What to eat to gain weight


New member
Hey everyone. Rescently I've been trying very hard to gain weight. I'm 18 and I weight 125, and on good months 130. I have a G'tube, though I rarely do my feeds...I really need to get better about that. But enough about me...

<b>Some things that have worked for me in the past:</b>

- Scandishakes, Boost, Ensure are all GREAT ways to gain weight. Everyone tells me that they hate the taste, although when it comes to being malnourished, I'd rather drink 10 Scandishakes a day than be a stick!

- Eat every 2 -3 hours! Try eating small snacks/meals that pack about 600 calories per snack/meal. During dinner, I always try to pack in a huge dinner. I estimate that my dinners are about 800 - 1000 calories. In that sense, if you eat 3 small meals and one large meal, your already getting 2800. Obviously, I would suggest eating 3 large meals. That's what I'm going to try. 3 large meals and 3 small meals...I'm thinking that if all this is done, you'll have about 5000 calories by the end of the day

- Add condiments to your meals like cheese, butter, and dips! Like someone earlier said, it really adds up.

In case anyone cares here's my recipie for scandi's (About 7 servings):

- 1 scandi shake pack
- 1 table spoons of Cookies and cream Ice cream
- 1 table spoons of Peanutbutter
- 12 oz's of milk


New member
We got my daughter, Courtney (age 13....5 feet 2 inches tall....weighs 78 pounds) the Carnation Instant Breakfast VHC.

It is an eight ounce can and each can has almost 600 calories!!!

She does not really like the vanilla taste so we add a little chocolate syrup or some ice cream to it.
