What can I say?..


New member
What can I say?<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"> ....... I dont know where to start! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">

My beautiful, always smiling son was born 01/07/07, so now just over 5 and a half months. We live in the UK and are Indian. Im 27 and my wife 26 are stunned with the news that our son has CF.

Story really starts when he was born, he weighed in at 9.5 lbs, a repectable weight. He failed to put on weight since then and weighs 13lbs at the moment. Was a restless child, always crying, green poo`s.

My son would also be wheezy, first told asthma, then bronhalitus, and this seemed to be getting worst and worst.

His feed would last approximately 40 mins, and he would feed 6-7 oz every 2.5 hours with out fail.

He would poo every feed, and would do so 30 mins into his feed.

After 3 months was reffered to hospital as weight gain was non existant. Doctors diagnosed at that point as milk intolerance. He had his milk changed to Neutramagin, started to put on weight and was alot more settled. This stopped and weight gain was non existant again.

We were then reffered to a dietician and his milk was changed to Neocate, there was no change. In fact dietician was concerned as got him reffered to hospital.

His feeding and pooing habit remained the same.

Again his milk was changed to Pregestimil.

Now he poo`d most feeds but would miss the occasional one or 2.

His peadratician had requested alot of bllods to be done and also a sweat test to be completed.

When my son would have his naps, (power naps as we call them as they last no longer then 30 mins) he would sweat alot, and i mean alot, baby growed would be wet. We noticed it was also very salty as when you kiss him you can taste it.

Now yesterday, was my celebration of Eid (muslims xmas)

We were booked in to have a endoscopy and a biopsy. The anesthetist came to examine him and was not hapy as he was wheezy, and advised us that due to this they would cancel and rearrange as they did not want my son to wake up on a ventilator.

Later that day, a Consultant visited us and informed me and my wife that our son, has CF. We were obviously upset, and shocked and truly petrified. My beautiful 5.5 months old son, always smiling even when his breathing was on overdrive, even when he pooo`d, even when he cried had CF.

Noone in our family suffers from it, basically non existant. Obviously me and my wife are carrying the gene.

At the hospital there is a team of around 7 staff who deal specifically with CF children. I`ve been told pur son is 69th in Leicestershire, so elite.

The doctors have admitted my son as he is quiet wheezy, and has been for a while. He has been given 2 antibiotics to take orally, and one shot straight in the blood. Also,he has been given enzymes to take, half a capsule with each feedn and also vitamins.

A little search on google and im in tears, life expectancy 31 years etc.

Sorry for the long message, but just wanted to vent and give a intro.




New member
What can I say?<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"> ....... I dont know where to start! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">

My beautiful, always smiling son was born 01/07/07, so now just over 5 and a half months. We live in the UK and are Indian. Im 27 and my wife 26 are stunned with the news that our son has CF.

Story really starts when he was born, he weighed in at 9.5 lbs, a repectable weight. He failed to put on weight since then and weighs 13lbs at the moment. Was a restless child, always crying, green poo`s.

My son would also be wheezy, first told asthma, then bronhalitus, and this seemed to be getting worst and worst.

His feed would last approximately 40 mins, and he would feed 6-7 oz every 2.5 hours with out fail.

He would poo every feed, and would do so 30 mins into his feed.

After 3 months was reffered to hospital as weight gain was non existant. Doctors diagnosed at that point as milk intolerance. He had his milk changed to Neutramagin, started to put on weight and was alot more settled. This stopped and weight gain was non existant again.

We were then reffered to a dietician and his milk was changed to Neocate, there was no change. In fact dietician was concerned as got him reffered to hospital.

His feeding and pooing habit remained the same.

Again his milk was changed to Pregestimil.

Now he poo`d most feeds but would miss the occasional one or 2.

His peadratician had requested alot of bllods to be done and also a sweat test to be completed.

When my son would have his naps, (power naps as we call them as they last no longer then 30 mins) he would sweat alot, and i mean alot, baby growed would be wet. We noticed it was also very salty as when you kiss him you can taste it.

Now yesterday, was my celebration of Eid (muslims xmas)

We were booked in to have a endoscopy and a biopsy. The anesthetist came to examine him and was not hapy as he was wheezy, and advised us that due to this they would cancel and rearrange as they did not want my son to wake up on a ventilator.

Later that day, a Consultant visited us and informed me and my wife that our son, has CF. We were obviously upset, and shocked and truly petrified. My beautiful 5.5 months old son, always smiling even when his breathing was on overdrive, even when he pooo`d, even when he cried had CF.

Noone in our family suffers from it, basically non existant. Obviously me and my wife are carrying the gene.

At the hospital there is a team of around 7 staff who deal specifically with CF children. I`ve been told pur son is 69th in Leicestershire, so elite.

The doctors have admitted my son as he is quiet wheezy, and has been for a while. He has been given 2 antibiotics to take orally, and one shot straight in the blood. Also,he has been given enzymes to take, half a capsule with each feedn and also vitamins.

A little search on google and im in tears, life expectancy 31 years etc.

Sorry for the long message, but just wanted to vent and give a intro.




New member
What can I say?<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"> ....... I dont know where to start! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">

My beautiful, always smiling son was born 01/07/07, so now just over 5 and a half months. We live in the UK and are Indian. Im 27 and my wife 26 are stunned with the news that our son has CF.

Story really starts when he was born, he weighed in at 9.5 lbs, a repectable weight. He failed to put on weight since then and weighs 13lbs at the moment. Was a restless child, always crying, green poo`s.

My son would also be wheezy, first told asthma, then bronhalitus, and this seemed to be getting worst and worst.

His feed would last approximately 40 mins, and he would feed 6-7 oz every 2.5 hours with out fail.

He would poo every feed, and would do so 30 mins into his feed.

After 3 months was reffered to hospital as weight gain was non existant. Doctors diagnosed at that point as milk intolerance. He had his milk changed to Neutramagin, started to put on weight and was alot more settled. This stopped and weight gain was non existant again.

We were then reffered to a dietician and his milk was changed to Neocate, there was no change. In fact dietician was concerned as got him reffered to hospital.

His feeding and pooing habit remained the same.

Again his milk was changed to Pregestimil.

Now he poo`d most feeds but would miss the occasional one or 2.

His peadratician had requested alot of bllods to be done and also a sweat test to be completed.

When my son would have his naps, (power naps as we call them as they last no longer then 30 mins) he would sweat alot, and i mean alot, baby growed would be wet. We noticed it was also very salty as when you kiss him you can taste it.

Now yesterday, was my celebration of Eid (muslims xmas)

We were booked in to have a endoscopy and a biopsy. The anesthetist came to examine him and was not hapy as he was wheezy, and advised us that due to this they would cancel and rearrange as they did not want my son to wake up on a ventilator.

Later that day, a Consultant visited us and informed me and my wife that our son, has CF. We were obviously upset, and shocked and truly petrified. My beautiful 5.5 months old son, always smiling even when his breathing was on overdrive, even when he pooo`d, even when he cried had CF.

Noone in our family suffers from it, basically non existant. Obviously me and my wife are carrying the gene.

At the hospital there is a team of around 7 staff who deal specifically with CF children. I`ve been told pur son is 69th in Leicestershire, so elite.

The doctors have admitted my son as he is quiet wheezy, and has been for a while. He has been given 2 antibiotics to take orally, and one shot straight in the blood. Also,he has been given enzymes to take, half a capsule with each feedn and also vitamins.

A little search on google and im in tears, life expectancy 31 years etc.

Sorry for the long message, but just wanted to vent and give a intro.




New member
What can I say?<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"> ....... I dont know where to start! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">

My beautiful, always smiling son was born 01/07/07, so now just over 5 and a half months. We live in the UK and are Indian. Im 27 and my wife 26 are stunned with the news that our son has CF.

Story really starts when he was born, he weighed in at 9.5 lbs, a repectable weight. He failed to put on weight since then and weighs 13lbs at the moment. Was a restless child, always crying, green poo`s.

My son would also be wheezy, first told asthma, then bronhalitus, and this seemed to be getting worst and worst.

His feed would last approximately 40 mins, and he would feed 6-7 oz every 2.5 hours with out fail.

He would poo every feed, and would do so 30 mins into his feed.

After 3 months was reffered to hospital as weight gain was non existant. Doctors diagnosed at that point as milk intolerance. He had his milk changed to Neutramagin, started to put on weight and was alot more settled. This stopped and weight gain was non existant again.

We were then reffered to a dietician and his milk was changed to Neocate, there was no change. In fact dietician was concerned as got him reffered to hospital.

His feeding and pooing habit remained the same.

Again his milk was changed to Pregestimil.

Now he poo`d most feeds but would miss the occasional one or 2.

His peadratician had requested alot of bllods to be done and also a sweat test to be completed.

When my son would have his naps, (power naps as we call them as they last no longer then 30 mins) he would sweat alot, and i mean alot, baby growed would be wet. We noticed it was also very salty as when you kiss him you can taste it.

Now yesterday, was my celebration of Eid (muslims xmas)

We were booked in to have a endoscopy and a biopsy. The anesthetist came to examine him and was not hapy as he was wheezy, and advised us that due to this they would cancel and rearrange as they did not want my son to wake up on a ventilator.

Later that day, a Consultant visited us and informed me and my wife that our son, has CF. We were obviously upset, and shocked and truly petrified. My beautiful 5.5 months old son, always smiling even when his breathing was on overdrive, even when he pooo`d, even when he cried had CF.

Noone in our family suffers from it, basically non existant. Obviously me and my wife are carrying the gene.

At the hospital there is a team of around 7 staff who deal specifically with CF children. I`ve been told pur son is 69th in Leicestershire, so elite.

The doctors have admitted my son as he is quiet wheezy, and has been for a while. He has been given 2 antibiotics to take orally, and one shot straight in the blood. Also,he has been given enzymes to take, half a capsule with each feedn and also vitamins.

A little search on google and im in tears, life expectancy 31 years etc.

Sorry for the long message, but just wanted to vent and give a intro.




New member
What can I say?<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"> ....... I dont know where to start! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">

My beautiful, always smiling son was born 01/07/07, so now just over 5 and a half months. We live in the UK and are Indian. Im 27 and my wife 26 are stunned with the news that our son has CF.

Story really starts when he was born, he weighed in at 9.5 lbs, a repectable weight. He failed to put on weight since then and weighs 13lbs at the moment. Was a restless child, always crying, green poo`s.

My son would also be wheezy, first told asthma, then bronhalitus, and this seemed to be getting worst and worst.

His feed would last approximately 40 mins, and he would feed 6-7 oz every 2.5 hours with out fail.

He would poo every feed, and would do so 30 mins into his feed.

After 3 months was reffered to hospital as weight gain was non existant. Doctors diagnosed at that point as milk intolerance. He had his milk changed to Neutramagin, started to put on weight and was alot more settled. This stopped and weight gain was non existant again.

We were then reffered to a dietician and his milk was changed to Neocate, there was no change. In fact dietician was concerned as got him reffered to hospital.

His feeding and pooing habit remained the same.

Again his milk was changed to Pregestimil.

Now he poo`d most feeds but would miss the occasional one or 2.

His peadratician had requested alot of bllods to be done and also a sweat test to be completed.

When my son would have his naps, (power naps as we call them as they last no longer then 30 mins) he would sweat alot, and i mean alot, baby growed would be wet. We noticed it was also very salty as when you kiss him you can taste it.

Now yesterday, was my celebration of Eid (muslims xmas)

We were booked in to have a endoscopy and a biopsy. The anesthetist came to examine him and was not hapy as he was wheezy, and advised us that due to this they would cancel and rearrange as they did not want my son to wake up on a ventilator.

Later that day, a Consultant visited us and informed me and my wife that our son, has CF. We were obviously upset, and shocked and truly petrified. My beautiful 5.5 months old son, always smiling even when his breathing was on overdrive, even when he pooo`d, even when he cried had CF.

Noone in our family suffers from it, basically non existant. Obviously me and my wife are carrying the gene.

At the hospital there is a team of around 7 staff who deal specifically with CF children. I`ve been told pur son is 69th in Leicestershire, so elite.

The doctors have admitted my son as he is quiet wheezy, and has been for a while. He has been given 2 antibiotics to take orally, and one shot straight in the blood. Also,he has been given enzymes to take, half a capsule with each feedn and also vitamins.

A little search on google and im in tears, life expectancy 31 years etc.

Sorry for the long message, but just wanted to vent and give a intro.




Hi Mohamad,
I and can relate, Our son Jared has Cf, he was born 12/09/00 and was diagnosed 11/26/05. He is doing really good, so have hope for your son. Once you get past the shock of it all, just do your best to stay day by day. That's what helps me.
Once we got Jared diagnosed, then things for him got so much better because of the correct medicines and treatments. So while I hate cf, I am much happier now knowing what was making our little guy sick and being in the solution instead of the dark!
And he really is doing well. He takes his meds and treatments like a champ.
Thanks for posting what you wrote. You helped me today. Sometimes it get's lonely because people that don't live with cf can't really understand what it's like, but I feel I have a new friend in you today, so thank for that.
Bye for now,


Hi Mohamad,
I and can relate, Our son Jared has Cf, he was born 12/09/00 and was diagnosed 11/26/05. He is doing really good, so have hope for your son. Once you get past the shock of it all, just do your best to stay day by day. That's what helps me.
Once we got Jared diagnosed, then things for him got so much better because of the correct medicines and treatments. So while I hate cf, I am much happier now knowing what was making our little guy sick and being in the solution instead of the dark!
And he really is doing well. He takes his meds and treatments like a champ.
Thanks for posting what you wrote. You helped me today. Sometimes it get's lonely because people that don't live with cf can't really understand what it's like, but I feel I have a new friend in you today, so thank for that.
Bye for now,


Hi Mohamad,
I and can relate, Our son Jared has Cf, he was born 12/09/00 and was diagnosed 11/26/05. He is doing really good, so have hope for your son. Once you get past the shock of it all, just do your best to stay day by day. That's what helps me.
Once we got Jared diagnosed, then things for him got so much better because of the correct medicines and treatments. So while I hate cf, I am much happier now knowing what was making our little guy sick and being in the solution instead of the dark!
And he really is doing well. He takes his meds and treatments like a champ.
Thanks for posting what you wrote. You helped me today. Sometimes it get's lonely because people that don't live with cf can't really understand what it's like, but I feel I have a new friend in you today, so thank for that.
Bye for now,


Hi Mohamad,
I and can relate, Our son Jared has Cf, he was born 12/09/00 and was diagnosed 11/26/05. He is doing really good, so have hope for your son. Once you get past the shock of it all, just do your best to stay day by day. That's what helps me.
Once we got Jared diagnosed, then things for him got so much better because of the correct medicines and treatments. So while I hate cf, I am much happier now knowing what was making our little guy sick and being in the solution instead of the dark!
And he really is doing well. He takes his meds and treatments like a champ.
Thanks for posting what you wrote. You helped me today. Sometimes it get's lonely because people that don't live with cf can't really understand what it's like, but I feel I have a new friend in you today, so thank for that.
Bye for now,


Hi Mohamad,
I and can relate, Our son Jared has Cf, he was born 12/09/00 and was diagnosed 11/26/05. He is doing really good, so have hope for your son. Once you get past the shock of it all, just do your best to stay day by day. That's what helps me.
Once we got Jared diagnosed, then things for him got so much better because of the correct medicines and treatments. So while I hate cf, I am much happier now knowing what was making our little guy sick and being in the solution instead of the dark!
And he really is doing well. He takes his meds and treatments like a champ.
Thanks for posting what you wrote. You helped me today. Sometimes it get's lonely because people that don't live with cf can't really understand what it's like, but I feel I have a new friend in you today, so thank for that.
Bye for now,


New member
Thanks for your support. He started his enzymes last night bout 6ish, and sice then hes not had his normal, very wet heavy poo`s. More very small mushy poo. So looks promising hopefully.


New member
Thanks for your support. He started his enzymes last night bout 6ish, and sice then hes not had his normal, very wet heavy poo`s. More very small mushy poo. So looks promising hopefully.


New member
Thanks for your support. He started his enzymes last night bout 6ish, and sice then hes not had his normal, very wet heavy poo`s. More very small mushy poo. So looks promising hopefully.


New member
Thanks for your support. He started his enzymes last night bout 6ish, and sice then hes not had his normal, very wet heavy poo`s. More very small mushy poo. So looks promising hopefully.


New member
Thanks for your support. He started his enzymes last night bout 6ish, and sice then hes not had his normal, very wet heavy poo`s. More very small mushy poo. So looks promising hopefully.


First I'd like to congratulate you on your new son and welcome you to the board. As a father of a young child w/cf I can understand the emotions you're feeling right now. We're taught to be able to 'fix' things and expect to be able to take care of our families no matter what; but cf twists and bends that perceived role into a strange hybrid of parent, caregiver and patient advocate in addition to a host of new and scary emotions we thought we'd never face.

That being said, let me assure you that it WILL get easier. While our experience differed from yours in that our son was dx at 3 day old rather than 5mo., we did quite a lot of hospital time (8wks) the summer he was born and, like you, felt often that things would simply never be 'ok' again. Our son hs been out of the hospital since Aug 06, and other than a few bad colds has not been seriously ill since. He runs, plays, talks, eats, etc. like any other child. We've incorporated the medications and routine into our schedule (and budget) and feel more like parents than caregivers - which is great. I don't know that the worrying and occasional tears ever go away, but they do become less frequent.

I still get misty-eyed wondering "why not me?, why does my son have this, why, as his father, am I not able to take this from him?" But you can't torture yourself with quesitons like that. Instead, stay the course with the meds/treatments, learn to enjoy being a parent to your kiddo w/cf, and have faith that new treatments and drugs are being developed all the time that will likely give our sons a life of a quality and longevity beyond that reflected in the current statistics.

For now, understand that there is a transition period now that he's been diagnosed and is on the needed meds and treatments. You will see a progress toward 'better' and eventually he'll turn the corner and rapidly improve.

Hang in there.



First I'd like to congratulate you on your new son and welcome you to the board. As a father of a young child w/cf I can understand the emotions you're feeling right now. We're taught to be able to 'fix' things and expect to be able to take care of our families no matter what; but cf twists and bends that perceived role into a strange hybrid of parent, caregiver and patient advocate in addition to a host of new and scary emotions we thought we'd never face.

That being said, let me assure you that it WILL get easier. While our experience differed from yours in that our son was dx at 3 day old rather than 5mo., we did quite a lot of hospital time (8wks) the summer he was born and, like you, felt often that things would simply never be 'ok' again. Our son hs been out of the hospital since Aug 06, and other than a few bad colds has not been seriously ill since. He runs, plays, talks, eats, etc. like any other child. We've incorporated the medications and routine into our schedule (and budget) and feel more like parents than caregivers - which is great. I don't know that the worrying and occasional tears ever go away, but they do become less frequent.

I still get misty-eyed wondering "why not me?, why does my son have this, why, as his father, am I not able to take this from him?" But you can't torture yourself with quesitons like that. Instead, stay the course with the meds/treatments, learn to enjoy being a parent to your kiddo w/cf, and have faith that new treatments and drugs are being developed all the time that will likely give our sons a life of a quality and longevity beyond that reflected in the current statistics.

For now, understand that there is a transition period now that he's been diagnosed and is on the needed meds and treatments. You will see a progress toward 'better' and eventually he'll turn the corner and rapidly improve.

Hang in there.



First I'd like to congratulate you on your new son and welcome you to the board. As a father of a young child w/cf I can understand the emotions you're feeling right now. We're taught to be able to 'fix' things and expect to be able to take care of our families no matter what; but cf twists and bends that perceived role into a strange hybrid of parent, caregiver and patient advocate in addition to a host of new and scary emotions we thought we'd never face.

That being said, let me assure you that it WILL get easier. While our experience differed from yours in that our son was dx at 3 day old rather than 5mo., we did quite a lot of hospital time (8wks) the summer he was born and, like you, felt often that things would simply never be 'ok' again. Our son hs been out of the hospital since Aug 06, and other than a few bad colds has not been seriously ill since. He runs, plays, talks, eats, etc. like any other child. We've incorporated the medications and routine into our schedule (and budget) and feel more like parents than caregivers - which is great. I don't know that the worrying and occasional tears ever go away, but they do become less frequent.

I still get misty-eyed wondering "why not me?, why does my son have this, why, as his father, am I not able to take this from him?" But you can't torture yourself with quesitons like that. Instead, stay the course with the meds/treatments, learn to enjoy being a parent to your kiddo w/cf, and have faith that new treatments and drugs are being developed all the time that will likely give our sons a life of a quality and longevity beyond that reflected in the current statistics.

For now, understand that there is a transition period now that he's been diagnosed and is on the needed meds and treatments. You will see a progress toward 'better' and eventually he'll turn the corner and rapidly improve.

Hang in there.



First I'd like to congratulate you on your new son and welcome you to the board. As a father of a young child w/cf I can understand the emotions you're feeling right now. We're taught to be able to 'fix' things and expect to be able to take care of our families no matter what; but cf twists and bends that perceived role into a strange hybrid of parent, caregiver and patient advocate in addition to a host of new and scary emotions we thought we'd never face.

That being said, let me assure you that it WILL get easier. While our experience differed from yours in that our son was dx at 3 day old rather than 5mo., we did quite a lot of hospital time (8wks) the summer he was born and, like you, felt often that things would simply never be 'ok' again. Our son hs been out of the hospital since Aug 06, and other than a few bad colds has not been seriously ill since. He runs, plays, talks, eats, etc. like any other child. We've incorporated the medications and routine into our schedule (and budget) and feel more like parents than caregivers - which is great. I don't know that the worrying and occasional tears ever go away, but they do become less frequent.

I still get misty-eyed wondering "why not me?, why does my son have this, why, as his father, am I not able to take this from him?" But you can't torture yourself with quesitons like that. Instead, stay the course with the meds/treatments, learn to enjoy being a parent to your kiddo w/cf, and have faith that new treatments and drugs are being developed all the time that will likely give our sons a life of a quality and longevity beyond that reflected in the current statistics.

For now, understand that there is a transition period now that he's been diagnosed and is on the needed meds and treatments. You will see a progress toward 'better' and eventually he'll turn the corner and rapidly improve.

Hang in there.



First I'd like to congratulate you on your new son and welcome you to the board. As a father of a young child w/cf I can understand the emotions you're feeling right now. We're taught to be able to 'fix' things and expect to be able to take care of our families no matter what; but cf twists and bends that perceived role into a strange hybrid of parent, caregiver and patient advocate in addition to a host of new and scary emotions we thought we'd never face.

That being said, let me assure you that it WILL get easier. While our experience differed from yours in that our son was dx at 3 day old rather than 5mo., we did quite a lot of hospital time (8wks) the summer he was born and, like you, felt often that things would simply never be 'ok' again. Our son hs been out of the hospital since Aug 06, and other than a few bad colds has not been seriously ill since. He runs, plays, talks, eats, etc. like any other child. We've incorporated the medications and routine into our schedule (and budget) and feel more like parents than caregivers - which is great. I don't know that the worrying and occasional tears ever go away, but they do become less frequent.

I still get misty-eyed wondering "why not me?, why does my son have this, why, as his father, am I not able to take this from him?" But you can't torture yourself with quesitons like that. Instead, stay the course with the meds/treatments, learn to enjoy being a parent to your kiddo w/cf, and have faith that new treatments and drugs are being developed all the time that will likely give our sons a life of a quality and longevity beyond that reflected in the current statistics.

For now, understand that there is a transition period now that he's been diagnosed and is on the needed meds and treatments. You will see a progress toward 'better' and eventually he'll turn the corner and rapidly improve.

Hang in there.
