Warning: Very graphic!!


New member
Okay! This is my little mission now...let's see...oh, here's one!!

"...now would be a good time to consider the possibility of a powerful God who is very capable of doing what may seem impossible to you at this time."

And another!

"I am saying however, that I think God could heal him if he did truely believe. "

And this one is my fav, something I didn't want to get into on a thread that was trying to wish WinAce well:

"Listen, as an athiest you obviously didnt even know what I was trying to say, so you had no business trying to interpret it."

So I guess athiests can't have opinions. Hmmm... You're trying to impress your views on someone who obviously doesn't believe in God, so stop trying! Take a freakin' hint!!

And you're right, you aren't "telling" anyone to be positive. You're saying that anyone who isn't all joyful and happy 100% of the time is reflecting badly upon others. And you don't see how that's wrong in any way?


New member
Also, why is it that I've never heard of a Cfer being miraculously cured? Just an afterthought. There has to be one really hardcore Christian in there. I've heard of it with cancer, but I've heard of athiests going into spontaneous remission too. The facts of God curing CF just aren't there. Why would he start now?


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Allie</b></i><br>And then we'll all hop on our flying unicorns and go to the mall for delicious fat free brownies!<hr></blockquote>

I like brownies! ^_^ But I don't really care for unicorns...I'll take my purple dragon out instead! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Well nice try, but did you read what you quoted? I didnt say "would" I didnt "tell" anyone to do anything, and then you misquoted me AGAIN! I certainly havent said that "anyone who isn't is reflecting badly upon others". You are failing your mission. A quote is an actual repeat of something someone else says, not something you interpret or think was pretty close to what someone says. But nice try

"now would be a good time to consider the possibility of a powerful God who is very capable of doing what may seem impossible to you at this time." Well how did YOU interpret that one?



New member
I interpreted as a cheap shot toward a very sick atheist. But that's just me, I guess. Believing in God =/= staying healthy. Trust me on this one.


New member
You know I have to be careful when I say things around children and young kids I work with because they are not old enough to sort through what I say and aske the appropriate questions to know exactly what I mean. You on the other hand are I think old enough to do those things, so try them


New member
I interperet that as an inappropriate thing to say to someone who doesn't believe in God and is dying of a terrible disease!! As did a lot of other people, so it's not just me!! And besides that, I DID repeat exactly what you said. There is a time and place for every comment, and that was certainly not the time for those! Again, take a hint! And you said that the 13-year-old that your 'mentoring' shouldn't be reading this forum because of the negativity that you think saturates it. That, to me, says that you believe that those who express their feelings about their problems are projecting images of gloom and doom and scaring the youth whom you believe can't handle it. Meanwhile, the girl is a TEENAGER, not an ADULT, and these negative posts are on the ADULT forum. Hmmm...lets think about that for a second...

HAHA!! Oh, god, this entire thing is just rediculous... I must admit, I'm going to go to bed tonight snickering at this entire thing. Is that positive enough for you? Lol...


New member
My personal take on it, which, I admit, is open to scrutiny, is that Chris, you don't particularly like to hear about what the future holds for you. If that's the case, say it, because that's really how it appears to this casual outsider. If it's YOU who doesn't like to hear about the manner in which you'll die, say it. But as Bob Marley used to say, "Don't blame the youth."

In an adult forum there are bound to be a few more tough things to see....


New member
I would love to meet some of you some time. You see I am a walking talking miracle. I dont worry about dying much. I already know what my future holds beyond this earthly body anyway, and trust me, it gets better. I could easily already be dead, but I am not going to try and tell you the story because I tried telling my positive stories the first time I joined this forum, and then I was just bragging and not in reality and no one wanted to hear it then either. Obviously though I am not dead. God has healed me many times, because people everywhere and myself were praying and asking him to, and because I know God has a specific plan for my life.

Let me also say this:

I do not come here to purposefully offend ANYONE. What I initially said to WinAce about believing in God may not have been necessary at that time (thats why I later changed my post), and I do regret some of those comments and am sorry for them.



New member
Then here's my question..and mean this in the most serious, not sarcastic way possible. Why did God choose you over anyone else? Why were my prayers and hopes unanswered, and yours were? Are you better than me in God's eyes? Do you deserve God's mercy more than someone else? I have struggled with this for the past few months, and I still don't understand how God can pick and choose.

I'm seriously wondering...


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>I do not come here to purposefully offend ANYONE.<hr></blockquote>

Why do I find that to be a load of bull? This is the second topic you've started about the same subject, and unless you're incredibly nieve, you must have known that it was going to turn out the same way. Stop trying to push your religious views on everyone and back off.


New member
Allie, not all of my prayer and hopes are answered the way I want them to be answered. I dont think God plays favorites, and part of it is like I said, me knowing about what God wants me to do, and being very determined to do it. I am a very determined individual, maybe tooooo determined sometimes.



New member
I guess I'll never understand it, because Ry had just as much zest for life and determination as anyone I've ever met, and yet, the prayers didn't get remotely close to answered. I really can't understand the idea of why God chose to leave me a widow and my very young daughter fatherless so soon. Maybe that's what makes faith tough when you're faced like that, eh?


OHHH! That was a fun ride!
And, I can start at the beginning of the spool and ride it AGAIN!!
(I like Emily and Allie's comment, "*Majical* advice and taking a ride on the Unicorn", though Lilth's Purple dragon sounds like fun--Can I take it for a spin!!?)

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


LOL I swear Mike is going to think I'm snorting crack over here.
--------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Just another example of how misinformation can be harmful! Emily you smoke the crack not snort it. Now you have crossed the line, most know I believe in god and I have set back and not said anything during this debate but..... when you go disrespecting the crack it is my duty to stand up and be heard! Another word of advise, puff, puff, pass.

have a nice day...



Ive tried really hard not to respond to any of these posts, but now how to put my two cents worth in.
Where was Gods healing powers when both my twin boys with cf had respitory and cardiac arrests. Where were his healing powers when one ended up on kidney dialysis, Where were the healing powers when they cough up mouth fulls of blood, or when they are puking up so much because of very toxic medications. Where are his healing powers when they are in hospital for up to 5 months, not being able to be with their friends and do what little boys do. Most people reading this would probably think that my boys are older and that this awful disease has progressed and taking its toll on them. Well, guess what, they are only 11 and have been through and hell and back again. But they are fighters, and everything they do is a mile stone for all of us. Its through their will to live and their love for life that they are with us today, NOT because of any healing powers that God may or may not have. My boys are needless to say pretty well informed about cf, they do research themselves and ask questions all the time. They often read this board with me, although I do read the posts first to make sure that they are appropiate.
Just had to vent cause im really ticked right now!


New member
Okay, I am a christian so please don't think all of us are like cfflewan. And BTW I am a mom of a newly diagnosed child. I come in here because I do want to learn the realities of what may/will happen to my daughter. I don't want to go along thinking CF is an easy thing to cope with and then be floored when her health deteriorates. Yes, it does get depressing sometimes, but then I know its time to lay off the computer and go back to my reality and not worry about the future. But it is my choice to come in here and if I ever get too offended I will know when to stop! What I have been most offended about is you calling yourself a christian and then showing no compassion for people or different beliefs. I'm sure they have been evangilized to, and typing a few words on this board will not change their mind (espescially rude, insensitive words). This is a CF board, lets stick to that topic.


New member
It took me awhile to read these posts but I finally muddled through them...I was even hesitant about answering this post but here goes. There is so much diversity within this world, some folks are christians, some are Buddists, some are atheists...it shouldn't matter what religion someone practices. When you get right down to the bottom of it all, we are dealing with CF in some way or another. Some of us have it, some have children with it, etc...., and we all deal with in our own unique ways. Some rely on a higher being, such as God and some just plod on just living day to day. Either way, we are just trying to live and get through what this disease can and does throw at us. We should not judge others by what their beliefs are, I come to this group when I need to vent, share something good in my life, need some information or am just plain curious about something and have to ask about it.
I help run two pulmonary groups online, primarily support..The folks that belong to these groups suffer from a variety of pulmonary illnesses, primarily COPD and pulmonary fibrosis..I find that when religious or political issues are introduced they can get out of hand, just like this thread. I usually wind up mediating or putting a stop to heated discussions like that because as I have said before, there is just too much diversity within the group. No one can really agree because they have such different beliefs and it usually winds up into a full blown argument that ultimately hurts some of the members. Most discussions are benign though on those groups. There is one group that I belong to that doesn't even allow political or religious posts on the board, the Moderators delete them.
I personally am more of a spiritual type, and yes, do believe in God, but there is no way I would ever judge anyone who believes otherwise. Like I said, everyone has their own ways or tools for dealing with this disease.
Thanks for listening to me....Jenn