When to leave the hospital


New member
I always stay in as long as it takes to get me into a position that I have enough energy to do all of my treatments, workout and run. I see the hospital as an aide to get me healthy enough to take care of myself. If you're not to that point yet, stay in.



New member
I always stay in as long as it takes to get me into a position that I have enough energy to do all of my treatments, workout and run. I see the hospital as an aide to get me healthy enough to take care of myself. If you're not to that point yet, stay in.



New member
I always stay in as long as it takes to get me into a position that I have enough energy to do all of my treatments, workout and run. I see the hospital as an aide to get me healthy enough to take care of myself. If you're not to that point yet, stay in.



New member
I always stay in as long as it takes to get me into a position that I have enough energy to do all of my treatments, workout and run. I see the hospital as an aide to get me healthy enough to take care of myself. If you're not to that point yet, stay in.



New member
I always stay in as long as it takes to get me into a position that I have enough energy to do all of my treatments, workout and run. I see the hospital as an aide to get me healthy enough to take care of myself. If you're not to that point yet, stay in.
<br />
<br />Ronnie


New member
Thanks to all. I ended up leaving after being in 8 days. Unfortunately my infection seemed to settle more in my lungs and I had to come back. Ronnie, thanks for the advice. I hadn't really looked at it that way. I'll definitely think of it that way next time.


New member
Thanks to all. I ended up leaving after being in 8 days. Unfortunately my infection seemed to settle more in my lungs and I had to come back. Ronnie, thanks for the advice. I hadn't really looked at it that way. I'll definitely think of it that way next time.


New member
Thanks to all. I ended up leaving after being in 8 days. Unfortunately my infection seemed to settle more in my lungs and I had to come back. Ronnie, thanks for the advice. I hadn't really looked at it that way. I'll definitely think of it that way next time.


New member
Thanks to all. I ended up leaving after being in 8 days. Unfortunately my infection seemed to settle more in my lungs and I had to come back. Ronnie, thanks for the advice. I hadn't really looked at it that way. I'll definitely think of it that way next time.


New member
Thanks to all. I ended up leaving after being in 8 days. Unfortunately my infection seemed to settle more in my lungs and I had to come back. Ronnie, thanks for the advice. I hadn't really looked at it that way. I'll definitely think of it that way next time.