Ya i think you need a bronch to ensure that the abx he's giving you are treating what's growing in your lungs.
What you cough up for a sputum culture isn't necessarily representative of what's growing in your lungs. You could have an area where bacteria is flourishing but the sputum is too thick to cough up and so the bacteria aren't showing up on your sputum culture.
The other thing I would check out is allergies. Many CFers have undiagnosed allergies which can lead to inflammation in the airways and broncho-constriction which makes it incredibly hard for me to breath. Get a full panel skin test (not an IgE blood test..... those are useless) and proceed from there.
I have a whole blog on how to treat allergies.
Here's an example for you - when I don't take my allergy meds and I sleep over at a place where I don't have dust mite covers on my matress & pillows, my PFT's plummet from 95% to around 75%. And that's all allergies & inflammation. It's a HUGE issue and I blame the CF docs for not being more proactive about diagnosing allergies.
What you cough up for a sputum culture isn't necessarily representative of what's growing in your lungs. You could have an area where bacteria is flourishing but the sputum is too thick to cough up and so the bacteria aren't showing up on your sputum culture.
The other thing I would check out is allergies. Many CFers have undiagnosed allergies which can lead to inflammation in the airways and broncho-constriction which makes it incredibly hard for me to breath. Get a full panel skin test (not an IgE blood test..... those are useless) and proceed from there.
I have a whole blog on how to treat allergies.
Here's an example for you - when I don't take my allergy meds and I sleep over at a place where I don't have dust mite covers on my matress & pillows, my PFT's plummet from 95% to around 75%. And that's all allergies & inflammation. It's a HUGE issue and I blame the CF docs for not being more proactive about diagnosing allergies.