where are you/how cold is it?


New member
I am in between Richmond Va and Washington DC

The temp with wind chill is 9 , may nit seem to cold for
you folks up north, but we have had a crazy winter here
we have gone from the low 70's down to this in the last month and a half.

Sometimes he droped 50 degrees in a few hours...
But that is Virginia.

I went out to the market last night, it was 21 with a
22mph wind< Brrr Very hard to breathe and it
made my lung hurt trying to breath.........


Staff member
It's -22 F here (Fargo, ND). Not sure what the windchill is. They're closing schools up north (Bemidji, MN) -- 'bout 100 miles from here 'cuz it's in the -30s to -44. Yikes. Liz -- I hear it was -43 F in Winnipeg this morning. Eek. When they've cancelled school here in the past 'cuz of dangerous -70-80 degree windchills, the kids all end up at the sledding hill anyway. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I go from a warm house, to a warm car to a warm office. Max keeps wanting to go outside to play in his play house and see the bunny tracks. Little weirdo!


Staff member
It's -22 F here (Fargo, ND). Not sure what the windchill is. They're closing schools up north (Bemidji, MN) -- 'bout 100 miles from here 'cuz it's in the -30s to -44. Yikes. Liz -- I hear it was -43 F in Winnipeg this morning. Eek. When they've cancelled school here in the past 'cuz of dangerous -70-80 degree windchills, the kids all end up at the sledding hill anyway. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I go from a warm house, to a warm car to a warm office. Max keeps wanting to go outside to play in his play house and see the bunny tracks. Little weirdo!


Staff member
It's -22 F here (Fargo, ND). Not sure what the windchill is. They're closing schools up north (Bemidji, MN) -- 'bout 100 miles from here 'cuz it's in the -30s to -44. Yikes. Liz -- I hear it was -43 F in Winnipeg this morning. Eek. When they've cancelled school here in the past 'cuz of dangerous -70-80 degree windchills, the kids all end up at the sledding hill anyway. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I go from a warm house, to a warm car to a warm office. Max keeps wanting to go outside to play in his play house and see the bunny tracks. Little weirdo!


New member
hi this morning it was -42 with the wind. By the was I'm from northern Ontario, the kids did'nt have the off either.
Liza mother of 16yr cf girl