weight issues


New member
If they like milk shakes, we make high calorie milk shakes with the most fattening ice cream we can find, a packet of carnation instant breakfast, whole milk, and chocolate syrup. Or, for fruity flavored ones, we mix high calorie vanilla ice cream, whole milk, strawberry or vanilla carnation instant breakfast and fruit (banana, strawberries, etc.) It's slightly time consuming (5 min or so in the blender vs. popping open a can) but our ds sees it as a "treat" (he loves ice cream) and it tastes good! Of course, that assumes they don't have problems with milk. I have IBS (no cf though) and do have lots of issue with dairy so I couldn't drink these shakes. Oh, also you can add peanut butter and make a chocolate peanut butter shake for extra calories/protein.


New member
If they like milk shakes, we make high calorie milk shakes with the most fattening ice cream we can find, a packet of carnation instant breakfast, whole milk, and chocolate syrup. Or, for fruity flavored ones, we mix high calorie vanilla ice cream, whole milk, strawberry or vanilla carnation instant breakfast and fruit (banana, strawberries, etc.) It's slightly time consuming (5 min or so in the blender vs. popping open a can) but our ds sees it as a "treat" (he loves ice cream) and it tastes good! Of course, that assumes they don't have problems with milk. I have IBS (no cf though) and do have lots of issue with dairy so I couldn't drink these shakes. Oh, also you can add peanut butter and make a chocolate peanut butter shake for extra calories/protein.


New member
I find that my Scandishakes desolve if I shake them up or put them in a blender. If I stir them with a spoon, then I do get the chunks.


New member
I find that my Scandishakes desolve if I shake them up or put them in a blender. If I stir them with a spoon, then I do get the chunks.


New member
What are they eating at school? Most cf kids don't eat very well at school. I assume they are extremely active. So they are just burning up all the great food you are offering them. I have to go to school a couple days a wk. just to hang out with my child so she will eat. She can easily lose 5lbs quickly. We haven't had a G-tube placed. We did change her enz. recently and she had a 5lb weight gain. Maybe you could try that. I do give her carnation instant breakfast with whole milk. My daughter does the same treatments. She has different meds. Do your boys give you a hard time with eating and meds? Good luck!


New member
What are they eating at school? Most cf kids don't eat very well at school. I assume they are extremely active. So they are just burning up all the great food you are offering them. I have to go to school a couple days a wk. just to hang out with my child so she will eat. She can easily lose 5lbs quickly. We haven't had a G-tube placed. We did change her enz. recently and she had a 5lb weight gain. Maybe you could try that. I do give her carnation instant breakfast with whole milk. My daughter does the same treatments. She has different meds. Do your boys give you a hard time with eating and meds? Good luck!


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LisaI can totally relate with the weight gain issues. Brady will be 5 in March and has only gained a lttle over a pound in a year. He is now 38 pounds (wet). They also are saying g-tube and I wonder sometimes if that will be the best thing, he is so skinny. His med port sticks out so much! He is on four breathing treatments a day, 2 with albuterol and broncho saline and 2 with albuterol and pulmicort and then pulmozyme in the morning. He does the vest 2 times a day and then hand percussion 2 times a day. He is on zithromax- 3 x's a week, lactulose  2 x's a day, miralax, ADEK, vitamin E- 400 i.u., creon 20 and 2 creon 5's with meals and snacks, we try to get him to drink 2 to 3 pediasures a day- I know he wouldn't weight as much as he does without it. He also is on a nose steriod (big long name) Ocean spray at least 3 to 4 times a day, vitamin c, prevacid, I think that is it. Brady also had alot of bowel issues, he had a burst bowel at birth with surgery and then they reconnected at 2 months for failure to thrive and gain wieight, we think things are not right in there because he tends to get bowel obstructions so easily, he can't eat popcorn, peanuts or corn because of that. He has had a sinus surgery/ nose polyp removal and is still going thru all that, had another clean out of the gunk in there 2 weeks ago, he is on his second med port. He got the first one at 2 months of age. We have 3 other kids, I a son from a previous marriage , my husband from a previous marriage, the 2 youngest are ours together and they both have special needs. We often wonder why we were picked to do this huge job and it gets real hard to deal with sometimes. My youngest doesn't have cf, she has a rare chromosome disorder and we really don't know what to expect with her-- she may live with us forever, she doesn't talk, isn't steady on her feet, very poor eyesight, behind more than 1/2 her age, she will be 4 in september and we can't even think about potty training her. She can't communicate with us, I don't know why I am on this subject-- guess just need to vent again.Well I need to go Bachelor is on.........Take CareAngieStep mom to Brittany 13 no cfMom to Tyler 12 no cf, cf carrierMom to Brady no cfMom to Taylor 3 no cf, but chormosome 9q 21.2 q 22.1  


New member
LisaI can totally relate with the weight gain issues. Brady will be 5 in March and has only gained a lttle over a pound in a year. He is now 38 pounds (wet). They also are saying g-tube and I wonder sometimes if that will be the best thing, he is so skinny. His med port sticks out so much! He is on four breathing treatments a day, 2 with albuterol and broncho saline and 2 with albuterol and pulmicort and then pulmozyme in the morning. He does the vest 2 times a day and then hand percussion 2 times a day. He is on zithromax- 3 x's a week, lactulose  2 x's a day, miralax, ADEK, vitamin E- 400 i.u., creon 20 and 2 creon 5's with meals and snacks, we try to get him to drink 2 to 3 pediasures a day- I know he wouldn't weight as much as he does without it. He also is on a nose steriod (big long name) Ocean spray at least 3 to 4 times a day, vitamin c, prevacid, I think that is it. Brady also had alot of bowel issues, he had a burst bowel at birth with surgery and then they reconnected at 2 months for failure to thrive and gain wieight, we think things are not right in there because he tends to get bowel obstructions so easily, he can't eat popcorn, peanuts or corn because of that. He has had a sinus surgery/ nose polyp removal and is still going thru all that, had another clean out of the gunk in there 2 weeks ago, he is on his second med port. He got the first one at 2 months of age. We have 3 other kids, I a son from a previous marriage , my husband from a previous marriage, the 2 youngest are ours together and they both have special needs. We often wonder why we were picked to do this huge job and it gets real hard to deal with sometimes. My youngest doesn't have cf, she has a rare chromosome disorder and we really don't know what to expect with her-- she may live with us forever, she doesn't talk, isn't steady on her feet, very poor eyesight, behind more than 1/2 her age, she will be 4 in september and we can't even think about potty training her. She can't communicate with us, I don't know why I am on this subject-- guess just need to vent again.Well I need to go Bachelor is on.........Take CareAngieStep mom to Brittany 13 no cfMom to Tyler 12 no cf, cf carrierMom to Brady no cfMom to Taylor 3 no cf, but chormosome 9q 21.2 q 22.1  


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Rebbeca mother of 3 yr old Maggie--

My son is 3 and has CF he has been on Creon's since he was 3 weeks old. He is currently up to 4 enzymes with meal and snacks. They dont seem to be helping very much I was just wondering what dosage your daughter was on when they switched her and how bad was she when she was on Creon's.

Or if anyone has swtiched from Creon's to something else please just let me know how it is working for you. Thank you

Dawn Rumph
mother of Austin--3 with CF
Aly--4 no CF



New member
Rebbeca mother of 3 yr old Maggie--

My son is 3 and has CF he has been on Creon's since he was 3 weeks old. He is currently up to 4 enzymes with meal and snacks. They dont seem to be helping very much I was just wondering what dosage your daughter was on when they switched her and how bad was she when she was on Creon's.

Or if anyone has swtiched from Creon's to something else please just let me know how it is working for you. Thank you

Dawn Rumph
mother of Austin--3 with CF
Aly--4 no CF



New member
Hi Dawn,

My daughter Maggie switched off Creon When she was over 2 years old(I forget exactly when). Her poops were just really foul and her weight gain kept dropping . I think her dose on the Creon was actually Creon10(2 with meals) if I remember correctly. The nutritionist who is pretty good at out clinic, suggested PancreacarbMS instead of Creon. It has bicarbonate in it to help the enzyme absorb better. It really does work better for Maggie. I was very nervous to switch enzymes but it worked out good for us. Of course, as you know each kid is different but you could look into it. Also, the PancreacarbMS is much more expensive than the creon. It's the highest co-pay fo us. Also, we do not openup the enzymes for Maggie. She is able to swallow them whole(they are huge) which also helps them absorb better. Hope that helps.

Rebecca(mom to sammy no CF and Maggie3 with CF)


New member
Hi Dawn,

My daughter Maggie switched off Creon When she was over 2 years old(I forget exactly when). Her poops were just really foul and her weight gain kept dropping . I think her dose on the Creon was actually Creon10(2 with meals) if I remember correctly. The nutritionist who is pretty good at out clinic, suggested PancreacarbMS instead of Creon. It has bicarbonate in it to help the enzyme absorb better. It really does work better for Maggie. I was very nervous to switch enzymes but it worked out good for us. Of course, as you know each kid is different but you could look into it. Also, the PancreacarbMS is much more expensive than the creon. It's the highest co-pay fo us. Also, we do not openup the enzymes for Maggie. She is able to swallow them whole(they are huge) which also helps them absorb better. Hope that helps.

Rebecca(mom to sammy no CF and Maggie3 with CF)


New member
What was the trick to make her swallow them? I cant get Austin to do that yet. But he also takes 4 of them. How many does Maggie take?



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What was the trick to make her swallow them? I cant get Austin to do that yet. But he also takes 4 of them. How many does Maggie take?



New member
Hi Dawn,

I would put the capsule on a spoon with applesauce and have her take it that way. I would say I was going to try a "big girl" way to take the enzymes. The little bit of applesauce with the enzyme capsule would help it slide down. We did this for a while( a few weeks) and then just tried the capsule alone. Most people look very surprised when Maggie swallows her enzymes. my son who is 7(no CF) can not swallow pills. I guess she just got used to it. She can't swallow pills that are not coated though, they seems to disolve before she can get them down. Maggie usually takes 2-3 enzymes(one at a time) with meals. Creon if i remember correctly is not a super huge capsule either.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy7 no CF and MAggie3 with CF)


New member
Hi Dawn,

I would put the capsule on a spoon with applesauce and have her take it that way. I would say I was going to try a "big girl" way to take the enzymes. The little bit of applesauce with the enzyme capsule would help it slide down. We did this for a while( a few weeks) and then just tried the capsule alone. Most people look very surprised when Maggie swallows her enzymes. my son who is 7(no CF) can not swallow pills. I guess she just got used to it. She can't swallow pills that are not coated though, they seems to disolve before she can get them down. Maggie usually takes 2-3 enzymes(one at a time) with meals. Creon if i remember correctly is not a super huge capsule either.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy7 no CF and MAggie3 with CF)


New member
Leah asked about how to get Scandishakes to dissolve. Those hand-held stick-style blenders are great; easy to use and clean and store - I use one with a whisk attachment. Lots of brands and prices out there to pick from.


New member
Leah asked about how to get Scandishakes to dissolve. Those hand-held stick-style blenders are great; easy to use and clean and store - I use one with a whisk attachment. Lots of brands and prices out there to pick from.