as she will. I am a 27 yr old cfer and all i can say is treat her as if she was a healthy kid. Put it in her mind that she can do what ever she wants, incourage her to do things. Youll just have to be on the outside making sure that you keeps things and areas clean and germ free. Dont let her touch door knobs or be around people that are sick. Ya know the basics. My mother and father raised me as if i was a healthy child and in my mind, i was. i knew i had cf, but only as i got older realized the serverity of it. and i thank my family for that. Cause they let me live a FULL childhoold. They had to work overtime though to keep me healthy. to make sure i stay with treatments, doing PT, and keeping things clean. I will say this and i know this from exprience, it hasnt been a easy ride, but God doesnt put anything in your way you cant handle. Right when you think its too much, he will intervene. He has kept our family going through everything. Everything will be set up perfectly in order as if it was already planned, he will take over, what we cant handle. Dont give up hope because its the only thing we have. If you have any questions email me... ill be happy to answer anything i can
Melanie <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hey there!
i know its emotional because you and your family will carry as much as the disease as she will. I am a 27 yr old cfer and all i can say is treat her as if she was a healthy kid. Put it in her mind that she can do what ever she wants, incourage her to do things. Youll just have to be on the outside making sure that you keeps things and areas clean and germ free. Dont let her touch door knobs or be around people that are sick. Ya know the basics. My mother and father raised me as if i was a healthy child and in my mind, i was. i knew i had cf, but only as i got older realized the serverity of it. and i thank my family for that. Cause they let me live a FULL childhoold. They had to work overtime though to keep me healthy. to make sure i stay with treatments, doing PT, and keeping things clean. I will say this and i know this from exprience, it hasnt been a easy ride, but God doesnt put anything in your way you cant handle. Right when you think its too much, he will intervene. He has kept our family going through everything. Everything will be set up perfectly in order as if it was already planned, he will take over, what we cant handle. Dont give up hope because its the only thing we have. If you have any questions email me... ill be happy to answer anything i can
Melanie <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hey there!
i know its emotional because you and your family will carry as much as the disease as she will. I am a 27 yr old cfer and all i can say is treat her as if she was a healthy kid. Put it in her mind that she can do what ever she wants, incourage her to do things. Youll just have to be on the outside making sure that you keeps things and areas clean and germ free. Dont let her touch door knobs or be around people that are sick. Ya know the basics. My mother and father raised me as if i was a healthy child and in my mind, i was. i knew i had cf, but only as i got older realized the serverity of it. and i thank my family for that. Cause they let me live a FULL childhoold. They had to work overtime though to keep me healthy. to make sure i stay with treatments, doing PT, and keeping things clean. I will say this and i know this from exprience, it hasnt been a easy ride, but God doesnt put anything in your way you cant handle. Right when you think its too much, he will intervene. He has kept our family going through everything. Everything will be set up perfectly in order as if it was already planned, he will take over, what we cant handle. Dont give up hope because its the only thing we have. If you have any questions email me... ill be happy to answer anything i can
Melanie <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hey there!
<br /> i know its emotional because you and your family will carry as much as the disease as she will. I am a 27 yr old cfer and all i can say is treat her as if she was a healthy kid. Put it in her mind that she can do what ever she wants, incourage her to do things. Youll just have to be on the outside making sure that you keeps things and areas clean and germ free. Dont let her touch door knobs or be around people that are sick. Ya know the basics. My mother and father raised me as if i was a healthy child and in my mind, i was. i knew i had cf, but only as i got older realized the serverity of it. and i thank my family for that. Cause they let me live a FULL childhoold. They had to work overtime though to keep me healthy. to make sure i stay with treatments, doing PT, and keeping things clean. I will say this and i know this from exprience, it hasnt been a easy ride, but God doesnt put anything in your way you cant handle. Right when you think its too much, he will intervene. He has kept our family going through everything. Everything will be set up perfectly in order as if it was already planned, he will take over, what we cant handle. Dont give up hope because its the only thing we have. If you have any questions email me... ill be happy to answer anything i can
<br />Melanie <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hi there kaylasdad,

what a wodnerful father you are. It sounds like you and your wife have a strong marriage and that will play key in your weathering of this disease so my say would be to focus first on that. I think since you mentioned faith I can say that I dont think God woudl give your family something you cant handle. God made your daughter jsut the way she is for a reason, hole in the heart and all. Of course we are not wise enough to know why that is and only in due time will the plan show itself. I am not trying to get all preachy here, I am not even *that* religious. I just believe that as a cf'er this is just the way I was meant to be I have had numerous good experiences in my life along with the trials, I would nto be who I am or have the wonderful life I do without CF. Would I take the magic pill to get rid of it tomorrow were it offered? you bet but you never know, maybe that is your daughter's destiny, maybe she was put here to be the inspiration to a tidal wave of fundraising that will help find a cure or maybe she will grow up to disover it herself.

best of luck to you and your family


New member
hi there kaylasdad,

what a wodnerful father you are. It sounds like you and your wife have a strong marriage and that will play key in your weathering of this disease so my say would be to focus first on that. I think since you mentioned faith I can say that I dont think God woudl give your family something you cant handle. God made your daughter jsut the way she is for a reason, hole in the heart and all. Of course we are not wise enough to know why that is and only in due time will the plan show itself. I am not trying to get all preachy here, I am not even *that* religious. I just believe that as a cf'er this is just the way I was meant to be I have had numerous good experiences in my life along with the trials, I would nto be who I am or have the wonderful life I do without CF. Would I take the magic pill to get rid of it tomorrow were it offered? you bet but you never know, maybe that is your daughter's destiny, maybe she was put here to be the inspiration to a tidal wave of fundraising that will help find a cure or maybe she will grow up to disover it herself.

best of luck to you and your family


New member
hi there kaylasdad,

what a wodnerful father you are. It sounds like you and your wife have a strong marriage and that will play key in your weathering of this disease so my say would be to focus first on that. I think since you mentioned faith I can say that I dont think God woudl give your family something you cant handle. God made your daughter jsut the way she is for a reason, hole in the heart and all. Of course we are not wise enough to know why that is and only in due time will the plan show itself. I am not trying to get all preachy here, I am not even *that* religious. I just believe that as a cf'er this is just the way I was meant to be I have had numerous good experiences in my life along with the trials, I would nto be who I am or have the wonderful life I do without CF. Would I take the magic pill to get rid of it tomorrow were it offered? you bet but you never know, maybe that is your daughter's destiny, maybe she was put here to be the inspiration to a tidal wave of fundraising that will help find a cure or maybe she will grow up to disover it herself.

best of luck to you and your family


New member
hi there kaylasdad,

what a wodnerful father you are. It sounds like you and your wife have a strong marriage and that will play key in your weathering of this disease so my say would be to focus first on that. I think since you mentioned faith I can say that I dont think God woudl give your family something you cant handle. God made your daughter jsut the way she is for a reason, hole in the heart and all. Of course we are not wise enough to know why that is and only in due time will the plan show itself. I am not trying to get all preachy here, I am not even *that* religious. I just believe that as a cf'er this is just the way I was meant to be I have had numerous good experiences in my life along with the trials, I would nto be who I am or have the wonderful life I do without CF. Would I take the magic pill to get rid of it tomorrow were it offered? you bet but you never know, maybe that is your daughter's destiny, maybe she was put here to be the inspiration to a tidal wave of fundraising that will help find a cure or maybe she will grow up to disover it herself.

best of luck to you and your family


New member
hi there kaylasdad,
<br />
<br />what a wodnerful father you are. It sounds like you and your wife have a strong marriage and that will play key in your weathering of this disease so my say would be to focus first on that. I think since you mentioned faith I can say that I dont think God woudl give your family something you cant handle. God made your daughter jsut the way she is for a reason, hole in the heart and all. Of course we are not wise enough to know why that is and only in due time will the plan show itself. I am not trying to get all preachy here, I am not even *that* religious. I just believe that as a cf'er this is just the way I was meant to be I have had numerous good experiences in my life along with the trials, I would nto be who I am or have the wonderful life I do without CF. Would I take the magic pill to get rid of it tomorrow were it offered? you bet but you never know, maybe that is your daughter's destiny, maybe she was put here to be the inspiration to a tidal wave of fundraising that will help find a cure or maybe she will grow up to disover it herself.
<br />
<br />best of luck to you and your family