

New member
It's been almost 48 hours since my last post. No period yet, but sore boobs still and some periods of heartburn.

I woke up feeling crappy with sore joints, but no real sore back pain at all. I have some discharge, but not period like. I just feel off... kinda nauseated, but kinda hungry.

I am at work tonight so hopefully that'll bring me some distraction.

My body is definitely making me aggravated. I wish it would act normally haha

Thanks for reading.

30 yo, IUI 1/17, still awaiting period or + test... (last test was 2/3 - neg)


New member
It's been almost 48 hours since my last post. No period yet, but sore boobs still and some periods of heartburn.

I woke up feeling crappy with sore joints, but no real sore back pain at all. I have some discharge, but not period like. I just feel off... kinda nauseated, but kinda hungry.

I am at work tonight so hopefully that'll bring me some distraction.

My body is definitely making me aggravated. I wish it would act normally haha

Thanks for reading.

30 yo, IUI 1/17, still awaiting period or + test... (last test was 2/3 - neg)


New member
It's been almost 48 hours since my last post. No period yet, but sore boobs still and some periods of heartburn.

I woke up feeling crappy with sore joints, but no real sore back pain at all. I have some discharge, but not period like. I just feel off... kinda nauseated, but kinda hungry.

I am at work tonight so hopefully that'll bring me some distraction.

My body is definitely making me aggravated. I wish it would act normally haha

Thanks for reading.

30 yo, IUI 1/17, still awaiting period or + test... (last test was 2/3 - neg)


New member
It's been almost 48 hours since my last post. No period yet, but sore boobs still and some periods of heartburn.

I woke up feeling crappy with sore joints, but no real sore back pain at all. I have some discharge, but not period like. I just feel off... kinda nauseated, but kinda hungry.

I am at work tonight so hopefully that'll bring me some distraction.

My body is definitely making me aggravated. I wish it would act normally haha

Thanks for reading.

30 yo, IUI 1/17, still awaiting period or + test... (last test was 2/3 - neg)


New member
<br />It's been almost 48 hours since my last post. No period yet, but sore boobs still and some periods of heartburn.
<br />
<br />I woke up feeling crappy with sore joints, but no real sore back pain at all. I have some discharge, but not period like. I just feel off... kinda nauseated, but kinda hungry.
<br />
<br />I am at work tonight so hopefully that'll bring me some distraction.
<br />
<br />My body is definitely making me aggravated. I wish it would act normally haha
<br />
<br />Thanks for reading.
<br />
<br />Jenn
<br />30 yo, IUI 1/17, still awaiting period or + test... (last test was 2/3 - neg)


New member
Hey Jen, just lurking with lots of pregnancy experience here. Have you tried a basal body temp? Its cheaper than an HPT. Generally, 19 days of elevated BBT is considered confirmation of pregnancy. Most women who are going to get classic pregnancy symptoms are not going to have them hit until 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. And, plenty of women don't get nausous or puke at all.

I've always been extremely intune with my body and I was nearly into the second trimester before I knew I was pregnant. I threw up once but attributed it to dehydration and sun exposure.

If you have confirmation of ovulation, then its far more likely that you are pregnant than that you are having a long luteal phase without being pregnant. I've had HPTs show up negative for up 4 weeks after ovulation. It didn't mean I wasn't pregnant but that the tests weren't accurate.

Good luck, but I definitely wouldn't write this cycle out until AF arrives.


New member
Hey Jen, just lurking with lots of pregnancy experience here. Have you tried a basal body temp? Its cheaper than an HPT. Generally, 19 days of elevated BBT is considered confirmation of pregnancy. Most women who are going to get classic pregnancy symptoms are not going to have them hit until 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. And, plenty of women don't get nausous or puke at all.

I've always been extremely intune with my body and I was nearly into the second trimester before I knew I was pregnant. I threw up once but attributed it to dehydration and sun exposure.

If you have confirmation of ovulation, then its far more likely that you are pregnant than that you are having a long luteal phase without being pregnant. I've had HPTs show up negative for up 4 weeks after ovulation. It didn't mean I wasn't pregnant but that the tests weren't accurate.

Good luck, but I definitely wouldn't write this cycle out until AF arrives.


New member
Hey Jen, just lurking with lots of pregnancy experience here. Have you tried a basal body temp? Its cheaper than an HPT. Generally, 19 days of elevated BBT is considered confirmation of pregnancy. Most women who are going to get classic pregnancy symptoms are not going to have them hit until 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. And, plenty of women don't get nausous or puke at all.

I've always been extremely intune with my body and I was nearly into the second trimester before I knew I was pregnant. I threw up once but attributed it to dehydration and sun exposure.

If you have confirmation of ovulation, then its far more likely that you are pregnant than that you are having a long luteal phase without being pregnant. I've had HPTs show up negative for up 4 weeks after ovulation. It didn't mean I wasn't pregnant but that the tests weren't accurate.

Good luck, but I definitely wouldn't write this cycle out until AF arrives.


New member
Hey Jen, just lurking with lots of pregnancy experience here. Have you tried a basal body temp? Its cheaper than an HPT. Generally, 19 days of elevated BBT is considered confirmation of pregnancy. Most women who are going to get classic pregnancy symptoms are not going to have them hit until 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. And, plenty of women don't get nausous or puke at all.

I've always been extremely intune with my body and I was nearly into the second trimester before I knew I was pregnant. I threw up once but attributed it to dehydration and sun exposure.

If you have confirmation of ovulation, then its far more likely that you are pregnant than that you are having a long luteal phase without being pregnant. I've had HPTs show up negative for up 4 weeks after ovulation. It didn't mean I wasn't pregnant but that the tests weren't accurate.

Good luck, but I definitely wouldn't write this cycle out until AF arrives.


New member
Hey Jen, just lurking with lots of pregnancy experience here. Have you tried a basal body temp? Its cheaper than an HPT. Generally, 19 days of elevated BBT is considered confirmation of pregnancy. Most women who are going to get classic pregnancy symptoms are not going to have them hit until 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. And, plenty of women don't get nausous or puke at all.
<br />
<br />I've always been extremely intune with my body and I was nearly into the second trimester before I knew I was pregnant. I threw up once but attributed it to dehydration and sun exposure.
<br />
<br />If you have confirmation of ovulation, then its far more likely that you are pregnant than that you are having a long luteal phase without being pregnant. I've had HPTs show up negative for up 4 weeks after ovulation. It didn't mean I wasn't pregnant but that the tests weren't accurate.
<br />
<br />Good luck, but I definitely wouldn't write this cycle out until AF arrives.


New member

Thank you for your advice. I haven't done BBT... the only reasoning is how does one do that working combo of days/nights with the disruption of a normal sleep cycle?

I usually know my body prior to my period... I normally don't get sore boobs, but I can't say "never" to that.

I "ovulated" per my smiley face tester on CD15. I then had my IUI the next day (CD 16).

Figuring it out, I am already onto CD39 today (Mon). Part of me wants to take the POAS or go in for a beta level. But part of me doesn't want to get disappointed. So I keep saying that anyday now my period will come and finalize that question.

I appreciate all your suggestions!

30 yo cf, CD39 after IUI -- torn between wanting to know and not wanting to know!!


New member

Thank you for your advice. I haven't done BBT... the only reasoning is how does one do that working combo of days/nights with the disruption of a normal sleep cycle?

I usually know my body prior to my period... I normally don't get sore boobs, but I can't say "never" to that.

I "ovulated" per my smiley face tester on CD15. I then had my IUI the next day (CD 16).

Figuring it out, I am already onto CD39 today (Mon). Part of me wants to take the POAS or go in for a beta level. But part of me doesn't want to get disappointed. So I keep saying that anyday now my period will come and finalize that question.

I appreciate all your suggestions!

30 yo cf, CD39 after IUI -- torn between wanting to know and not wanting to know!!


New member

Thank you for your advice. I haven't done BBT... the only reasoning is how does one do that working combo of days/nights with the disruption of a normal sleep cycle?

I usually know my body prior to my period... I normally don't get sore boobs, but I can't say "never" to that.

I "ovulated" per my smiley face tester on CD15. I then had my IUI the next day (CD 16).

Figuring it out, I am already onto CD39 today (Mon). Part of me wants to take the POAS or go in for a beta level. But part of me doesn't want to get disappointed. So I keep saying that anyday now my period will come and finalize that question.

I appreciate all your suggestions!

30 yo cf, CD39 after IUI -- torn between wanting to know and not wanting to know!!


New member

Thank you for your advice. I haven't done BBT... the only reasoning is how does one do that working combo of days/nights with the disruption of a normal sleep cycle?

I usually know my body prior to my period... I normally don't get sore boobs, but I can't say "never" to that.

I "ovulated" per my smiley face tester on CD15. I then had my IUI the next day (CD 16).

Figuring it out, I am already onto CD39 today (Mon). Part of me wants to take the POAS or go in for a beta level. But part of me doesn't want to get disappointed. So I keep saying that anyday now my period will come and finalize that question.

I appreciate all your suggestions!

30 yo cf, CD39 after IUI -- torn between wanting to know and not wanting to know!!


New member
<br />
<br />Thank you for your advice. I haven't done BBT... the only reasoning is how does one do that working combo of days/nights with the disruption of a normal sleep cycle?
<br />
<br />I usually know my body prior to my period... I normally don't get sore boobs, but I can't say "never" to that.
<br />
<br />I "ovulated" per my smiley face tester on CD15. I then had my IUI the next day (CD 16).
<br />
<br />Figuring it out, I am already onto CD39 today (Mon). Part of me wants to take the POAS or go in for a beta level. But part of me doesn't want to get disappointed. So I keep saying that anyday now my period will come and finalize that question.
<br />
<br />I appreciate all your suggestions!
<br />
<br />Jennifer
<br />30 yo cf, CD39 after IUI -- torn between wanting to know and not wanting to know!!


*biting my nails* the suspense!!! i know it has to be killing you jennifer! i'm really hoping for a postive for you!!! i've got all my fingers and toes crossed!!!


*biting my nails* the suspense!!! i know it has to be killing you jennifer! i'm really hoping for a postive for you!!! i've got all my fingers and toes crossed!!!


*biting my nails* the suspense!!! i know it has to be killing you jennifer! i'm really hoping for a postive for you!!! i've got all my fingers and toes crossed!!!


*biting my nails* the suspense!!! i know it has to be killing you jennifer! i'm really hoping for a postive for you!!! i've got all my fingers and toes crossed!!!


*biting my nails* the suspense!!! i know it has to be killing you jennifer! i'm really hoping for a postive for you!!! i've got all my fingers and toes crossed!!!