what do u do when u have lost hope!


New member
it feels like u cant get out of bed, and u cant move at all....your sooo tired u fall alseep or feel like u can fall asleep anywhere anytime. u pee constantly and are thirsty at all times...it sucks! haha
good luck, im sure your fine, a little loss in energy isnt necessarily diabetes related


New member
I love the Lurlene McDaniel books too, I love corny stuff! Something that really helps me keep my spirits up is to make a running list of everything that makes me happy and everything I'm grateful for. It's wasy to do when you're in a good mood, and it really lifts my spirits when I'm feeling crappy. Plus, it helps me to remember that no matter how badly I think things are going for me, there are whole countries full of people that have way harder lives than me! Positive thinking really helps. And even if you are really sad, if you can make yourself smile, even if it is fake, I promise it'll start to make you feel better!!!


New member
Sara don't feel bad my mom moved out when i was 6 months old and then tried to come back in my life at the age of 8


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hey did you read lurane mcdainels book till death do us part im more like april than mark i have a brain tumor to be exact a tectal plate glechoma how could you live w/cf im soo sorry you have it. it sounds horrible i know how i feel when people feel sorry for me so i dont mean it like that but im really and truely sorry please email me back at Amfoy6686@aol.com i would like to ask you soome questions


New member
hey did you read lurane mcdainels book till death do us part im more like april than mark i have a brain tumor to be exact a tectal plate glechoma how could you live w/cf im soo sorry you have it. it sounds horrible i know how i feel when people feel sorry for me so i dont mean it like that but im really and truely sorry please email me back at Amfoy6686@aol.com i would like to ask you soome questions


New member
Dear Sara,
I don't have CF, but one of my really good friends did; his name was Nnaji. He just passed away last night<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">. We found out this morning (at school) when his nurse was looking for him, calling him her "mini-me." After the first bell rung, she went into the office, knowing something was wrong. He hadn't come to school. She phoned home and the family was very short with it. She found me half an hour later (I found out he passed within that time) and told me she just couldn't leave without finding me. "He just stopped breathing" is what they said. I'm in 12th grade and I've known Nnaji since 9th grade (he'd be graduating with me, too). She said that I was the only person he really called FRIEND even though we barely seen each other because we have different schedules. I'm heartbroken<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">. My point in saying all of this is do NOT lose hope! He was always smiling, always making jokes, and very smart. Sara, everything happens for a reason. You're one of God's special people<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. Don't lose hope, because if you do, then you lose hope in God. You're telling God that you have a problem with His creations and His work. You seem like you have a strong mind and a strong heart. Don't doubt yourself or ever say you can not do anything. Nnaji would have graduated with honor's classes. Keep your head up and stay strong because even though we aren't near you, we're still thinking of you and LOOKING UP TO YOU!
~Mary Anne


New member
Dear Sara,
I don't have CF, but one of my really good friends did; his name was Nnaji. He just passed away last night<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">. We found out this morning (at school) when his nurse was looking for him, calling him her "mini-me." After the first bell rung, she went into the office, knowing something was wrong. He hadn't come to school. She phoned home and the family was very short with it. She found me half an hour later (I found out he passed within that time) and told me she just couldn't leave without finding me. "He just stopped breathing" is what they said. I'm in 12th grade and I've known Nnaji since 9th grade (he'd be graduating with me, too). She said that I was the only person he really called FRIEND even though we barely seen each other because we have different schedules. I'm heartbroken<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">. My point in saying all of this is do NOT lose hope! He was always smiling, always making jokes, and very smart. Sara, everything happens for a reason. You're one of God's special people<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. Don't lose hope, because if you do, then you lose hope in God. You're telling God that you have a problem with His creations and His work. You seem like you have a strong mind and a strong heart. Don't doubt yourself or ever say you can not do anything. Nnaji would have graduated with honor's classes. Keep your head up and stay strong because even though we aren't near you, we're still thinking of you and LOOKING UP TO YOU!
~Mary Anne


New member
Maryanne I'm truly sorry for your loss. I hope you find comfort in your heart. Your words bring strength to all of us with CF. Take care. Eva


New member
Maryanne I'm truly sorry for your loss. I hope you find comfort in your heart. Your words bring strength to all of us with CF. Take care. Eva


New member
Hay my name is clif I am 16 and have cf I live in spokane Washington, I know what you mean. I go through that at school when I have to take me enzimes I just try not to worry about it I wish I had a solution but I just wanted to say I know what you mean


New member
Remember that the treatments are there to keep you safe, not to make you look weird. And also remember to be thankful that CF doesn't effect your mind, or bodily movements, or speech, or anything like that. And don't forget that we have to go through the same thing. We get Glukos Tolerance Tests (ugh!), bloodwork, get hospitalized(and have the people wake us up at like 6:30 in the morning), and take treatments too.


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I'm personally an oddball. I like when people notice I have something wrong with me. Heh. Gives me a chance to explain and educate someone new. But I'm weird, and I've always liked sticking out, being a black sheep. In more ways than just the CF. So that method doesn't work for everyone. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
hey sara, im rachel and im also 15. i was diagnosed at birth so my cf isnt as bad as most people but i struggle with people knowing i have it. kids at school just found out i have it and they made a big deal about it calling it gross and saying they felt sorry for me but you know, im not sorry i have it. yes its hard but we are so unique from everyone else. all i can do now is educate people about it and try to help them understand how it effects me and my friends. my boyfriend didnt even care when i told him. he just said thats a part of me, not who i am. i try to stay positive and live life to the fullest because i dont know how much longer i have living. i suggest you just be happy that your alive right now and you can still be normal. i know taking pills at resturants is embarrasing but if you dont take them they wont help you.i dont know how bad your cf is but ive learned that you need to stay as healthy as posible so that when a cure does come(which it will) you are healthy enough to recieve it ok?if you need to talk email me at rachelcourse@hotmail.com. god bless


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i lost all belivings in hope and faith about 2 years ago. it was two years ago when i was diagnosed with this thing and it was a real spirit killer. i got bullied at school last year for being a little different to everyone else. My family tell me it makes me special i don't feel special. i feel sad, depressed, lonly all the time


New member
i want to ask for help but i don't know what anyone can do for me. i hate having CF it makes me sad, depressed and lonely. last year was really bad for me i got bullied by a certain girl she said things like don't stand next to that freak you might catch something or im a diseased freak it got so bad that she made me feel like there was nothing worth living for if im going to have this for ever. so i cut myself. i guess this year i've been doing better apart from the fact that im getting ill again. I do take my medacation but not at the time that im told like i'll take it this moerning and not do it at night. i guess not doing my medication makes me feel normal. i burst into tears the other day i thought long and hard about it and i think im right i think i ruined my parents life i mean think about it if i wasn't hear they would have 3 other beautiful children, they wouldn't have to go to the hospital so much or they wouldn't have to get so worried about me all the time or go through any off this i hate myself for this what should i do

lonely in hinckley


New member
I guess i'm pretty lucky i have really never taken my meds till my teen years and i have only had one hospitalization so far.......in 2003 in november but that wasent enough to make me get on the right track.....im faced with a hospitaliztion in 4 days the 6th of this month december 2004 but now ready all of what you's have to say it makes me care 100000000 times more im so stupid to take what i have for granted........im 15m w/ CF

AIM<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">arrgazz101389




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lonelly in hickley

You did not ruin your parents life, remember your parents gave you the mutated genes that cause CF. It is not your fault that you have CF, nor is it there because they probaby didn't know better.

I think you should talk to somebody about that ignorant a#* at your school. Maybe the school counsellor or better yet the principal.

Dave 29 w/cf


New member
I agree with Dave, Lonely in Hinckley, you should speak up to someone in your school about this girl, or anyone else who says anything like that to you. There's no cause for it, and they have no right to say such things, or make you feel that way. Talk to a counselor, the school nurse, a teacher you're close with, a vice-principal, or the principal. Anyone who you feel comfortable talking to that's an authority in your school. But definitely speak up. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
hi sarah, my name is argelia and i live in NM. I just wanted to tell u that u need to take good care of yourself, i understand that it is hard, but if u dont take care of urself who will. i am a mother of a baby with cf. u have the power to give hope of health to those who are new to this disease. i wish u the best.


New member
this is where i would normally put my own words of wisdom and things like that. but im not going to this time because someone has said it muuuuuch better than i have. i hope you can find some inspiration in this song. and if you would like the song itself contact me on my screen name: Mostli Harmlss I can send it

Listen not to ones who preach
Those who feel you're a freak
Everything about you is wrong
You must be sick, you don't belong

Father said, worry not what they say
Use your mind, your own free will
In a time when everyone follows
Ignorance can kill

They only say what they want you to hear
Half-truths have been twisted to conceal your fate
In a world of spoon-fed emotion
Intelligence can save

Stand alone
Hear what I say
Stand alone
You will seize the day

Son, say what you mean, don't be afraid
Tell them how you feel, hear what I say
Be true to yourself and true to your own
Your spirit will crush the hearts of stone

Stand alone
Hear what I say
Stand alone
It's a leap of faith

yah i lied, im going to say something as well. as sappy as this is going to sound, dont be afraid to be your self. i realize it can be tough standing out, and feeling out of place. but remember this: These people that do this to you are scum. not worthy to lick dog sh*t off the bottom of your shoes. they are insignificant little speaks of dust comparitively. these are the same people that will some day be the sorce of great personal enjoy. the people that will be obeying YOUR commands.

i also want to say something about friends but cant think of a way to phrase it. but basically at some point you will find people much like yourself to be friends with.
