I am currently doing a PhD in the UK studying a disease called pre-eclampsia. I work long hours in the lab on my feet a lot. The lab i work in is also in a hospital, but a maternity hospital so not as bug ridden as normal one - i think! However the walls are stained black next to the vents doh! It will/and does affect my health - but if it is what i want to do then it's worth it. It's also given me the opportunity to study at Yale for 3 months, which is just about to come to an end <img src="">. Have loved living in America for this short time, but look forward to home comforts too <img src="">
I do find myself struggling a lot more than my fellow PhD students, having had 8 weeks off this year already....however that's why an understanding employer is a necessity. Now i have settled into the regime and passed the major stress of the 1st year (UK PHD's are different to USA ones) i hope iv's will be less frequent. This was the first time in my life i have been full time all year round (undergraduate student life is a walk in tha park compared to it), i have definately noticed the difference.
This is what works for me, but everyone has to fgure out there own priorities. For me, whilst i am relatively healthy, my health is not THE priority in my life, but i do make sure i do my treatments despite everything.