what would you do??


New member
all right ive been seeing a lot of talk about god can save you and all that jive. and i would like to bing out a new commandment brought to us all by a great man known as George Carlin.

<b>keep thy religion to thyself</b>

and another thing. Some people's reason are that god thinks that every life is sacred. but then think about this. more people have been killed in the name of god than any other reason combined. so wheres the sacred part?


New member

You are certainly entitled to say what your thoughts and feelings are about God or about anything, and I see you exercise that right often. Good for you...I like reading your posts. I also see other people exercise their right to say things in post and give their life experencies that may or may not include God. You have the right to post and say what ever you want within the rules of this forum, why would you possibly want to tell other people what they can and can't say? From what I see noone was even talking to you or preaching to you so you were not at all obligated to read this post.? I was just wondering how come you are telling others what to say and not say yet you are free to say what you want...


New member
toche, and good point. as for the second sentence of my post that was out of pure argumentative sake, not attempting to control what people say. As far as the first part goes....to tell you the truth i dont remember what it was in responce to. I may have found a post on this thread that looked like someone was trying to force the religion down someone elses throat. i have no problem with the mentioning of ones religion (I.E. you say something along the lines of "God helps me get through it" or whatever). If god and the bible helps you through tough stuff and gives you answers, then i wish you the best with it. but if someone is pushing it on someone else, thats when i get like that.

Basically i have found that everyone has their own ideas on whats right and wrong, and my point is just dont force them on other people. give your opinion and leave it at that. now i realize i may be guilty of that as well. well...do as i say, not as i do. heh.

"I like reading your posts" -why thank you.


True this is a tough pesonal ? and this is only my view. I have been sick my whole life and was told I would never have children. This was always a heartache for my. Was in the hospital and the nurse came said you didn't tell us you were pregant. I got mad and asked 4 dr he came and told her no she can't have children made her test again. When this test came positive he came w/me to get sample and we did 2 more test. He told me I was blessed and this would be a special baby. Shortly after finding out that my special baby had cf. I found I was expecting. The pulm dr I saw wanted me to get a sweat test and said I should got to differnt hospital to have my baby. The Hospital switch was a mistake. They hounded my about amnio and cvs even though I refused. One doctor said"I don't know why someone would have a baby if it could have cf". Terminating was never an option 4 me. My kids may be imperfect in some peoples eyes as it was displayed during my 2nd pregnancy. But, they are the greatest gift I have ever received and I will always spend every last ounce of energy to keep them as healthy and happy as possible. Any way I made the only choice right for me as. Every one does when they come to a place where a decision must be made. The right path is always to be true to yourself.

Nothing is easy and nobody if without flaw


New member
My dad told me that while my mom was pregnant, he would not just pray for a healthy baby, but that he asked God to please help him and my mom to be able to handle everything if I was not.

I was the first child they bore together; my older brother Todd had been adopted a year before I was conceived, because Doctors told them they could not get pregnant.

So I was a surprise, and the even bigger surprise came with the meconium ilius and CF diagnosis at birth. My parents did not even know what it was, much less having any idea about being carriers of the gene.

Instead of breaking down, my parents decided they would do as much as they could to help fight CF. Ever since then my family has been super involved in the CF community and raising money for CF. I know I came to the right famiy, and I think they feel the same way about me.


New member
i have always let my mum know that i am happy and love life and that i am glad i was born she did say she was glad she had me although she does feel guilty every time she has to wacth me struggle through my bad days of being ill but i try not to make a fusss so much to the point i wouldnt tell her when i was ill and she came and sat on my bed and she said u have to talk to me at that point i started coughin and then i coughed up blood and i was panickin and she was all calm and took me to the hospital . the other day we were talkin and she said u can always talk to me about how u feel i am hear to listne and she said about when i coughed up blood she was terrrifed and thought she was losin me at that point i started cryin . my mum is the best int he world and cos i ahve her i am glad to be here .


New member
GOOD QUESTION But I think I would have wanted everything to be the same. I was well taken care of as a child, ( although not by my natural mother) but my dad Thankfully married a nurse, and I think that is one big reason why I am this healthy. I have possitive hope for the future though too if it was any other time before this that I would be living with CF I wouldnt want to


New member

I do not have CF but my daughter does, I can't even imagine her not wanting to be born!!!. She is just as normal as anyone else she just needs special care all of the time. I also could not imagine her not my life, what a blessing from God she has been!!! I also have a younger daughter that does not have CF and no,my husband and i would never have thought about terminating the pregnancy!! This may sound selfish to some of you because I am not the one with CF but let me tell you one thing if i could take this disease away from my child and take it myself i would not think twice, I also beleive that birth is such a miracle and at one point in all of our lives we are all going to die!! Some will have a more painful death than others, and some of us die of other reasons and not our disease. My daughter has learned so much in her 8 years and is such a wonderfully happy person, she is caring, funny loving, crazy and i know with all of my heart that she knows that the Lord will take care of her and when she does leave this world, whether from CF or some other plan that The Lord has she knows that she is going to Heaven. She would have wanted to be born just so that one day she will see The Lord !!!Also you know i have read some posts and talked with some people with CF that do not even do their treatments and take care of themselves, even doctors have told me that they know alot of times patients will tell them just want they want to hear. I really hope that all of you will take care of your selves and your precious lungs so that you can live much longer healthier lives.

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
No matter how bad CF ever gets it is still just one part of the whole me. I like myself waaaay to much to think the world would be better off without me!


New member
I don't necessarily like me enough to know that the world wouldn't be better off without me... But whenever I've wondered aloud to Mike, he tells me to shut up. Whenever I've wondered that aloud to my friends Mini or Ryan, they tell me to shut up. I don't remember ever wondering aloud to my family, but I'm sure they'd tell me to shut up too. CF is a pain in the tushie, and I'm stuck with it. But at the same time, there's either CF and me.... or neither. You can't get one without the other. And if I try really hard to look at it from Mike's perspective, I can happily agree that his life would be far different without me. That's not to say he wouldn't have fallen in love with anyone else... But he loves me, and he's glad to have me. Just like my friends and family and all that.

If Mike had the choice, I would be CF-free, sure. But since it's me + CF or neither, he takes the CF with me. And actually, if Mike had to choose for me to be CF-free, I'm not even sure he would. I don't want this to sound wrong, because OF COURSE he wants me healthy... but I'd be a very different person without CF. I wouldn't want to go back and be born healthy. If I was able to suddenly be healthy now, Mike and I would both happily go for that. But to be born without altogether, I think I speak for both of us when I say it's better the way it is. We like me the way I am, and I wouldn't be this Emily without CF. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
HEY EMILY....SHUT UP! Seriously, even if we had known that CF would be a part of our lives, you would still be here. CF has not only made you who you are, but made us to be the parents we are too. I like the relationship we have...we can yell at each other and then say "I'm sorry " and move on to the next thing. We are honest and open with each other and you don't see that in alot of families. CF, as crappy as it is, has made our family (and you) what we are. Of course, we would have chosen for you to be a healthy child if we had the choice, but since we can't turn back the hands of time, we'll take you as you are! Plus, in this deal, we got Mike too!


New member
I am 31...32 in July. I am glad to be alive! I have enjoyed my life...it has not been perfect...but it has been mine. Without CF, I would not have met the wonderful CF friends that I have now. I have other friends as well....but there is something different about my CF friends. They are like another family to me. They understand me better than my family. I would not change anything about my life...it has made me who I am today.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>I always thought that questions , and I would have wanted to not have been born. And I would never have a child<hr></blockquote>

Why would you deprive yourself of having a child just cause you have CF. I thought the same way as you, until I had a child, Im as healthy as I have ever been, and happier then I've ever been. If your healthy enough, that is if you think your healthy enough (dont go by what people tell you) I didnt and if you want a child dont say youll never have one.


New member
My mother was given the choice if she wanted to know if I had CF before I was born. I have three older siblings with it and so when she got pregnant again the doctors and my grandmother told her she should be tested and then terminate if I did. They figured it was mean of her to bring another child into the world with CF. However, I'm very glad that I am here. I have had the best life ever. I'm very healthy, and I'm married to a wonderful man hoping to have a child of our own. I would not change a thing.

-Ann 25 w/cf


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Emily65Roses</b></i><br>But what if there was a kick-ass party on the ship before it sank??<hr></blockquote>

Your post made me laugh, which was quite unexpected considering the heavy subject matter. I love those unexpected laughs <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

OK, I am making a religious point (so ignore the rest if talking about God offends you)
I have to get this off my chest, just to express what I believe. I see so many people talking about God never "giving someone more than they can handle" and implying that God chose to give their child CF. I so do NOT agree with those statements. I believe in God, but I do not believe he gave my son CF. I do not believe that God brings souls into this world to be raped, murdered or emotionially tortured. Maybe, I'm wrong - maybe this was written in the stars for me long before I was born (to have a child with CF). I just think that everyone needs to take responsibility for their choices. If you know you and your partner are CF carriers and you want to make a baby, that is your choice. But to say "God will decide if my baby will have CF" - I personally don't believe that's how it works. I believe that when my fetus was conceived with CF, God sent me a very special soul to nurture. I believe that God gives us strength to handle our burdens. I just don't think God purposely burdons us, he loves us. It's not about "God never giving you something you can't handle" - what it really is is that "There is nothing that we can handle without God".

My 2 Cents


New member
I'm glad it made you laugh. And your post actually makes sense. I don't believe in god, but I get what you're saying. And hell, if the ship sank or not, I'd want to be in on that party. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
To the 12:49 post:

I really liked your post also. I do believe in God and your post gave me a new perspective on things. Thanks!

Maria (mother of three daughters, the youngest Samantha w/CF)