I didnt ever tell any of my kids that they might live til (5, 13, teenage, 30 - these are the life expectancy changes since my first was diagnosed 31.5 years ago), but what I did tell them at an appropriate time and age is that CF CAN make some people very sick, and some people die from it.
<br>My kids didnt grow up with a dark cloud over their lives, they grew up with hope that they would have a normal life. They are currently aged 32, 30, 15 & 13 (non cf). All of them are really well. My daughter (30 almost) has a child who is 18 mths old and just ran in a 14 k marathon (1hr 38m).
<br>My oldest is on the open lable Vertex 770 and has been in the trial for the last couple of years. He hasnt been sick at all since starting, takes no Creon and has not even had a cold since starting the 770. His FEV1 rose from 69% to somewhere over 85%.
<br>My point is (and I also think the above posters) that every person with CF is different, no one knows the future. There are some incredibily exciting drugs almost on the market RIGHT NOW that are already changing people's lives.
<br>Dont weigh your child down with some age expectancy, make sure they understand that they need to work hard at keeping fit and looking after themselves.
<br>My kids didnt grow up with a dark cloud over their lives, they grew up with hope that they would have a normal life. They are currently aged 32, 30, 15 & 13 (non cf). All of them are really well. My daughter (30 almost) has a child who is 18 mths old and just ran in a 14 k marathon (1hr 38m).
<br>My oldest is on the open lable Vertex 770 and has been in the trial for the last couple of years. He hasnt been sick at all since starting, takes no Creon and has not even had a cold since starting the 770. His FEV1 rose from 69% to somewhere over 85%.
<br>My point is (and I also think the above posters) that every person with CF is different, no one knows the future. There are some incredibily exciting drugs almost on the market RIGHT NOW that are already changing people's lives.
<br>Dont weigh your child down with some age expectancy, make sure they understand that they need to work hard at keeping fit and looking after themselves.