Jfarel- u say when u left childrens your PFTs were 75-100, that's a big gap. But say if they were 75 and in college, they went down to 60, I could see that happening as u stopped all forms of exercise, now, what is it, 6 years later, I could see a drop to 30s even with compliance, CF is progressive and even with treatment, this could still happen. But my question is, over they years, did u always get cultures every 3 months, and if so what did they show. How many times was it suggested u do IVs? I don't necessarily think u need to name your doc either, really does not show anything, and I think there are probably a few more docs out there u 5 years ago were not being agreesive as they are today. The real lesson here is we must be personally accontable and question, push , and get second opinions because of the seriousness of CF.