What's the cost of your house cleaner(s)?


New member
i found these house cleaners. their ad in the yellow pages caught my eye because they said they do not use harsh chemicals. (no bleach, etc.) the stuff they use is better for the environment which is important to me personally and i also do not use those chemical cleaners because of my health.

so, the maids came once right before i moved in with my boyfriend as a one-time deal and then they came back today and the idea is we are going to start having them come regularly. i think. the thing is they seem more expensive than other places. if you have them come every 2 weeks it is $145 and hour and 15 mins for 4 of them to come.

it is nice, in our situation having to be here to contain the dogs, to have them in and out so quickly. and they did good work. but i kept asking myself would it have taken one person 5 hours to do what they did??? the answer is MAYBE. i am sure i could find a cheaper deal, though. i guess i'm wondering if there are other companies out there that don't use harsh cleaning products? this is really important to me. do you think i'm making too big a deal to spend that much money???

thanks for input.


New member
i found these house cleaners. their ad in the yellow pages caught my eye because they said they do not use harsh chemicals. (no bleach, etc.) the stuff they use is better for the environment which is important to me personally and i also do not use those chemical cleaners because of my health.

so, the maids came once right before i moved in with my boyfriend as a one-time deal and then they came back today and the idea is we are going to start having them come regularly. i think. the thing is they seem more expensive than other places. if you have them come every 2 weeks it is $145 and hour and 15 mins for 4 of them to come.

it is nice, in our situation having to be here to contain the dogs, to have them in and out so quickly. and they did good work. but i kept asking myself would it have taken one person 5 hours to do what they did??? the answer is MAYBE. i am sure i could find a cheaper deal, though. i guess i'm wondering if there are other companies out there that don't use harsh cleaning products? this is really important to me. do you think i'm making too big a deal to spend that much money???

thanks for input.


New member
i found these house cleaners. their ad in the yellow pages caught my eye because they said they do not use harsh chemicals. (no bleach, etc.) the stuff they use is better for the environment which is important to me personally and i also do not use those chemical cleaners because of my health.

so, the maids came once right before i moved in with my boyfriend as a one-time deal and then they came back today and the idea is we are going to start having them come regularly. i think. the thing is they seem more expensive than other places. if you have them come every 2 weeks it is $145 and hour and 15 mins for 4 of them to come.

it is nice, in our situation having to be here to contain the dogs, to have them in and out so quickly. and they did good work. but i kept asking myself would it have taken one person 5 hours to do what they did??? the answer is MAYBE. i am sure i could find a cheaper deal, though. i guess i'm wondering if there are other companies out there that don't use harsh cleaning products? this is really important to me. do you think i'm making too big a deal to spend that much money???

thanks for input.


Staff member
It's always more expensive if you go with an agency, because they usually send a team of people out to clean. I don't have a cleaning person, most of my friends and relatives who do, have a private individual who comes in (is paid cash..) and they can specify the type of cleaning stuff they use. Either use what you have at home or bring their own...


Staff member
It's always more expensive if you go with an agency, because they usually send a team of people out to clean. I don't have a cleaning person, most of my friends and relatives who do, have a private individual who comes in (is paid cash..) and they can specify the type of cleaning stuff they use. Either use what you have at home or bring their own...


Staff member
It's always more expensive if you go with an agency, because they usually send a team of people out to clean. I don't have a cleaning person, most of my friends and relatives who do, have a private individual who comes in (is paid cash..) and they can specify the type of cleaning stuff they use. Either use what you have at home or bring their own...


New member
is the harsh cleaner that big a deal if your not the one using it? I always thought you could use whatever c;eaner and long as I wasn't the one using it? Basically I'm thinking if you going to pay for someone to clean for you, go with a good price, and let them use what they want. they will be the one breathing it in. and if probably wont bother them like it would you. And when you get home from work, your house will be clean and you wont even know what they used.


New member
is the harsh cleaner that big a deal if your not the one using it? I always thought you could use whatever c;eaner and long as I wasn't the one using it? Basically I'm thinking if you going to pay for someone to clean for you, go with a good price, and let them use what they want. they will be the one breathing it in. and if probably wont bother them like it would you. And when you get home from work, your house will be clean and you wont even know what they used.


New member
is the harsh cleaner that big a deal if your not the one using it? I always thought you could use whatever c;eaner and long as I wasn't the one using it? Basically I'm thinking if you going to pay for someone to clean for you, go with a good price, and let them use what they want. they will be the one breathing it in. and if probably wont bother them like it would you. And when you get home from work, your house will be clean and you wont even know what they used.


New member
Here's what we did. Buy your own natural cleaners or what have you. Then, have a college kid come in and do it. College kids come cheap. Our girl came in twice a week, 50 dollars a week to clean the place top to bottom. Best choice we ever made.


New member
Here's what we did. Buy your own natural cleaners or what have you. Then, have a college kid come in and do it. College kids come cheap. Our girl came in twice a week, 50 dollars a week to clean the place top to bottom. Best choice we ever made.


New member
Here's what we did. Buy your own natural cleaners or what have you. Then, have a college kid come in and do it. College kids come cheap. Our girl came in twice a week, 50 dollars a week to clean the place top to bottom. Best choice we ever made.


Digital opinion leader
We have a woman who comes in every other week. She uses our products. She and a friend spend about 1 1/2 hours cleaning and we pay her $65. WELL worth it!


Digital opinion leader
We have a woman who comes in every other week. She uses our products. She and a friend spend about 1 1/2 hours cleaning and we pay her $65. WELL worth it!


Digital opinion leader
We have a woman who comes in every other week. She uses our products. She and a friend spend about 1 1/2 hours cleaning and we pay her $65. WELL worth it!


New member
I pay $70 for 4 hours of cleaning (I want thorough cleaning) every other week.

I had a coughing fit when I got my 1st place on my own while cleaning the bathroom. I thought this is really not worth ruining my health.

So instead of going out to movies and buying food there, i rent movies and cook food at my house. That more than makes up for $140/month <img src="">

Oh yes she's a legal immigrant - I had her green card run through my city's employment office.


New member
I pay $70 for 4 hours of cleaning (I want thorough cleaning) every other week.

I had a coughing fit when I got my 1st place on my own while cleaning the bathroom. I thought this is really not worth ruining my health.

So instead of going out to movies and buying food there, i rent movies and cook food at my house. That more than makes up for $140/month <img src="">

Oh yes she's a legal immigrant - I had her green card run through my city's employment office.


New member
I pay $70 for 4 hours of cleaning (I want thorough cleaning) every other week.

I had a coughing fit when I got my 1st place on my own while cleaning the bathroom. I thought this is really not worth ruining my health.

So instead of going out to movies and buying food there, i rent movies and cook food at my house. That more than makes up for $140/month <img src="">

Oh yes she's a legal immigrant - I had her green card run through my city's employment office.


Through both marriages, I've done most of all the 'dirty jobs' of cleaning, myself. Sometimes, I've regretted to put a mask on, because I was coughing a bit and my allergies kicked up, but using a mask while cleaning will cut down a lot of stuff you breathe in.
With enough ventillation, some of the harsh chemicals, like ammonia, won't be so bad, but even healthy people inhaling ammonia will get pretty sick!

As for what is used for cleaning, I think it would be wise to know what was used, or have them use what you supply them with. I would think if they are professional cleaners, they would know what things to use to clean up what. For example, if you had tape, or some stickers on a wall, or desk drawer, they wouldn't use cleaning solutions to take it off, they would know that using a blow-drier to pull the sticker off would be more convenient.

I'd rather find a way to motivate the wife, and MIL to do thier own cleaning, rather than hire a cleaning person. Though, I'd rather just rent a great big 'ole dump truck to back up to the front door and haul all the unnecessary junk still there!!


Through both marriages, I've done most of all the 'dirty jobs' of cleaning, myself. Sometimes, I've regretted to put a mask on, because I was coughing a bit and my allergies kicked up, but using a mask while cleaning will cut down a lot of stuff you breathe in.
With enough ventillation, some of the harsh chemicals, like ammonia, won't be so bad, but even healthy people inhaling ammonia will get pretty sick!

As for what is used for cleaning, I think it would be wise to know what was used, or have them use what you supply them with. I would think if they are professional cleaners, they would know what things to use to clean up what. For example, if you had tape, or some stickers on a wall, or desk drawer, they wouldn't use cleaning solutions to take it off, they would know that using a blow-drier to pull the sticker off would be more convenient.

I'd rather find a way to motivate the wife, and MIL to do thier own cleaning, rather than hire a cleaning person. Though, I'd rather just rent a great big 'ole dump truck to back up to the front door and haul all the unnecessary junk still there!!