
New member

Did she go back in for her follows up PFTs yet? Is any bacterias showing up in her cultures? There is no sense of IV antibiotics if she in not culturing anything. My bacteria count was low but I kept having the same issues that Courtney is having. So they did a bronch to see what was growing way down inside my lungs. Has she had any chest xrays or CT scans? This will tell the doctor a lot. I would demand more tests especially if she is not improving.


New member

Did she go back in for her follows up PFTs yet? Is any bacterias showing up in her cultures? There is no sense of IV antibiotics if she in not culturing anything. My bacteria count was low but I kept having the same issues that Courtney is having. So they did a bronch to see what was growing way down inside my lungs. Has she had any chest xrays or CT scans? This will tell the doctor a lot. I would demand more tests especially if she is not improving.


New member

Did she go back in for her follows up PFTs yet? Is any bacterias showing up in her cultures? There is no sense of IV antibiotics if she in not culturing anything. My bacteria count was low but I kept having the same issues that Courtney is having. So they did a bronch to see what was growing way down inside my lungs. Has she had any chest xrays or CT scans? This will tell the doctor a lot. I would demand more tests especially if she is not improving.


New member

Did she go back in for her follows up PFTs yet? Is any bacterias showing up in her cultures? There is no sense of IV antibiotics if she in not culturing anything. My bacteria count was low but I kept having the same issues that Courtney is having. So they did a bronch to see what was growing way down inside my lungs. Has she had any chest xrays or CT scans? This will tell the doctor a lot. I would demand more tests especially if she is not improving.


New member

Did she go back in for her follows up PFTs yet? Is any bacterias showing up in her cultures? There is no sense of IV antibiotics if she in not culturing anything. My bacteria count was low but I kept having the same issues that Courtney is having. So they did a bronch to see what was growing way down inside my lungs. Has she had any chest xrays or CT scans? This will tell the doctor a lot. I would demand more tests especially if she is not improving.


New member

I am so sorry she is not feeling well. My suggestion for what it is worth is she needs to see her CF doctor. They can do sputum culture, PFT's, get on some orals or just get the tune up! Sounds like she could use a recharge. When my cough is elevated more than usual and energy low and just not myself which is every year around OCTOBER I go in and I actually do go in EVERY OCTOBER to get geared up for the winter and recharge my battery. I am always ready then and even now I am starting to feel it. It is not bad to do tune ups, it keeps the infection down and I believe if you go in when you are not SUPER sick it is SO MUCH easier to get better , get through the ordeal and come out strong.

Good luck!

Jennifer 35 years old with CF and CFRD


New member

I am so sorry she is not feeling well. My suggestion for what it is worth is she needs to see her CF doctor. They can do sputum culture, PFT's, get on some orals or just get the tune up! Sounds like she could use a recharge. When my cough is elevated more than usual and energy low and just not myself which is every year around OCTOBER I go in and I actually do go in EVERY OCTOBER to get geared up for the winter and recharge my battery. I am always ready then and even now I am starting to feel it. It is not bad to do tune ups, it keeps the infection down and I believe if you go in when you are not SUPER sick it is SO MUCH easier to get better , get through the ordeal and come out strong.

Good luck!

Jennifer 35 years old with CF and CFRD


New member

I am so sorry she is not feeling well. My suggestion for what it is worth is she needs to see her CF doctor. They can do sputum culture, PFT's, get on some orals or just get the tune up! Sounds like she could use a recharge. When my cough is elevated more than usual and energy low and just not myself which is every year around OCTOBER I go in and I actually do go in EVERY OCTOBER to get geared up for the winter and recharge my battery. I am always ready then and even now I am starting to feel it. It is not bad to do tune ups, it keeps the infection down and I believe if you go in when you are not SUPER sick it is SO MUCH easier to get better , get through the ordeal and come out strong.

Good luck!

Jennifer 35 years old with CF and CFRD


New member

I am so sorry she is not feeling well. My suggestion for what it is worth is she needs to see her CF doctor. They can do sputum culture, PFT's, get on some orals or just get the tune up! Sounds like she could use a recharge. When my cough is elevated more than usual and energy low and just not myself which is every year around OCTOBER I go in and I actually do go in EVERY OCTOBER to get geared up for the winter and recharge my battery. I am always ready then and even now I am starting to feel it. It is not bad to do tune ups, it keeps the infection down and I believe if you go in when you are not SUPER sick it is SO MUCH easier to get better , get through the ordeal and come out strong.

Good luck!

Jennifer 35 years old with CF and CFRD


New member

I am so sorry she is not feeling well. My suggestion for what it is worth is she needs to see her CF doctor. They can do sputum culture, PFT's, get on some orals or just get the tune up! Sounds like she could use a recharge. When my cough is elevated more than usual and energy low and just not myself which is every year around OCTOBER I go in and I actually do go in EVERY OCTOBER to get geared up for the winter and recharge my battery. I am always ready then and even now I am starting to feel it. It is not bad to do tune ups, it keeps the infection down and I believe if you go in when you are not SUPER sick it is SO MUCH easier to get better , get through the ordeal and come out strong.

Good luck!

Jennifer 35 years old with CF and CFRD


New member

Best I've got for you, Seana... is that if the peds doc or any "regular" doc will blow this off, then you need to take a day off together and make a trip to the nearest CF center, wherever it may be. If it's time to take care of it, and regular docs don't get it (there are some pulmonologists [not associated with CF centers] that can treat CF perfectly well, but they seem to be few and far between), she needs to see a CF doc. There's not a whole lot of ways to get around that.


New member

Best I've got for you, Seana... is that if the peds doc or any "regular" doc will blow this off, then you need to take a day off together and make a trip to the nearest CF center, wherever it may be. If it's time to take care of it, and regular docs don't get it (there are some pulmonologists [not associated with CF centers] that can treat CF perfectly well, but they seem to be few and far between), she needs to see a CF doc. There's not a whole lot of ways to get around that.


New member

Best I've got for you, Seana... is that if the peds doc or any "regular" doc will blow this off, then you need to take a day off together and make a trip to the nearest CF center, wherever it may be. If it's time to take care of it, and regular docs don't get it (there are some pulmonologists [not associated with CF centers] that can treat CF perfectly well, but they seem to be few and far between), she needs to see a CF doc. There's not a whole lot of ways to get around that.


New member

Best I've got for you, Seana... is that if the peds doc or any "regular" doc will blow this off, then you need to take a day off together and make a trip to the nearest CF center, wherever it may be. If it's time to take care of it, and regular docs don't get it (there are some pulmonologists [not associated with CF centers] that can treat CF perfectly well, but they seem to be few and far between), she needs to see a CF doc. There's not a whole lot of ways to get around that.


New member

Best I've got for you, Seana... is that if the peds doc or any "regular" doc will blow this off, then you need to take a day off together and make a trip to the nearest CF center, wherever it may be. If it's time to take care of it, and regular docs don't get it (there are some pulmonologists [not associated with CF centers] that can treat CF perfectly well, but they seem to be few and far between), she needs to see a CF doc. There's not a whole lot of ways to get around that.


New member

One of the things that frustrated me most about one of my former docs, is that he would often "wait and see" when I mentioned I wasn't feeling right. An infection that could have been taken care of sooner (when it was just in my sinuses) often progressed to a sore throat from coughing thanks to post nasal drip. From there it would spread to my chest and then BINGO! It was a month of IVs. I felt like I was robbed of a lot of healthy days because of "wait and see." Her weight is going to drop dramatically too if she stays sick, and that might put her in a danger zone.

Mental health and physical health often go hand in hand. I think Courtney will be much better equipped to stand up to some of the teenage crapola that she faces once she's in better physical health. I'd hate to see her have a totally miserable year on all levels. If the doc won't admit her, you may need to go the ER route and use a big "MOM" voice to get things done.

Being in the hospital totally stinks, but feeling out of sorts and run down all the time is worse. I hope she'll be back on track again soon. PUSH those doctors. DEMAND he admit her, and possibly even insist on a course of TPN (total peripheral nutrition) to get her weight back up. That was the key for me when I was her age and weight. I gained 30 pounds and was a whole new, healthier, more confident me!


New member

One of the things that frustrated me most about one of my former docs, is that he would often "wait and see" when I mentioned I wasn't feeling right. An infection that could have been taken care of sooner (when it was just in my sinuses) often progressed to a sore throat from coughing thanks to post nasal drip. From there it would spread to my chest and then BINGO! It was a month of IVs. I felt like I was robbed of a lot of healthy days because of "wait and see." Her weight is going to drop dramatically too if she stays sick, and that might put her in a danger zone.

Mental health and physical health often go hand in hand. I think Courtney will be much better equipped to stand up to some of the teenage crapola that she faces once she's in better physical health. I'd hate to see her have a totally miserable year on all levels. If the doc won't admit her, you may need to go the ER route and use a big "MOM" voice to get things done.

Being in the hospital totally stinks, but feeling out of sorts and run down all the time is worse. I hope she'll be back on track again soon. PUSH those doctors. DEMAND he admit her, and possibly even insist on a course of TPN (total peripheral nutrition) to get her weight back up. That was the key for me when I was her age and weight. I gained 30 pounds and was a whole new, healthier, more confident me!


New member

One of the things that frustrated me most about one of my former docs, is that he would often "wait and see" when I mentioned I wasn't feeling right. An infection that could have been taken care of sooner (when it was just in my sinuses) often progressed to a sore throat from coughing thanks to post nasal drip. From there it would spread to my chest and then BINGO! It was a month of IVs. I felt like I was robbed of a lot of healthy days because of "wait and see." Her weight is going to drop dramatically too if she stays sick, and that might put her in a danger zone.

Mental health and physical health often go hand in hand. I think Courtney will be much better equipped to stand up to some of the teenage crapola that she faces once she's in better physical health. I'd hate to see her have a totally miserable year on all levels. If the doc won't admit her, you may need to go the ER route and use a big "MOM" voice to get things done.

Being in the hospital totally stinks, but feeling out of sorts and run down all the time is worse. I hope she'll be back on track again soon. PUSH those doctors. DEMAND he admit her, and possibly even insist on a course of TPN (total peripheral nutrition) to get her weight back up. That was the key for me when I was her age and weight. I gained 30 pounds and was a whole new, healthier, more confident me!


New member

One of the things that frustrated me most about one of my former docs, is that he would often "wait and see" when I mentioned I wasn't feeling right. An infection that could have been taken care of sooner (when it was just in my sinuses) often progressed to a sore throat from coughing thanks to post nasal drip. From there it would spread to my chest and then BINGO! It was a month of IVs. I felt like I was robbed of a lot of healthy days because of "wait and see." Her weight is going to drop dramatically too if she stays sick, and that might put her in a danger zone.

Mental health and physical health often go hand in hand. I think Courtney will be much better equipped to stand up to some of the teenage crapola that she faces once she's in better physical health. I'd hate to see her have a totally miserable year on all levels. If the doc won't admit her, you may need to go the ER route and use a big "MOM" voice to get things done.

Being in the hospital totally stinks, but feeling out of sorts and run down all the time is worse. I hope she'll be back on track again soon. PUSH those doctors. DEMAND he admit her, and possibly even insist on a course of TPN (total peripheral nutrition) to get her weight back up. That was the key for me when I was her age and weight. I gained 30 pounds and was a whole new, healthier, more confident me!


New member

One of the things that frustrated me most about one of my former docs, is that he would often "wait and see" when I mentioned I wasn't feeling right. An infection that could have been taken care of sooner (when it was just in my sinuses) often progressed to a sore throat from coughing thanks to post nasal drip. From there it would spread to my chest and then BINGO! It was a month of IVs. I felt like I was robbed of a lot of healthy days because of "wait and see." Her weight is going to drop dramatically too if she stays sick, and that might put her in a danger zone.

Mental health and physical health often go hand in hand. I think Courtney will be much better equipped to stand up to some of the teenage crapola that she faces once she's in better physical health. I'd hate to see her have a totally miserable year on all levels. If the doc won't admit her, you may need to go the ER route and use a big "MOM" voice to get things done.

Being in the hospital totally stinks, but feeling out of sorts and run down all the time is worse. I hope she'll be back on track again soon. PUSH those doctors. DEMAND he admit her, and possibly even insist on a course of TPN (total peripheral nutrition) to get her weight back up. That was the key for me when I was her age and weight. I gained 30 pounds and was a whole new, healthier, more confident me!