What medicines you give to a toddler


New member
Sometimes I feel like my little one's medicine cabinet is out of control. We are on 2 creon5 enzymes with every feed, vitamaxx 1ml a day, 1.4ml regalan 4xa day, 2.5ml robitussin 3x a day, and prevacid 2x a day. She also nebs xopenex 4 times a day, and pulmozyne 2 times a day. She also has a flovent inhaler we do twice a day and we do cpt 4 times a day (looking forward to the vest). It is a lot, and sometimes I feel like if I skip it once we will be okay (but I never do) She is only 61/2 months old but her doctors are pretty aggressive and she had a rough start (pnemonia twice already) because she was diagnosed two and half months after birth rather than at birth. The medicines do seem like a lot but she's so good at taking them it only takes a couple of minutes throughout the day. She is also DDF508 so I feel like that could be part of why they are so aggressive too.


New member
Sometimes I feel like my little one's medicine cabinet is out of control. We are on 2 creon5 enzymes with every feed, vitamaxx 1ml a day, 1.4ml regalan 4xa day, 2.5ml robitussin 3x a day, and prevacid 2x a day. She also nebs xopenex 4 times a day, and pulmozyne 2 times a day. She also has a flovent inhaler we do twice a day and we do cpt 4 times a day (looking forward to the vest). It is a lot, and sometimes I feel like if I skip it once we will be okay (but I never do) She is only 61/2 months old but her doctors are pretty aggressive and she had a rough start (pnemonia twice already) because she was diagnosed two and half months after birth rather than at birth. The medicines do seem like a lot but she's so good at taking them it only takes a couple of minutes throughout the day. She is also DDF508 so I feel like that could be part of why they are so aggressive too.


New member
Sometimes I feel like my little one's medicine cabinet is out of control. We are on 2 creon5 enzymes with every feed, vitamaxx 1ml a day, 1.4ml regalan 4xa day, 2.5ml robitussin 3x a day, and prevacid 2x a day. She also nebs xopenex 4 times a day, and pulmozyne 2 times a day. She also has a flovent inhaler we do twice a day and we do cpt 4 times a day (looking forward to the vest). It is a lot, and sometimes I feel like if I skip it once we will be okay (but I never do) She is only 61/2 months old but her doctors are pretty aggressive and she had a rough start (pnemonia twice already) because she was diagnosed two and half months after birth rather than at birth. The medicines do seem like a lot but she's so good at taking them it only takes a couple of minutes throughout the day. She is also DDF508 so I feel like that could be part of why they are so aggressive too.


New member
Sometimes I feel like my little one's medicine cabinet is out of control. We are on 2 creon5 enzymes with every feed, vitamaxx 1ml a day, 1.4ml regalan 4xa day, 2.5ml robitussin 3x a day, and prevacid 2x a day. She also nebs xopenex 4 times a day, and pulmozyne 2 times a day. She also has a flovent inhaler we do twice a day and we do cpt 4 times a day (looking forward to the vest). It is a lot, and sometimes I feel like if I skip it once we will be okay (but I never do) She is only 61/2 months old but her doctors are pretty aggressive and she had a rough start (pnemonia twice already) because she was diagnosed two and half months after birth rather than at birth. The medicines do seem like a lot but she's so good at taking them it only takes a couple of minutes throughout the day. She is also DDF508 so I feel like that could be part of why they are so aggressive too.


New member
Sometimes I feel like my little one's medicine cabinet is out of control. We are on 2 creon5 enzymes with every feed, vitamaxx 1ml a day, 1.4ml regalan 4xa day, 2.5ml robitussin 3x a day, and prevacid 2x a day. She also nebs xopenex 4 times a day, and pulmozyne 2 times a day. She also has a flovent inhaler we do twice a day and we do cpt 4 times a day (looking forward to the vest). It is a lot, and sometimes I feel like if I skip it once we will be okay (but I never do) She is only 61/2 months old but her doctors are pretty aggressive and she had a rough start (pnemonia twice already) because she was diagnosed two and half months after birth rather than at birth. The medicines do seem like a lot but she's so good at taking them it only takes a couple of minutes throughout the day. She is also DDF508 so I feel like that could be part of why they are so aggressive too.


New member
thank you for your answers. I will ask my doc about pulmozyme, but the physiotherpist said that my daughter is so well that she don´t need anything st the moment (he visit here twice a week just to see how things are going).
I also believe a lot in the homeopathy she takes (there are 8 pills 3 times a day, or 4 if she has a cold).
I will keep you inform


New member
thank you for your answers. I will ask my doc about pulmozyme, but the physiotherpist said that my daughter is so well that she don´t need anything st the moment (he visit here twice a week just to see how things are going).
I also believe a lot in the homeopathy she takes (there are 8 pills 3 times a day, or 4 if she has a cold).
I will keep you inform


New member
thank you for your answers. I will ask my doc about pulmozyme, but the physiotherpist said that my daughter is so well that she don´t need anything st the moment (he visit here twice a week just to see how things are going).
I also believe a lot in the homeopathy she takes (there are 8 pills 3 times a day, or 4 if she has a cold).
I will keep you inform


New member
thank you for your answers. I will ask my doc about pulmozyme, but the physiotherpist said that my daughter is so well that she don´t need anything st the moment (he visit here twice a week just to see how things are going).
I also believe a lot in the homeopathy she takes (there are 8 pills 3 times a day, or 4 if she has a cold).
I will keep you inform


New member
thank you for your answers. I will ask my doc about pulmozyme, but the physiotherpist said that my daughter is so well that she don´t need anything st the moment (he visit here twice a week just to see how things are going).
<br />I also believe a lot in the homeopathy she takes (there are 8 pills 3 times a day, or 4 if she has a cold).
<br />I will keep you inform
<br />
<br />
<br />


New member
My daughter (17 months) is on:

Enzymes every meal (Switched to Pancreocarb as seems to be more effective for her then Creon)
Prevacid (half tab daily)
Albutorol via Neb (2 treatments daily)
Vest (20 minutes twice a day)
Aquadek (1.25 ml a day)

Actually thats it right now. She had previously been on Tobi.


Dad to Abby, 17 mo old with CF (D F508 and 182 Del T )


New member
My daughter (17 months) is on:

Enzymes every meal (Switched to Pancreocarb as seems to be more effective for her then Creon)
Prevacid (half tab daily)
Albutorol via Neb (2 treatments daily)
Vest (20 minutes twice a day)
Aquadek (1.25 ml a day)

Actually thats it right now. She had previously been on Tobi.


Dad to Abby, 17 mo old with CF (D F508 and 182 Del T )


New member
My daughter (17 months) is on:

Enzymes every meal (Switched to Pancreocarb as seems to be more effective for her then Creon)
Prevacid (half tab daily)
Albutorol via Neb (2 treatments daily)
Vest (20 minutes twice a day)
Aquadek (1.25 ml a day)

Actually thats it right now. She had previously been on Tobi.


Dad to Abby, 17 mo old with CF (D F508 and 182 Del T )


New member
My daughter (17 months) is on:

Enzymes every meal (Switched to Pancreocarb as seems to be more effective for her then Creon)
Prevacid (half tab daily)
Albutorol via Neb (2 treatments daily)
Vest (20 minutes twice a day)
Aquadek (1.25 ml a day)

Actually thats it right now. She had previously been on Tobi.


Dad to Abby, 17 mo old with CF (D F508 and 182 Del T )


New member
My daughter (17 months) is on:
<br />
<br />Enzymes every meal (Switched to Pancreocarb as seems to be more effective for her then Creon)
<br />Prevacid (half tab daily)
<br />Albutorol via Neb (2 treatments daily)
<br />Vest (20 minutes twice a day)
<br />Aquadek (1.25 ml a day)
<br />
<br />Actually thats it right now. She had previously been on Tobi.
<br />
<br />Mike
<br />
<br />Dad to Abby, 17 mo old with CF (D F508 and 182 Del T )
<br />


New member
Briceton(2) takes once/twice daily:

4 Creon5 with snacks and meals
2 Pancrecarb MS8 with snacks and meals
Flovent puffer
Albuterol puffer
Hypertonic Saline

We have always done CPT twice a day since his diagnosis. The majority of his medications have been added in as we go to try and help relieve some symptoms and to be proactive in his care.

Research all the different medications available to CFers today (Pulmozyme, HTS, etc..) and bring your research to your child's pulmonologist.

Best wishes,


New member
Briceton(2) takes once/twice daily:

4 Creon5 with snacks and meals
2 Pancrecarb MS8 with snacks and meals
Flovent puffer
Albuterol puffer
Hypertonic Saline

We have always done CPT twice a day since his diagnosis. The majority of his medications have been added in as we go to try and help relieve some symptoms and to be proactive in his care.

Research all the different medications available to CFers today (Pulmozyme, HTS, etc..) and bring your research to your child's pulmonologist.

Best wishes,


New member
Briceton(2) takes once/twice daily:

4 Creon5 with snacks and meals
2 Pancrecarb MS8 with snacks and meals
Flovent puffer
Albuterol puffer
Hypertonic Saline

We have always done CPT twice a day since his diagnosis. The majority of his medications have been added in as we go to try and help relieve some symptoms and to be proactive in his care.

Research all the different medications available to CFers today (Pulmozyme, HTS, etc..) and bring your research to your child's pulmonologist.

Best wishes,


New member
Briceton(2) takes once/twice daily:

4 Creon5 with snacks and meals
2 Pancrecarb MS8 with snacks and meals
Flovent puffer
Albuterol puffer
Hypertonic Saline

We have always done CPT twice a day since his diagnosis. The majority of his medications have been added in as we go to try and help relieve some symptoms and to be proactive in his care.

Research all the different medications available to CFers today (Pulmozyme, HTS, etc..) and bring your research to your child's pulmonologist.

Best wishes,


New member
Briceton(2) takes once/twice daily:
<br />
<br />4 Creon5 with snacks and meals
<br />2 Pancrecarb MS8 with snacks and meals
<br />Vitamax
<br />Prevacid
<br />Zinc
<br />Calciferol
<br />Actigall
<br />Clairitan
<br />Imodium
<br />Flovent puffer
<br />Albuterol puffer
<br />Pulmozyme
<br />Tobi
<br />Hypertonic Saline
<br />
<br />We have always done CPT twice a day since his diagnosis. The majority of his medications have been added in as we go to try and help relieve some symptoms and to be proactive in his care.
<br />
<br />Research all the different medications available to CFers today (Pulmozyme, HTS, etc..) and bring your research to your child's pulmonologist.
<br />
<br />Best wishes,
<br />