Where were you when.....?



For Me...

I was doing Chemestry Homework that night when I heard on the news that John Lennon was killed...

Can't remember what I was doing when I heard about Elvis, but I think we were in the midst of moving at the time (I was about 13 then).

I was IN the Great Hanshin Earthquake in '97!

For me, 9/11 was after I got home from work and saw something on the tv that I thought was a movie at first...then was shocked to hear what it was...it was real late at night so I deciced I'd look further into it the next morning at work (I didn't have internet access then) and was further shocked at what all had taken place!

The most I recall about Di being killed is that I was going on a business trip when I heard about it.


For Me...

I was doing Chemestry Homework that night when I heard on the news that John Lennon was killed...

Can't remember what I was doing when I heard about Elvis, but I think we were in the midst of moving at the time (I was about 13 then).

I was IN the Great Hanshin Earthquake in '97!

For me, 9/11 was after I got home from work and saw something on the tv that I thought was a movie at first...then was shocked to hear what it was...it was real late at night so I deciced I'd look further into it the next morning at work (I didn't have internet access then) and was further shocked at what all had taken place!

The most I recall about Di being killed is that I was going on a business trip when I heard about it.


For Me...

I was doing Chemestry Homework that night when I heard on the news that John Lennon was killed...

Can't remember what I was doing when I heard about Elvis, but I think we were in the midst of moving at the time (I was about 13 then).

I was IN the Great Hanshin Earthquake in '97!

For me, 9/11 was after I got home from work and saw something on the tv that I thought was a movie at first...then was shocked to hear what it was...it was real late at night so I deciced I'd look further into it the next morning at work (I didn't have internet access then) and was further shocked at what all had taken place!

The most I recall about Di being killed is that I was going on a business trip when I heard about it.


For Me...

I was doing Chemestry Homework that night when I heard on the news that John Lennon was killed...

Can't remember what I was doing when I heard about Elvis, but I think we were in the midst of moving at the time (I was about 13 then).

I was IN the Great Hanshin Earthquake in '97!

For me, 9/11 was after I got home from work and saw something on the tv that I thought was a movie at first...then was shocked to hear what it was...it was real late at night so I deciced I'd look further into it the next morning at work (I didn't have internet access then) and was further shocked at what all had taken place!

The most I recall about Di being killed is that I was going on a business trip when I heard about it.


For Me...
<br />
<br />I was doing Chemestry Homework that night when I heard on the news that John Lennon was killed...
<br />
<br />Can't remember what I was doing when I heard about Elvis, but I think we were in the midst of moving at the time (I was about 13 then).
<br />
<br />I was IN the Great Hanshin Earthquake in '97!
<br />
<br />For me, 9/11 was after I got home from work and saw something on the tv that I thought was a movie at first...then was shocked to hear what it was...it was real late at night so I deciced I'd look further into it the next morning at work (I didn't have internet access then) and was further shocked at what all had taken place!
<br />
<br />The most I recall about Di being killed is that I was going on a business trip when I heard about it.


New member
This is a great thread!

I was also 7 when Elvis died. I remember that I was playing something, probably Barbies on the kitchen floor when my mom's fried called. She was a HUGE Elvis fan. I didn't hear her end of the conversation, but from my mom's end I could tell someone had died. I remember thinking, "Oh, good, it was only Elvis."

I remember Reagan's assasination attempt. I overheard two teacher's talking about it on the playground in 4th grade. I was wearing an ugly green and brown winter jacket.

The Hostages were released in Iran on a Tuesday. We were on the way to a 4-H meeting when there was a special news bulletin. I remember my mom not wanting to go because she wanted to see the news.

There are probably 20 or so other "moments' that I have very clear memories of, but the big one, of course, is 9/11. I was listening to the radio, getting ready for work. The two guys on the morning show I always listen to, and their studio guest (local news anchor) were joking around with the Sports guy, Steve Czaban who calls in to do his segment. I was brushing my teeth when all of a sudden they all got quiet. The local news guy said, Ugh, this appears to be breaking news - they had a tv on in the studio with the volume off so they didn't really know what was happening. THe sports guy abruptly got off the phone and there was almost no talking as the hosts and news guy watched the story unfold. I remember looking in the mirror and thinking "We are at war."

I watched TV for a bit then had to leave for work. I was stopped at an intersection when the second plane hit. I remember - and THIS is what I will NEVER forget - looking in my rearview mirror and seeing the driver of the car stopped behind me cover is face with his hands as he two heard the news about the second plane. Time stopped then. I don't think any of the cars at the intersection moved when the light changed.

There are SO many moments from those few days around 9/11 that I will always remember. My husband is not a very emotional guy. Things don't get to him and he rarely shows emotion. But, by the time I got home from work on 9/11 he had hung up a flag bracket and a brand new flag on our first home. That's when I started to cry.

Sorry, got carried away, there. This is a great thread, can't wait to read other's comments!


New member
This is a great thread!

I was also 7 when Elvis died. I remember that I was playing something, probably Barbies on the kitchen floor when my mom's fried called. She was a HUGE Elvis fan. I didn't hear her end of the conversation, but from my mom's end I could tell someone had died. I remember thinking, "Oh, good, it was only Elvis."

I remember Reagan's assasination attempt. I overheard two teacher's talking about it on the playground in 4th grade. I was wearing an ugly green and brown winter jacket.

The Hostages were released in Iran on a Tuesday. We were on the way to a 4-H meeting when there was a special news bulletin. I remember my mom not wanting to go because she wanted to see the news.

There are probably 20 or so other "moments' that I have very clear memories of, but the big one, of course, is 9/11. I was listening to the radio, getting ready for work. The two guys on the morning show I always listen to, and their studio guest (local news anchor) were joking around with the Sports guy, Steve Czaban who calls in to do his segment. I was brushing my teeth when all of a sudden they all got quiet. The local news guy said, Ugh, this appears to be breaking news - they had a tv on in the studio with the volume off so they didn't really know what was happening. THe sports guy abruptly got off the phone and there was almost no talking as the hosts and news guy watched the story unfold. I remember looking in the mirror and thinking "We are at war."

I watched TV for a bit then had to leave for work. I was stopped at an intersection when the second plane hit. I remember - and THIS is what I will NEVER forget - looking in my rearview mirror and seeing the driver of the car stopped behind me cover is face with his hands as he two heard the news about the second plane. Time stopped then. I don't think any of the cars at the intersection moved when the light changed.

There are SO many moments from those few days around 9/11 that I will always remember. My husband is not a very emotional guy. Things don't get to him and he rarely shows emotion. But, by the time I got home from work on 9/11 he had hung up a flag bracket and a brand new flag on our first home. That's when I started to cry.

Sorry, got carried away, there. This is a great thread, can't wait to read other's comments!


New member
This is a great thread!

I was also 7 when Elvis died. I remember that I was playing something, probably Barbies on the kitchen floor when my mom's fried called. She was a HUGE Elvis fan. I didn't hear her end of the conversation, but from my mom's end I could tell someone had died. I remember thinking, "Oh, good, it was only Elvis."

I remember Reagan's assasination attempt. I overheard two teacher's talking about it on the playground in 4th grade. I was wearing an ugly green and brown winter jacket.

The Hostages were released in Iran on a Tuesday. We were on the way to a 4-H meeting when there was a special news bulletin. I remember my mom not wanting to go because she wanted to see the news.

There are probably 20 or so other "moments' that I have very clear memories of, but the big one, of course, is 9/11. I was listening to the radio, getting ready for work. The two guys on the morning show I always listen to, and their studio guest (local news anchor) were joking around with the Sports guy, Steve Czaban who calls in to do his segment. I was brushing my teeth when all of a sudden they all got quiet. The local news guy said, Ugh, this appears to be breaking news - they had a tv on in the studio with the volume off so they didn't really know what was happening. THe sports guy abruptly got off the phone and there was almost no talking as the hosts and news guy watched the story unfold. I remember looking in the mirror and thinking "We are at war."

I watched TV for a bit then had to leave for work. I was stopped at an intersection when the second plane hit. I remember - and THIS is what I will NEVER forget - looking in my rearview mirror and seeing the driver of the car stopped behind me cover is face with his hands as he two heard the news about the second plane. Time stopped then. I don't think any of the cars at the intersection moved when the light changed.

There are SO many moments from those few days around 9/11 that I will always remember. My husband is not a very emotional guy. Things don't get to him and he rarely shows emotion. But, by the time I got home from work on 9/11 he had hung up a flag bracket and a brand new flag on our first home. That's when I started to cry.

Sorry, got carried away, there. This is a great thread, can't wait to read other's comments!


New member
This is a great thread!

I was also 7 when Elvis died. I remember that I was playing something, probably Barbies on the kitchen floor when my mom's fried called. She was a HUGE Elvis fan. I didn't hear her end of the conversation, but from my mom's end I could tell someone had died. I remember thinking, "Oh, good, it was only Elvis."

I remember Reagan's assasination attempt. I overheard two teacher's talking about it on the playground in 4th grade. I was wearing an ugly green and brown winter jacket.

The Hostages were released in Iran on a Tuesday. We were on the way to a 4-H meeting when there was a special news bulletin. I remember my mom not wanting to go because she wanted to see the news.

There are probably 20 or so other "moments' that I have very clear memories of, but the big one, of course, is 9/11. I was listening to the radio, getting ready for work. The two guys on the morning show I always listen to, and their studio guest (local news anchor) were joking around with the Sports guy, Steve Czaban who calls in to do his segment. I was brushing my teeth when all of a sudden they all got quiet. The local news guy said, Ugh, this appears to be breaking news - they had a tv on in the studio with the volume off so they didn't really know what was happening. THe sports guy abruptly got off the phone and there was almost no talking as the hosts and news guy watched the story unfold. I remember looking in the mirror and thinking "We are at war."

I watched TV for a bit then had to leave for work. I was stopped at an intersection when the second plane hit. I remember - and THIS is what I will NEVER forget - looking in my rearview mirror and seeing the driver of the car stopped behind me cover is face with his hands as he two heard the news about the second plane. Time stopped then. I don't think any of the cars at the intersection moved when the light changed.

There are SO many moments from those few days around 9/11 that I will always remember. My husband is not a very emotional guy. Things don't get to him and he rarely shows emotion. But, by the time I got home from work on 9/11 he had hung up a flag bracket and a brand new flag on our first home. That's when I started to cry.

Sorry, got carried away, there. This is a great thread, can't wait to read other's comments!


New member
This is a great thread!
<br />
<br />I was also 7 when Elvis died. I remember that I was playing something, probably Barbies on the kitchen floor when my mom's fried called. She was a HUGE Elvis fan. I didn't hear her end of the conversation, but from my mom's end I could tell someone had died. I remember thinking, "Oh, good, it was only Elvis."
<br />
<br />I remember Reagan's assasination attempt. I overheard two teacher's talking about it on the playground in 4th grade. I was wearing an ugly green and brown winter jacket.
<br />
<br />The Hostages were released in Iran on a Tuesday. We were on the way to a 4-H meeting when there was a special news bulletin. I remember my mom not wanting to go because she wanted to see the news.
<br />
<br />There are probably 20 or so other "moments' that I have very clear memories of, but the big one, of course, is 9/11. I was listening to the radio, getting ready for work. The two guys on the morning show I always listen to, and their studio guest (local news anchor) were joking around with the Sports guy, Steve Czaban who calls in to do his segment. I was brushing my teeth when all of a sudden they all got quiet. The local news guy said, Ugh, this appears to be breaking news - they had a tv on in the studio with the volume off so they didn't really know what was happening. THe sports guy abruptly got off the phone and there was almost no talking as the hosts and news guy watched the story unfold. I remember looking in the mirror and thinking "We are at war."
<br />
<br />I watched TV for a bit then had to leave for work. I was stopped at an intersection when the second plane hit. I remember - and THIS is what I will NEVER forget - looking in my rearview mirror and seeing the driver of the car stopped behind me cover is face with his hands as he two heard the news about the second plane. Time stopped then. I don't think any of the cars at the intersection moved when the light changed.
<br />
<br />There are SO many moments from those few days around 9/11 that I will always remember. My husband is not a very emotional guy. Things don't get to him and he rarely shows emotion. But, by the time I got home from work on 9/11 he had hung up a flag bracket and a brand new flag on our first home. That's when I started to cry.
<br />
<br />Sorry, got carried away, there. This is a great thread, can't wait to read other's comments!
<br />
<br />


New member
I was walking along Newton Street in Greenock when I heard from a taxi radio that Elvis had died.

I was walking into my local pub (drinking establishment) 20 years ago yesterday, when on the TV I saw unfold the Piper Alpha oil rig disaster in the North sea, where 167 people lost their lives....including one of my uncles<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/july/6/newsid_3017000/3017294.stm


New member
I was walking along Newton Street in Greenock when I heard from a taxi radio that Elvis had died.

I was walking into my local pub (drinking establishment) 20 years ago yesterday, when on the TV I saw unfold the Piper Alpha oil rig disaster in the North sea, where 167 people lost their lives....including one of my uncles<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/july/6/newsid_3017000/3017294.stm


New member
I was walking along Newton Street in Greenock when I heard from a taxi radio that Elvis had died.

I was walking into my local pub (drinking establishment) 20 years ago yesterday, when on the TV I saw unfold the Piper Alpha oil rig disaster in the North sea, where 167 people lost their lives....including one of my uncles<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/july/6/newsid_3017000/3017294.stm


New member
I was walking along Newton Street in Greenock when I heard from a taxi radio that Elvis had died.

I was walking into my local pub (drinking establishment) 20 years ago yesterday, when on the TV I saw unfold the Piper Alpha oil rig disaster in the North sea, where 167 people lost their lives....including one of my uncles<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/july/6/newsid_3017000/3017294.stm


New member
I was walking along Newton Street in Greenock when I heard from a taxi radio that Elvis had died.
<br />
<br />I was walking into my local pub (drinking establishment) 20 years ago yesterday, when on the TV I saw unfold the Piper Alpha oil rig disaster in the North sea, where 167 people lost their lives....including one of my uncles<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/july/6/newsid_3017000/3017294.stm
</a><br />
<br />craig


New member
I'd be curious where I was when someone attempted to kill Reagan. I was recently at a gymnastics meet, Pitt at George Washington. I had to stop at the GWU hospital to use the loo. Only months later, looking at cheesy YouTube videos, did I realize that GWUH was where Reagan was taken after being shot.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZx_vvxE0Ds">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZx_vvxE0Ds</a> Diggin' the archaic, but still creepy, graphics.


New member
I'd be curious where I was when someone attempted to kill Reagan. I was recently at a gymnastics meet, Pitt at George Washington. I had to stop at the GWU hospital to use the loo. Only months later, looking at cheesy YouTube videos, did I realize that GWUH was where Reagan was taken after being shot.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZx_vvxE0Ds">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZx_vvxE0Ds</a> Diggin' the archaic, but still creepy, graphics.


New member
I'd be curious where I was when someone attempted to kill Reagan. I was recently at a gymnastics meet, Pitt at George Washington. I had to stop at the GWU hospital to use the loo. Only months later, looking at cheesy YouTube videos, did I realize that GWUH was where Reagan was taken after being shot.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZx_vvxE0Ds">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZx_vvxE0Ds</a> Diggin' the archaic, but still creepy, graphics.


New member
I'd be curious where I was when someone attempted to kill Reagan. I was recently at a gymnastics meet, Pitt at George Washington. I had to stop at the GWU hospital to use the loo. Only months later, looking at cheesy YouTube videos, did I realize that GWUH was where Reagan was taken after being shot.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZx_vvxE0Ds">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZx_vvxE0Ds</a> Diggin' the archaic, but still creepy, graphics.


New member
I'd be curious where I was when someone attempted to kill Reagan. I was recently at a gymnastics meet, Pitt at George Washington. I had to stop at the GWU hospital to use the loo. Only months later, looking at cheesy YouTube videos, did I realize that GWUH was where Reagan was taken after being shot.
<br />
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZx_vvxE0Ds">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZx_vvxE0Ds</a> Diggin' the archaic, but still creepy, graphics.